I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

I hope you are right…. Waste of 3000$ to those of us who were unaware the mount was going to be a promotional item that everyone could easily get.

Careful there buddy, some people here might remind you that this makes you special and entitled.

Did you happen to keep a relic of the past that you paid for in the hopes that one day you might sell it, and if god forbid, you wanted to turn some kind of a profit?

You did? Well, profit is evil. Capitalism is evil. Embrace communism! Mounts for everyone at the expense of anyone who thought they might have something somewhat unique! You know what, why don’t we just share everything and do away with passwords. Everyone can log into everyone else’s account because it’s not fair that some people should have a TCG mount when others don’t.

(I’ve really given up tbh, I know Blizzard isn’t giving anything to anyone. At this point, I guess they just could have chosen a new mount, or something less exclusive that wouldn’t have upset so many people. I don’t think that’d be too much to ask in the future.)

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He, please post on my forum post I love your sarcasm, which is desperately needed. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/feldrake-giveaway-another-slap-in-the-face-to-legacy-players/1389962


after all, you don’t OWN your account! blizzard does! so you can’t be mad about it when i take all your stuff because it wasn’t yours to begin with huehuhauheuaeh checkmate gatekeepers!!!


You will get nothing, and you will shut up and take it.

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That’s the joke

Sell the extra and stop putting all your self worth into digital items.

Other way around. It doesn’t make you special or entitled to anything extra. It just means you spent a bunch of money to enjoy something. You’ll either continue to enjoy it or you’ll be concerned with everyone else and suddenly hate it.

All of that stuff lost value long ago. No one said profit is evil. Not even sure where you’re getting this from.

OMG the extreme drama. :roll_eyes:

I’m just going to mute all of these threads from now on. Not even worth the effort.


Sounds like you missed the sarcasm.

This is setting a terrible precedent for all future rare collectibles. I think items that were hard to get whether that is a TCG collectible, mythic mount, etc. should not be given out so easily. I think the best compromise would be to reskin the streamer reward differently than the TCG card mount. Blizzard stopped creating codes many years ago for this item thus increasing its value. Giving this away really just shows that blizzard does not value those that worked hard by either earning money to purchase the mount or by buying many packs of TCG cards in an attempt to get this mount. It is disrespectful to the community and shows that there was very little thought put into this reward. I hope they change their mind and make some compromise for those that have this mount already. Regardless of outcome, this should impact anyone’s decision to purchase via the blizzard store or TCG cards for collectibles in the future, it most certainly has mine. (Obligatory: I do not own the Feldrake)


You are right.

boy more seething. I love to see it :smiley:

The irony of being the toxicity you think you’re stamping out by acting so entitled. Boy o boy.

You’ll be getting a 12 year use of the feldrake, applied retrospectively. Congratulations!


I was here for the day people complained the game didn’t have enough RNG.

Things that are hard to get because of skill can stay unique - it’s still stupid arbitrary rarity, but whatever. Things that are rare because of cost or time are stupid and don’t matter.

They get to see I was always right and that the molted drake has always been superior~

More seriously what others have said, the fun has already been spent, no refunds.

Seems like a ton of people are missing the point entirely. Typical of the WoW fanbase. Thread should just be locked at this point.