I'm glad I play classic and not retail

I agree. But I noticed there is a trend in pvp movies of people model/gear changing via some addon or third party program. Blizz does not ban even though its supposed to be against ToS as far as I know.

My point is I instantly turn of these videos. I have zero interest in watching some 3k hp rogue with devil saur gear pvp using a t3 transmog changing the dalrends into thunderfury.

That transmog stuff is so eh :confused:

Skinning knife with 30 SP. Better than most weapons you’ll use as a caster pre 60, and doesn’t bind, meaning it can be resold.


While I think the general discussion is a cesspit worse than even classic with tiny muscles babbies who will complain about the time of day, I don’t really think that you’re completely correct in that no one complains here in the classic forums about things like barbershop. There are tiny babby muscle people here too.

Those are also BFA players who try out Classic, 99% of the times posting with an 120 toon

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So, you’re happy to play a game with serious problems, instead of a game where the biggest problem is character customiztion?

That doesn’t make much sense.


Lol classic community is so sensitive about forum avatars

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Today I replied from my alt to quote something from the EULA to essentially debunk what they were saying, they called me a coward for not posting from my main instead of acknowledging that they were blatantly proven wrong.

So yeah 100% agree for that one

A Lot of “Karens” and “Darrens” play Retail.

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Neither retail nor classic is perfect

At least in classic you know what to expect

I hate devs suddenly change your spec

I play both. There’s so much different about them. I feel like retail is a really heavy player modded version of WoW.

The foundation is solid, but each expansion after feels softer, more pliable to the point that it’s metaphorically a house of cards sitting on a wooden table.

Boycott retail until males have as much customization options as females.


Haha yeah I haven’t understood this complaint either. By all accounts, going from 1-50 in shadowlands, which would bring you into the start of shadowlands content, will take a brand new never played wow player less than 20 hours. And reasonably experienced players will be able to get from 1 to shadowlands in 13-14 hours /played. But still people are complaining that that’s too long?!

Thanks for advertising your stupidity.

i never understood it neither, with the current boost prices, the heirlooms save you obscene amount of gold over a competitive boost, and continue to do so to this day. And after the change they’ll still trivialize gear progression afaik. ilvl while levelling is broken.

People have invested time and gold into heirlooms which give them an advantage in levelling speed, compared to people without them. In shadowlands, that advantage is taken away. That makes people unhappy.

Classic made me go back to retail. Yes vanilla was super fun, i played the crap out of it. When i tried classic, all i could think “why play this old content, that i played the crap out of if during vanilla”. I like the way wow has played out over the decade. I want new content, not old

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I understand that anytime something is taken away people are going to be upset by default, but what’s happening here is so much more than heirlooms getting nerfed. Leveling is getting completely revamped from the ground up, to make it dramatically simpler for everyone. Blizzard is saying “look, we’ve maid leveling as simple, painless, and fast as logistically possible” and people are saying “yes, but why isn’t it even easier?”

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No, I think people are just angry they lost their advantage. It’s just human nature.

LOL and us retail players see the classic forums and literally all the posts are:

-people whining about premades
-people whining about other people whining about premades
-people whining about bugs
-people whining about dead servers
-people whining about bg queus
-people whining about not being able to find dungeo groups
-people whining about hackers
-people whining about being banned after botting their way through the rank 14 grind
-people whining about the game being an easy joke.
-people whining about toxic elitists in a 15 y/o game.
-people whining about bots

And its been these same posts since classic launched.

You say retail is depressing? LOL