I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

Yes, very affordable for awhile. I was even picking up Ghastlys and Riding Turtles by the bunch for 40k each just to give out at Christmas.

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I wasn’t around to receive the zulian tiger or black scarab mount. So please tell me which stream I need to watch for 4 hours to get these too. It’s only fair.

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The Feldrake was a rare trading card game mount and should have remained so. Think of something you worked hard for in the game, and they just handed it out to everyone for free. Wouldn’t you be upset too? And yes, some people did work hard to get this mount like farming the gold to afford it, or even buying many packs to get it. Also reading through the replies from the beginning of this thread really shows how toxic the wow community has become over the years. Just because someone has an opinion about a topic doesn’t mean they should be talked poorly to.

Keeping the Feldrake as a restricted mount could be argued as a form of toxicity in itself.

If they wanted to give other players a chance at it, they should have put it on the black-market auction house like some of the other TCG mounts.

I think there is a difference between taking something that was exclusively out of game like the Feldrake and putting it onto a new promotion, versus taking a in-game accomplishment and handing it out for free.

If Blizzard gave everyone Invincible for free if they watched a stream during Wrath Classic this would be an entirely different story.

I have the mount from the card game way back when. I’m a little upset about it, but it is what it is.

It would be nice to see a different skin possibly for those who already own the original?

Shouldn’t this twitch stream event be for everyone to gain a reward? As it is now with myself and others who have it through whatever means, we won’t feel this event as something special. :frowning:

No, you’ll just have the Feldrake.

You essentially had exclusive access to it for years. It’s now time to share.


Nothing. That’s what you get for spending money on pixels. Consider this a life lesson. :slight_smile:

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There’s 2 groups of WoW players in this debate:

Group A: Just plays WoW to copypaste meta builds from the internet and finds collecting virtual items a casual activity so they’re thrilled Fel Drake is given out for free because “it makes the casual, other group cry.” They only play the game to feel like a Twitch streamer e-celeb without the audience. They take no real pride in their account overall progress and only the day to day Present time matters. Game could die tomorrow and they’d move on to the next min/max addiction. Likely hates wealthy people irl

Group B: Realizes time, effort, money, dedication, and even being in the right place at the right time went into obtaining a mount that became a prized possession for them, placed comfy in their Collections tab like a rare postage stamp, even if virtual.

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You’ll be getting the joy of seeing other people enjoy the mount for the first time. What could be more gratifying?

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I don’t care what mount others are riding. I don’t sit and stare at them.

I’d just like to know why Blizzard didn’t think about how the people who own them will feel and how this event will reward those who already have that mount. :\

You sound like such a whiney little baby with a poopy diaper. Grow up rofl


You get the same thing I got when everyone else got free helmet transmogs that I paid for, nothing.


Okay, well you sound like the immature baby with that sort of constructive comment, but ya know. Pot, kettle and what not. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Did you really just pull the “no you” card on me? ROFL big fn yikes dude

Exactly. I have never once got a mount just to show it off. I get it because I like it, and if others get it too, then great!

People need to stop being so selfish.

Would people be selfish if they’re upset the 5,000,000 gold Brutosaur becomes a Twitch drop reward near say Christmas this year? Would people still say “Don’t be so selfish being upset, you grind and paid 5m gold for it with the expectation it wouldn’t be handed out like worthless candy but that was years ago. Now everyone gets it free and that’s a good thing ^-^”

But your comparison isn’t the same situation.

If a brutosaur you paid in game gold for suddenly became a free handout, then I totally would agree that isn’t cool, since it was Blizzard selling it directly.

People CHOSE to spend real life money on a fel drake because it was rare. That’s not Blizzard’s fault, and they don’t owe people anything that chose to do that.

There is a significant portion of mount collectors in the last 5 year window who bought a Fel Drake off their servers AH from anywhere between 2,000,000 to 10.000,000 gold. Whether they flipped on the AH with TSM, gathered herbs/ore, or bought tokens to convert into gold taking the P2W route, they are likely not thrilled about the news. And it’s annoying having people tell them they should think the same way as them and be thrilled