I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

…because you pulled cards…

Compensation for your pride? What?!?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Blizzard owns the mount design. They can do what they wish with it.

Welcome to the way the world works. What you pay today for an item, doesn’t guarantee that it will always be worth that price, or that the item will always be as exclusive as it once was.

You aren’t owed anything except the item you paid for, which you received after payment. Transaction complete.


I don’t see what your point is. They still didn’t obtain it the “Real Way”.

Do you have the mount? Did you buy it with millions of gold? You achieved nothing special, you just spent gold that you farmed im game to get an in game item… There could just as easily be another elitist out there that says, “If you didn’t go out to the store and physically buy card packs… spending potentially thousands of dollars… then you shouldn’t be able to have this mount.”

Why is buying it with gold (not the original method of obtaining the mount) any different than getting it from a twitch drop (also not the original method of obtaining the mount) neither one requires the real world commitment that was actually neccesary to get the mount, so they’re both equally valid methods… And to keep this going, both methods are inferior to someone who did physically go to a store, buy the packs, opened the packs and put in the code. That should be the only “real way” to get the mount and anybody that got it by any other means shouldn’t feel proud of having it.

Its still going to be exclusive, chances are that most players can’t or won’t log in and watch someone play on twitch for 4 hours just to get this thing (i know i won’t)… It’s going to be slightly less rare, but it’s still going to be rare… and after the twitch drop, the price will probably go back up and it will sell for millions of gold to people who missed out on the twitch drop but still want the mount.

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Paying for carries does not require skill, contrary to popular belief.

Yeah the CC is in the toilets right now. The smart aleck takes are just bad.

You get one inventory slot used as duped item

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People really need to realize the TCG loot was never exclusive to just packs, and they were handing them out at events like Blizzcon as prizes and rewards for various things. (Loot Tornado, Gacha Machines, ect ect.)

Promotional stuff without particular clauses can come back and be used for other promotions. TCG stuff never had any legal jargon saying they’d never be reprinted or redistributed.

People keep comparing apples to a table.
TCG loot are not elite sets. They’re not the brutosaur. They’re not even something from a promotion with conditions like Tyreal’s Charger.

I expected them to rotate these back in as prizes like they were at in person events, random giveaways during streams or from social media contests, but meh.

This thing was rare, but nobody was using it and it never had any of the prestige usually associated with TCG loot either because it was using an outdated model when it launched, is ugly as heck, and had a mysterious influx of stock back in MoP/WoD.

Like, outside the most hardcore of collectors, who actually cared about this thing? I don’t even use mine, it sucks. Most of the late TCG mounts did outside the Ghastly Charger.

And what you got, that most other people will never have even if they get the mount now by doing the Twitch drop thing, is 12 years of use of the mount while it was more rare.

  • When the world’s first iPad came out, you had the Feldrake mount.
  • When ‘Gangnam Style’ was a top hit, you had the Feldrake mount.
  • You had the Feldrake mount when Kony 2012 was big
  • You had the Feldrake mount when Robin Williams was still alive
  • You had the Feldrake mount during Occupy Wall Street, the George Floyd protests and Brexit
  • You had the Feldrake mount when Instagram was founded
  • You had the Feldrake mount through MOST of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

No one who will be getting the mount for the first time through the Twitch drop got all that time with it and never will.

What if Blizzard just gave everyone who already has the Fel Drake $3000 in Blizzard balance?

I don’t think so, I think it should be the exact same mount to cut the $$ value to nothing. no in game mount should be able to be sold for $$ ever.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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i wanna get stuff in wow without playing on it

Because you enjoyed it and the reward. If your sole joy is exclusivity, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

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Good thing you deleted this silly novel you wrote since you looked ridiculous. It’s a mount that some of you jokes spent thousands of rl money to obtain over a decade ago as that’s on you. You people go ballistic on every single thing on the game, no wonder Blizz ignores us. It’s pixels, get over it or walk.

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They couldn’t pay me to watch a twitch stream for 4 hours, let alone ones I most likely don’t like at all personality wise.

If it makes them feel any better I won’t be tuning in for any of those mediocre rewards. Gotta watch like what 10 hours of twitch muted in another tab and for the pet you’ll have to give 5 bucks to two rando streamers.

People might be overestimating just how many people are gonna claim that ugly looking drake. Can’t even get a sizable amount of the player base to use the forums, I’d be shocked if the majority of them would be willing to have a silly stream up for 4+ hours assuming they can even figure out how to link their account to twitch.

To be fair, that’s exactly what the TCG mounts were to most people, they represented weeks, months and sometimes years of grinding and/or playing the AH to buy them.

If Blizzard wanted to put the TCG’s back in the game, they should have come back in as gold sinks, just put them all into the BMAH loot table and be done with it. Personally i won’t lose any sleep over this Feldrake situation, but i find it annoying that instead of using one of the dozens of unique unused mounts they had available to them, Blizzard decided to give away something like a TCG that people spent a heap of gold on (or in some cases real cash).

Imagine if the AH bronto was given away as a Twitch drop 5 years from now, there would be a huge fuss kicked up over it being given away.

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Imagine if a company made a product, then as a promotion they gave away X amount of product for free to people who participated in the event… Happens all the time.

Holy copium batman. Please tell me the skill involved in pulling cards? How do WE know you pulled all thoae packs? Do you have receipts? Do you have the booster sleeves? I’m guessing no. So you then become no different than some guy last week spending 3k and buying the mount online.

You might know otherwise, but this whole ‘i have money irl so let me show it in game’ is disguised by ‘wanting to be rewarded for getting it back then’.

Glad mounts required actual skill to achieve, so theyre right in not passing those out like candy. But you’re naive if you think buying a box of boosters and opening them requires any ‘skill’ that you should he rewarded for. In fact, you already have, you own the mount.

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It’s a thwumping in the mug I tell ya.

A thwumping…

In the mug…



By golly it’s a mug thwumper!

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elitist started, they are saying “gLaD iS nOt tHe SaMe aS tCg”, now its time to make noise and get for free old glad mounts.

when did i think i was stamping out toxicity? lmao that isn’t happening on these forums