I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

That dosent change anything

why do you deserve anything for an ancient mount? thats STILL being released time limitedly

that you got from a trading card game.

that you put probably no work into getting

Yeah I just sat at my computer and it appeared in my hand like magic it was wild. I definitely put zero work into it, like everyone else who’s getting it for free.

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my guy we have to sit through 4 hours of twitch streams it aint free

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I’m sure his mommy was pissed when she saw that Timmy maxed out her credit card so he could sit in Ironforge and impress all the sweat lords…

I think re-releasing retired/unobtainable items is questionable. But, I think that if they are going to do that, they should add the year it was obtained to the little icon that appears when you’re using it. So others can, if they want, hover over it to see. This data is already tied to each item you get in the game so why not just add that text?

Also, the feldrake is just a drake. The drake model is a boring, sort of ugly design. People should calm down and save their rage and frustration for when they inevitably release something like Swift Spectral Tiger on a stupid gimmick giveaway.

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Not really a “wow player” thing, it comes standard for humans, we want something that others don’t as to show we are in some way better.

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Key word : FREE

We get it for free, and you paid for it…

I love it.

Next time, be smarter with your mom’s money.

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That is actually the most I’ve laughed in a long time
thank you LOL

I mean if you can sit through 4 hours of mind rotting numbness of uninteresting twitch streams be my guest.

ether way all these arguments 100% boil down to “im not special any more” and honestly it should be that way

I reckon about 80% of users will have a muted tab open in chrome while they play OW until it’s time to hit the “collect reward” button


Without getting any sort of compensation, he feels slighted.

If they did a twitch drop of Spectral Tigers, I would likely share his negative feelings.

It would be smart for Blizzard to give previous owners a slight recolor or something, but that’s more work, and Blizzard traditionally hates work.

If he is ignored and told “tough luck,” he might quit - and I wouldn’t blame him.

In order to be paid, a company must either treat their customers with the utmost respect and consideration, or they must offer something that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

Blizzard has nothing we can’t get elsewhere.

They should make their customers feel valued and avoid generating any negative feelings (whenever possible) if their goal is to retain subscriptions.

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Showing favortism to a handful of people over the many isint going to happen.

not how a buisness works

feldrake is like the only mount i’ve ever really used and when i ride it in org now i’m getting spammed with whispers and /laughs with people flaming me for spending 3k on it


what is wrong with people lmao, are these people new to the game and weren’t there to see how affordable this thing was for like 4 expansions?


A business works however it needs to in order to make a profit.

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and there ya go.

thats why you wont be getting anything special for it.

I disagree with the OPs perspective, and see nothing wrong with other people getting the feldrake now after it was rare for so many years, but it was really refreshing either way to see a respectful post. So good for you OP.

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You’re proud of randomly getting a prize card?


Honestly, this whole situation feels like a huge middle finger to a portion of the player base.

And for once, it’s being directed at the right portion.

If this move makes some of you want to quit, then honestly, I feel the WoW community will be better off without you and your ridiculous way of looking at this game.

Just “my opinion”, of course…


/applaud Blizzard


I was responding to the OP, who did in fact spend real money to get it, as they specifically said they bought cards to buy it. Had you read later on, you’ll see where I also mentioned gold currency.


Its like the people being boosted crying about the mythic mounts still being available because they paid gold for their boost…