I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

Your getting excited for nothing OP. You are not being given anything special because “I paid thousands of $$ for a PLAYER CREATED PRICE mount I got through a code on a tgc card”. You got to use the mount for 12 years before we did, that’s enough of a reward for you.


The same thing I got when they added the Zulian tiger I farmed for ages to the BMAH so people can buy it with WoW tokens.

What I received as compensation was absolutely incredible. Please wait patiently at your closest mailbox and look forward to it, I’m sure you wont be disappointed!

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“But I can’t feel special anymore in a game where I do not own anything!!”


40 pieces of silver?

These people will have a real shock if wow shuts servers down in their lifetime and lose all their precious things they thought they “owned”.

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Exactly this!

I feel sorry for these people. They cling too much onto the game for the contract the developers give us. Imagine how weak their will for self-respect is.

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There is no way TCG is on par with glad or cutting edge content. :rofl:

I think half the reason they’ve started to do this with old promotional items are because people are breaking TOS selling accounts for large amounts of real world money and that was not the intended use for these fun cosmetic items. If you spent tons of money for this, that’s your problem and the cards themselves were never that expensive.(I bought some cards for tcg and some with gold.) They already gave away a pet which I spent tons on but I don’t care cause everyone should be able to enjoy collecting COSMETICS in a GAME. The servers will eventually go down one day so all that gold and money you spent will be gone, and that’s fine. But let people enjoy the game. I got a huge collection of pets and mounts and many of them were removed from the game. I don’t care if anything comes back or people get it for free because it’s nice to see people happy and again it is a GAME.

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Not that I’ve done any research, but I don’t think they’ll get anything. Life…. Ain’t fair

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Upset about pixels lmao

You’ll get nothing, and you’ll keep subbing for it.


You’re right there is no comparison. I can buy Glad for the season, Mythic Keystone master for the season, AND Cutting edge with it’s respective mount for cheaper than the average TCG mount…but sure keep comparing those cookies.


Or, alternatively, make them really hard to get. The Mage Tower skins were cool for 2 reasons:

  1. They looked great.
  2. They were a reward for completing a hard challenge.

Artificial rarity is lame - player experience is enriched by being rewarded for doing something in exchange for it.
If I could get X mount for completing Y difficult challenge on a character, I’d still feel very satisfied about it. Cosmetics don’t need to have FOMO attached to them in order to be memorable.

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Rather, why not just give the previous owners an extra feldrake and same goes for the other mounts? I mean, we spent a certain amount of gold on them, so that way we can get back some, in some cases more.

The problem here is that “claim mount” does nothing if you already have it, if “claim mount” gave you another in inventory or by mail, at least you would have a compensation, although the rarity would still be killed, but not giving compensation is just an insult, just like OP said.

Its not supposed to. Blizzard owns these mounts, not the players. You pay $15 to access them, you RENT these items. You also only bought a license to access wow. You dont own anything in wow yourself. As the owners are blizz, they can hand them out as they wish.