I'm finally doing a superbloom without war mode on


“without war mode on”

I’m confused. Are a lot of the NPCs horde?

As someone who only plays on pvp servers, it was a massive mistake.
Warmode should have been reserved only for rp and pve servers for the option to wpvp.

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I would’ve left RPPvP servers alone, as well.

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Yea… adding warmode completely defeated the purpose of pvp servers.
Heck I never turned it off once it became a thing until korthia in SL. The game became unplayable due to how bad the imbalance became from how many turned it off.

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Yeah, PvPers got royally screwed with Warmode, imo.

The revamp to servers that removed PvP servers defeated the purpose of PvP servers. That was quite literally the point, Warmode on functions as an old PvP server, Warmode off functions as an old PvE server.

Point or not, it did way more harm than good. Effectively neutering wpvp and pvp servers.

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It did more good than harm, by integrating actual PvP systems and letting people opt in and out of the PvP server experience as desired, without the tedium of maintaining multiple characters just to do that.

Like I said previously, as someone who has played on a pvp server for 14+ years. I got to watch the decline. Primarily during and after legion.

Warmode segregated the community. As more opt’d out, less opt’d back in. Which further expanded the faction imbalance to the point where you couldn’t even do a daily without running into a 40 man raid camping town.

Now if you opt into warmode, you’ll see hardly anyone. The ones that are there are either camping people or farming because its a dead zone.
Heck if I can’t get a certain thing, I turn it back on because I know it will be up.

My rares for my DF meta? Spent days going for rares. Turned on warmode. Was done in an hour or so for ALL zones. Why? Major lack of players in comparison to warmode off.

Point being warmode essentially killed pvp on pvp servers.

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The decline during legion? Yeah sounds like a warmode problem, nevermind that wasn’t a thing during legion.

Yeah, world pvp isn’t that popular. PvP isn’t especially popular and World PvP is a small part of that small community.

There are no PvP servers or PvE servers, and there haven’t been since BfA. Warmode encourages people to engage with it, however. World pvp being unpopular killed world pvp.

Agreed. Not a lot of people want to get ganked by stealths or deathballs while they quest.

BfA had some good wPvP systems that were popular though. Not sure why blizz didn’t continue those methods.

Also, anyone who is actually into wPvP can find wPvP. Usually when they say “there’s no one in WM” they aren’t trying, or they’re wanting to “only win” by ganking.


Yea, warmode dropped DURING legion. Prepatches, who knew. Kind of wild that I did wpvp all legion then miraculously after prepatch dropped, wpvp declined. Of course it picked back up again a bit during early bfa, but then fell off and just kept declining.

It was. Not being able to turn it off, forced interaction.
Can’t tell you how many server wars I started back in mop.

Yea SINCE warmode was added.
And just because you remove the label, doesn’t change the fact that a lot of us rolled on those servers for the pvp exerperience.

More so removing permanent pvp killed wpvp.

“No one” as in the general wow experience.
If you turn on warmode now, you’ll see people farming or ganking. Not much of what you’d normally do in warmode.

Prior, you’d just play. Sometimes pvp would happen. Sometimes it wouldn’t. Sometimes you’d get camped. Sometimes you’d do the camping.
Sometimes you’d invite some people from the zone because you were getting 1v3’d. Then they’d invite more. Then you’d invite more.
Next thing you know, you have 2 40 man raids going against each other in a zone.

That doesn’t really happen anymore. Now you turn it on if there is a thing you want, but it’s never up under warmode off, or you just want to camp people.


The latter is me. I go into WM because it’s a dead zone and easy to farm or find the rares I’m looking for.

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Only reason I use it now sadly.

That or coins from warmode wq for pvp mog rofl.

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But it goes back to the truth that it just isn’t popular anymore. If people really want to do it they will. If as many people wanting wPvP kept their WM on all the time they’d have what you describe. But the fact is not many actually want to do that.

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It’s not, but the truth also relates to the why as well. Cause and effect.

Maybe I misread your previous post, but what is the Why? Are you saying that people aren’t turning WM on because it’s not rewarding enough?

Back in my day… PVP was always on.

Warmode was their solution to people being stuck in PvP servers(because they used to be fun/good) and being ganked by bored toddlers that kill you in less than 1 attack then fly away while you don’t even have a mount.