I'm finally doing a superbloom without war mode on

And I have never died as much to horde as I am now.

All according to plan.

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Sounds about right. PvP just isn’t appetizing like it was before.

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Yeah. I think I’ll turn it back on for next time. At least that way there are fewer people, and those who are there will help.

I don’t PvP, but I still think Warmode was a mistake and it killed the Emerald Dream server, along with a lot of PvP communities.


How do you die in Superbloom without war mode?


Wait… was this thread commenting on how few people there are in Warmode or complaining you were killed while staying flagged outside of Warmode?

You flag yourself. And if that’s the complaint… I’m confused as to why OP didn’t unflag themselves.


then he couldn’t make a thread about it


Ah, I was waiting to see how long it would take someone to figure it out. Five points to you.

Come on, Blizzard. It’s toggleable. If I have to turn off war mode to see people in world events, it should drop instantly. Especially if I then change zones.


I don’t PvP much, I went to Tich because it was Horde heavy and PST. But I definitely miss some of the random encounters.

Some of the more memorable moments were when we didn’t fight.

I remember I would cast Fear on random alliance people at the entrance of raid zones, and we wouldn’t come to blows. Or stumbling upon an Alliance getting crushed in the world, saving them, and walking away, not sure if they would strike me as soon as they healed up.

I don’t turn on Warmode though. I guess when it was part of the server, I enjoyed it, but if I have to enable it, I can go without it.

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You start flagged. And then you stay flagged because there are 2-4 other people who are also flagged that just camp you.

Oh… okay. So the flag didn’t drop. Yeah, it still has a 5 minute timer on it.

I’ve been known to forget about that and then be like, “OMG HOW DID I JUST GET KILLED?!” Then look at my flag and go, “… oops.” LOL

I usually take a flightpath to clear it quickly.


I’ve never had this occur exiting war mode, when I toggle it off I am not flagged. Though, you can do Superbloom with wm on too

That isn’t what killed Emerald Dream as a server. It’s telling that you don’t and haven’t played there when ED was in its prime by this statement.


PvP died before Warmode was even a thing, lol.

It was already hanging on for dear life back in Cataclysm thanks to League of Legends lol, and it’s only been downhill since.

WoW is just too slow to even start a PvP game, nevermind the queues.

It’s only been growing (wait times) as time goes on, only casual PvP still has reasonably short queues, if you don’t mind waiting about 9 minutes or so.


Maybe he hadn’t, but I played Emerald Dream from the day the server launched through BfA. I was in wpvp back when No Mercy Mafia was the premier Alliance pvp guild.

Yes, warmode is a massive part of why Emerald Dream died. That and horrendous sharding.

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That was absolutely part of it. I was on ED and had friends with guilds there.

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WoW was never meant to PvP game. This is coming from someone who loved PvPing in WoW, you just got to accept it’s a side-attraction to whatever Blizzard’s main attraction is. If you want (reletively) balanced competitive PvP with classes/characters/whatever designed around PvP there are better games. tbh one of my favorite aspects of WoW PvP was the game wasn’t designed around it, so you had TONS of crazy stuff you could do with abilities added with PvE in mind.


Not really.
It exists so folks can’t do something like murder a bunch of NPCs and then unflag oneself to then not have any players be able to deal with you.

The reality is that the 5 minute timer exists for a reason, and has existed since… vanilla? I’m not sure but I think so. Ultimately the point is that it prevents griefing and the negatives of it make for more funny stories than negative gameplay experiences.