I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

TLDR: You had an impossible to obtain mount for 12 years and you want more because a recolor of that mount is being given away.

That is silly and entitled.

You got 12 years of it the new people didn’t.

They… aren’t giving away a recolor of the Fel Drake…

Well, an earlier post said it was a recolor. Whether its is or not does not change the observation. This and other related “issues” are silly.

i understand why owners are upset about this, especially if it was one of your rarest mounts…the tcg rewards were special in their own way…

this is why they should have started with the spectral tiger first imo…just get the crying over with early - then release the other (imo lesser) rewards later :100:


I don’t have the feldrake, but I agree that original owners should get something special since they’re basically giving it to everyone now. Even a title would be good enough, I think.

Something like that wouldn’t even be unprecedented, they gave the owners of the original black qiraji battle tank an updated version for no reason at all a while back.

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Well paid.

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Honestly, I’m still a bit shocked that they soon will be giving out Feldrakes en masse. Clearly they don’t like the secondary market for the tcg mounts and this is an attack on that. I see the reasoning there. But the last time I ever saw a feldrake on the auction house was a couple years ago, and it went for 9 million gold. If I had spent that kind of gold only to see this happen I would be furious.

IMEO, rare mounts should stay rare. It’s part of what makes the game interesting and challenging. You win some you lose some. After hundreds of attempts I know I will probably never have the headless horseman mount, but I was able to get the timereaver to drop so things balance out. Making those mounts commonplace would diminish the mystique of both.

So I hope they don’t overdo it when it comes to rare mounts and how they are distributed.

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And you’re commiting the mistake to compare 2 mounts provided by the game with mounts from outside sources. I’ve most of the TCG mounts and I consider that this change is good for the overall player base.

They’ll get the same as the original owners of Bananas; probably nothing!


I keep wondering where all this outcry was when Bananas was given out to all.


I’m excited that you’re excited!


I dont care that other people get the drake. I care that I spent a fair chuck of change on something that was only suppose to be available on TGC. Now people just get it for free. They could at least have you choose between a Feldrake and a new mount, that way people that have it dont get screwed.

Just send me a long boi in my mail and ill be happy


It is good you can not wait. You should not wait. Definitely do not hold your breath.

Slash 10 char

All you get is the satisfaction of having had it for years.

I agree, I reckon even a recolor would be fantastic! Mounts are like titles, a sign of status and when you just give that away after people have worked really hard to achieve that…it’s kind of a big slap in the face. I reckon a little recognition would go a long way :slight_smile:

I’d imagine they get to skip a 4 hour twitch session because they already have the mount?

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