I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

If people work hard for it or not does not matter. According the EULA you don’t own anything, therefore take it with a grain of salt.

I’ve been paying full price for expansions since Warlords and now all of them are bundled with the base game for free.

Where’s my refund?

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Your digital investment was shameful–to begin with.

And here they are addressing it and moving forward. :slight_smile:

I hope we’re moving beyond $3,000 mounts and 17 million achievement points, ASAP.

This is a game where the player character STILL hasn’t hit the Powerball Jackpot after going for it for 18 years.

“When I was your age, I was a young mage, starting out in Northshire Abby in Elwynn Forest. Hehehe. Let me tell you!”

[(NPC) (poor, poor NPC)] “Yeah Ok, tell me ALL ABOUT IT.”

i cant wait to minimize and mute that twitch stream and get my feldrake that i will learn and discard into my collection never to sit upon. as soon as this was announce the feldrake is now instantly the worst and about to be the most common mount in wow. congrats blizz.

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Riding ancient pride easy is more about sending a message.

Times change.

If you purchase the game with the knowledge that in a year or so there will be a new expansion. Then you understand the agreement being made. If you have a mount that is only obtainable in one method and costs a substantial amount of gold or $ for 10 years, then becomes free to everyone over night. Then you might understand how some players are feeling.

A tissue box with a bow. Also all those other drops?

As someone who owned the Blazing Hippogryph in Wrath and saw the Flameward Hippogryph come out in Cata - higher rez, brighter, armored, WAY easier to obtain, and stealing literally all of the blazing hippogryph’s thunder overnight, I’ll tell you what Blizz will get you: a middle finger.

But who cares? It’s a mount, enjoy it because it’s cool, yours and fits your character(s). I am annoyed at the Blazing Hippogryph 2.0 and never got a whisper about my mount again, but you know what? It was/is still my favorite.

None of these are equivalent. Frankly you are a sad, disgusting excuse for a human being for even caring about this.

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I understand where you are coming from, I really do. But this won’t happen. This is literally no different than what happens all over the real world and you just have to move on.

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How about blizzard gives us normal flying in dragon isles to go with our snazzy new fel drakes?

Or I guess we can just forget they exist for 2 years.

I’m excited to see what original owners of the Spectral Tiger will be getting for what happened in China.

why you so salty bro? just a game

nothing pretty much.

im gonna laugh if the mount/kite pet is actually only temporary for the twitch drop such as it lasts only up to the day DF drops. basically like the broomstick mount pretty much which was seasonal but for this it would just be an expansion hype thing.

El o El! I don’t mean to laugh, but that statement is just hilarious. Why does it matter so much that the fel drake is now accessible by the masses? Do you really crave to be that special?

Imma bottle these tears from the suckers who blew so much on pixels and sell them for 5g each. Get 'em while they last!


I’d be happy with an Achievement for the OG owners who had the card. I was one of the lucky ones who got the Feldrake from an actual TCG pack (same with the Mottled Drake, and I paid 100 bucks for the Corrupted 'Gryph from a card shop in Canada while I lived there for a time). I’d be tickled to death to get a FOS for the OG people who have the actual, non-promo mounts. That way the peeps like me who got insanely lucky, or spent the money on the card code, are at least able to differentiate between ourselves and the people who got it via Promo - that way, everyone is able to get something cool, but there’s still the distinction between the Promo Drakes and the OG drakes. I feel like this would stop people complaining about having the OG one vs. the Promo one being released, with no extra work on Blizz’s part short of slapping a new FOS in.

ETA: I honestly don’t care, I think it’s neat they’re giving people the opportunity to get something pretty unique, the only thing I’m salty about is that they bake in addons from people who do the coding work to make those addons, and yet encourage donation monies to people who literally do nothing but stream their game. So it’s okay for people who put in no effort, essentially, to profit off their game, but people who do actual coding work and upkeep addons are getting that money yanked from them. It’s ridiculous. I wouldn’t be doing the Promo regardless, I hate what Twitch has turned into as far as this game.

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I get whispers about mine all the time. Despite the Flameward one being around, the Blazing is pretty unique modeled, and it’s noticeable because you don’t see a lot of them anymore. I play on RP servers, and even then if people have them, they don’t use them a lot, so they get noticed. Maybe you’re just on a server that has a bunch of them, idk. But it’s def a gorgeous mount! Way cooler than the Flameward, tbh.


I think you should get something new in the same way Riot does (maybe an ancient fel drake?), but let’s face it, you won’t. Many modern games have followed down the path of handing out old exclusives to appease new players, and when the original owners complain, all the new people celebrate and taunt like it’s some sort of victory.

Personally, I don’t see how this is much different from handing out old gladiator, raid meta, or otherwise special mounts. They never explicitly said these are time limited, so like the T3 BMAH reintroduction, they could absolutely do it. I would simply hope the devs have the integrity to not do it, but decisions like this fel drake make me think otherwise.