I'm just gonna say it, cat-people

Given Blizzard’s history if WoW got cat people they would be fully anthropomorphic felines and not humans with nekomimi

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I mean, if they do it correctly, those six breasts will all be flat anyways, so the only change they have to make is to the underwear.

We have them. Feral Druids


blizzard also gave us devil-mercy and d.va as a catgirl (or was that fanwork?). i don’t think cat-girl/boy waifu/husbandos is too far of a stretch. (also, i hope i’m typing husbando correctly). they’d just have to come-up with some crazy-lore for’em.

In this world where even kobolds and quillboar have been seen with whahoonies?

That’s about as not-correct as you get. The Titans pretty much made sure that everyone has Jugglypuffs.

So the titans are pervs, that makes a lot of things suddenly make more sense…

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I usually see it as husbando and occasionally hasubando

Khajiit! Tell them to bring Skooma


…why are you looking at the kobold and quillboar’s honkabangaloos??

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Yeah… now that you mention it, I wonder why the planet itself doesn’t have a big fat pair of honkers.


Saberon come to mind. And maybe the Tol’vir.


More like egotists. Males follow the base pattern of male Titans, females follow the base pattern of female Titans, and we are the result.

Now, whoever designed and forged sets like Saltstone, Bloodscale, and Glorious… well, I consider them brilliant, personally, but the perv argument is valid there too. (The simple fact that they do work as armor suggests brilliant is not to be denied.)

It does. Serenity peak and ironforge.

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…what does that make mount-hyjal? nevermind, i don’t wanna know!

Azeroth hasnt decided her gender yet?

maybe she has, and she’s taken after the denizens of goldshire. :wink:


I would be alright provided they are not the overly anime stuff we see from FFXIV.

So where exactly did sargeras stick his sword…

Dude. When you’re in pitched face to face battle with a quillboar at least, and you’re my height, you don’t exactly have a choice but to notice physical gender appearance. They’re literally right in my face.

As for kobolds, you just kind of pick up on these things. And those things.

i wanna say in her bellybutton, but since the chamber of the heart takes damage from it, i’m gonna say the middle of her chest (or wherever the heart is contained)