I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

It’s honor simply because the “U” is silent, and therefore doesn’t do anything.

Tricky bait, but not tricky enough

God damn, the amount of brainlets coming out of the woodwork is staggering.

It also boils down to the fact that no one would have purchased card packs (or cards/codes aftermarket) if they had known it would one day be free.

It’d be like if Blizzard put up a store mount and gave it out as a twitch drop a day later after people had just spent $25 on them in the store. Then if people complained about that, you’d be saying “Stop being entitled, it’s not like they said it would never be available as a drop so you shouldn’t expect anything, it literally doesn’t hurt you all it’s helping everyone else, paying for it doesn’t make you special, why are you mad you got it a whole day early to flex on everybody so you got what you paid for.”

It’s just cringe.

If you want to suck the bottom of Blizzard’s b***** milk stained boots, just say so.


OP is right to feel jipped because why stop at the feldrake? Why not make ever TCG perk available for free?

I think it’s because some things should remain cool and unique and rare/unobtainable.

I don’t own ANY TCG stuff, and I’m envious of seeing when someone has a cool old rare thing that I can’t get, and that’s a component of MMOs that used to make them feel special.

Giving everything to everyone kinda lowers the stakes and makes stuff banal and pointless.

If blizz wants to bring back the Feldrake, they should start adding cards inside like hearthstone packs at a low drop chance to mimic the TCG rates and give out bonus content thru that medium as a replacement. That way players have to jump thru the same hoop as old TCG collectors, but at least they’d be available and on fair ground.


:musical_note: WELL I JUST GOT INTO TOWN ABOUT AN HOUR AGO :musical_note:

You dont have to watch 4 hours of twitch. That’s a prize worth having.

Everything you post is juvenile.


Tell us how much you spent on crypto

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Interested in what crypto has to do with this? Crypto isn’t easily replicated at some point down the road like a digital video game dragon is.

This is more akin to the beanie baby boom/bust. On the bright side, in about 4 days, those who miss out will have to buy a less sought after code again, or hope it happens again.

I invested $0 on Beanie Babies (or WoW codes).


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Thank you for your post, I would be happy if they introduced a new feldrake that had an updated model, why dig up old bones and give them away for free.


Current feldrake owners will be getting nothing :dracthyr_lulmao: You already have the mount. You don’t need anything else. And if you spent loads of money on it, that’s no one else’s problem but your own.


1 day later is a way different story than 15 years later…

who’re you to say that they were never meant to be widely accessible? do you work at activision-blizzard? can you say that with absolute certainty?

I’m looking forward to receiving my black AQ40 mount in the mail.


Did many people ask for this mount? It’s a bland looking drake.

Idk, the black scarab would require at least watching a promotional stream for 5 hours. You know have to keep the challenge equal. :eyes:

“Oh man, they’re giving away trophies at the local State Faire?! Can’t wait to get my Olympic Gold Medal!”



Blizzard will give you guys that got the drake 5g and tell you not to spend it all in one place.


Just reskin the damn thing. Make it a Naru drake with a dranei sign on its head instead.

Others including myslef paid a tidy sum for the feldrake, instead I could have bought multiple PVP saddles…

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