I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

Ah Yes - skill, because buying clears / carries hasn’t existed since… vanilla right?

People need to get over themselves and realise that exclusive mounts made unobtainable does not make you special, at least not in the majority of cases. Something like the AQ Black bug mount? Yeah, sure, that is absolutely something special. Something like “I bought tcg cards till i found a code / i bought a code off of ebay” does not make you special. Especially if you just bought the code off ebay, that just makes you a fool, spending big money on some pixels that you most likely don’t even use, or even care about until this giveaway…

I’ve got a lot of exclusive things. All the AotC mounts, collectors edition stuff, all Legion artifact weapons, MoP legendary cape, several removed titles, pets and mounts, etc… and they all mean bupkis to me. I don’t give a damn if they are exclusive or not. Blizzard could put an NPC in game selling all these things for 5 anima and I wouldn’t care. The only thing I care about is if it looks cool to me, and if I can, I’ll use it when the whim takes me.

For the record, I won’t be getting the Feldrake mount from this event because it is incredibly ugly imo and it’s going to take more than that to pull me into the cesspool that is twitch


I just got here. Was there a point besides, “People are getting something I thought made me special, so now I won’t be special anymore”?

I’m asking with all sincerity, because the above is all these threads seem to be about. If your point is actually different, I’d like to hear it.

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I find it comical most of the people trolling the OP don’t have the Feldrake. So of course they want it to stay a reward with no compensation. You all talk about Feldrake owners being greedy wanting to stay exclusive or get a compensation. You guys are the greedy ones and trolls to boot.

As far as I can tell, no one really cares what OG owners get. There are honest answers saying they aren’t going to get bupkis (because we all know how Blizzard works).

There are also people who find it amusing that OG owners are upset. Not sure why that amuses them, but ok. Maybe they care a little bit because it would take away from their amusement if OG owners get any compensation. But they also know it ain’t gonna happen anyway, so they’ll still have their laughs.

You saying it’s “greedy” for people to tell the truth is kind of weird, to be honest.

“I hate other people’s happiness” is what any of that amounts too.

Maybe Blizzard should take these things away from you, since you can’t play nice with them anyways. Like the children you guys act like.

Mute, tab, do something else for four hours.

It’s free.

This is like getting a super rare Yugioh card, then 10 years later they make a theme starter deck out of it. So, I call the company and demand compensation for it.

It’s greedy in the sense that people get a new mount but dont want OG’s to get anything is greedy or selfish. No idea why that’s weird but whatever i guess.

That may be. But an equal amount whining about this promo also don’t have it. There are vids up on YouTube of people complaining, only for the youtuber to check said whiners armory and see that they don’t have it, :rofl:.

Likely because they have some other very rare item and see the writing on the wall would be my guess.

I’ll just quote myself:

You guys and your feldrake angst are hilarious to me. A few months back I dumped 3mill on the BMAH for the TCG red rocket. If this twitch drop had been that instead of the feldrake, I would have be mildy annoyed to be sure, and understably so. But to get my knickers in such an epic twist? Lmao, no. That’s just sad.

The lesson I would have drawn here would be to only spend gold on raid mounts. Not TCG items. Because I would think it perfectly understandable that promo TCG mounts would be made available again. But it’s highly unlikely blizz would ever give away free SoO mounts for example. So after learning this lesson, I would have shrugged and moved on.

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In all seriousness though they should bring back everything ever removed from the game so everyone can get their hands on stuff from eons ago.


I agree. It’s stupid that I can’t get the mop phoenixes or the wod challenge mogs or the legion tower mogs. Blizz has proven that they can scale content. Sure they’ll need to rebalance it every expac. But so what? They are paid to do it.


Well lets not go to far on Blizz knowing how to scale stuff. Old raids are pretty messed up at the moment.

True. But if they allow players to go back to earn things that were removed, the content should definitely be scaled.

I don’t really care so much about rewards that were known to be limited at the time they were introduced. It’s more the things that were made limited after the fact that bother me. And quest lines like the MoP cloak shouldn’t have been removed even if the cloak was, because it destroys the story.

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Could just add the raids to the timewalking events. Like how BT is scaled.

Earning CM Phoenixes and WoD CM and MAge tower i agree. But things like the ZG tiger, Black Proto, Scarab Lord, Corrupted Ashbringer etc. should be available at whatever the current difficulty curve is for that old content.

I guess it doesn’t matter what we think should be done, Blizz is going to do whatever they want. Maybe they’ll make it all Twitch drops. :person_shrugging:


Bold of you to assume I care about religion.