I'm glad I play classic and not retail

Here is the truth.

Classic is retail.

Same sub, built off of legion architecture, bnet included and same playerbase mentality.

Retail was a term created/used by private server players when they did not have an option to pay to play a vanilla version of the game and now they do.

Welcome to retail.

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Speaking of nothing to do. You came classic forums. What’s that saying I am looking for?? Hmmmm…

If you’re looking for raids more difficult than classic though, you should really try LFR.


LFR is harder than Mythic…


Classic fans want classic to stay it how it was. Retail is for Barbie customization. Different audience.

its hella fun and I am having a great time!

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Classic is retail.

Same sub, built off of legion architecture, bnet included and same playerbase mentality.

Retail was a term created/used by private server players when they did not have an option to pay to play a vanilla version of the game and now they do.

Welcome to retail.


TBH, I get the reason people are upset about the looms change.

It’s 5,000 gold per item to upgrade them per step. That adds up to a lot of gold, spent with the expectation they would be worth it.

Things change, sure. But anyone who upgraded their looms beyond a certain point objectively got poor value for their money, and they are complaining because they got ripped off.

So it’s a good thing that Classic has massive problems that make big chunks of the game horrible, and retail is at a point where one of the biggest issues is cosmetics?

Just take a step back and consider what you’re saying here.

That’d be like saying ‘ha, people who live in city x are complaining about not having bike lanes what a terrible city. Luckily I live in city y, where our complaints are about not being able to safely leave our homes, our water system being broken so we can’t get clean water and our buildings crumbling due to disrepair. City Y is so much better!’

I wonder if someone on retail is looking over here and saying ‘you know what, while we’re complaining about cosmetics- it could be worse, we could be playing classic where the top raid guild doxx’d and threatened to kill a guy, and the top toxic guild used the auto banning system to try to ruin another player’s scarab lord attempt’.


There is no auto banning system from player reports.


With how fast I’ve seen some players banned from mass reporting, there might as well be - whoever handles those tickets is asleep at the wheel sometimes.

Maybe, it’s possible that some GMs are just not good at their jobs.

From the interactions I’ve had with GMs since launch over various issues, I’d say that a good amount of the ones who handle initial ticket encounters before escalating them to a Senior GM haven’t ever played the game and have no real training in the game’s systems - it’s like they follow a checklist/flow chart of what copy/paste response to give.

Would not surprise me if they’re expected to resolve a certain number of tickets each week to maintain good standing in their position and just fly through report tickets like that without giving them the attention they deserve.

Hehe the sims takes more effort then classic wow. So far every boss on release has been steam rolled. Kinda makes you think about those YouTube guides etc. more time went into those guides then downing the bosses!!

No joke, it really is. In mythic you get to choose the people you go with, you can kick people at your whim and replace fill your group with the best. In LFR, you work with what you get, it can get real entertaining real quick.

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Leveling is super broken in retail. I rolled a mechagnome rogue last week just to be able to open lock boxes. Level 20-60 was literally just Darkshire and Stranglethorn. As for my experiences from 60-110, I couldn’t even finish a zone in a given expansion before it was time to move on. Mind you, I even skipped two expansions because the game is currently set up to let you do that. So my leveling journey so far has been Darkshire -> Stranglethorn -> Borean Tundra -> Jade Forest -> Shadowmoon Valley -> Aszuna -> Stormsong Valley. I’ve been playing 3-4 hours a day for a week and a half, and I’m already level 112. I hear it’s even more broken if you do instances, but I’ve only done a couple for quest purposes.

For Shadowlands, they plan to expedite it even further. Then they wonder why everyone unsubs within a couple of months of the expansion dropping. It’s like they don’t realize that the leveling experience is 95% of the fun of the game for most of us.

You summed up 15 years of GD just by saying this.

R-GD reminds me of Twitter.

I like certain select features & improvements of retail (most cosmetic & race options), but the game feels an absolute soulless dumpster fire to actually play & has been that way since WotLK.

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Both are depressing to me.

I don’t want to play retail because of the big brother “your gameplay is degenerate” approach the dev team has to nerfing fun. Not a big fan of rep tabards being taken away, the stupid GCD change, the AoE cap to level out class imbalances and a lot of other stupid decisions like pathfinder.

I also don’t want to play Classic nor really TBC seeing I did exactly that at launch. Though I admit I may change my mind come winter and nothing else is going on. If Elden Ring and Cyberpunk really show off I’m gone until 10.x.

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When the classic meta from private servers became the norm classic became retail for me, it’s the same game now. In retail you go to the chamber of the heart to get your borrowed power and in classic you sit in stormwind or org and wait for your borrowed power

At least in Star Wars galaxies you had buff classes like musician\dancers and doctors that provided a gameplay element to the buffs. On top of that the buffs in that game were stronger than world buffs in classic.

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