I'm just gonna say it, cat-people

You know this gives me an idea. What if Blizz allowed us to make our own models using parts of the existing models? Say you go to make a human right and instead of simply male female you can choose troll legs, blood elf feet, orc torso, tauren arms and it would adjust under the skin of a human so you still looked human but like a ghoulish looking hunchback creature in my example :rofl:

you sure those were’nt men? i’ve seen some of the quillboar they’re not exactly on the lean side…

I’ll only agree to this if it’s specifically regarding the creation of some forsaken abomination / frankenstein’s monster.

isn’t that the bulid-a-bomination the necrolords are doing, just without stitches?

Look, quillboar males are pretty lumpy, but not that lumpy.


Well it doesn’t have to be an abomination, I just used an extreme example to illustrate my idea :slight_smile:

What if someone wants a female human, but with the Blood Elf female frame.

ohhh… i get what your saying. different body-types… ehh… would’nt be the same without fluffy ears and a tail.

What about a female belf with a male orc frame?


I loved that Power Puff Girls episode.


The only cat people I’ll support are saberons.

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No cat people.


Now that’s an elf I can get behind.

Are you talking about Bunny? LMAO :rofl:

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Why be anime when you can be Jellicle?

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For Cat-People to fit into this game they would need to be more toward Saberon and less toward Cat-Girl Mi’qote from FF14. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some cat girls, but they don’t fit here. Really it’s a japanese thing, all cats are considered to have a feminine spirit which is why that FF race was originally female only. I like my cat people more cat and less human though given my druthers.

here’s class suggestions for this theoretical anime-catfolk race:
warrior, hunter, mage, priest, monk, paladin, druid, rogue and dk (since everyone can be’em now)


Keep that garbage away from here.


That’s what I keep saying about the classic posters, too!

they could of course, base the cat-people off the japanese. i mean, they’ve done similar things with the other races of WoW, it would’nt be too-much of a stretch.

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Yes! And they have folk music that’s basically K-Pop with tribal instruments lol. Obviously they are required to be on the Alliance, if they go horde we riot

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