I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

thats your opinion. i disagree. i got my rino selling arena carries way back in the day. should old blizzcon mounts be given out? i dont even like the black market ah. diminishes old achivments. now anyone i see with this mount is a certified loser. used to mean certified baller

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According to rarity raider, only 0.75% of the population got the Frostbrood Proto-Wyrm which is a limited mount and was available for a lot longer than the feldrake is supposed to be. I doubt we’re going to be swimming in feldrakes, except for pulling back in OG players that the mount has nolstagia for.

the overwhelming majority of people i know that have it got it for between like 200k and 1m gold on the AH across various expansions

the whole “U SPENT 3K DOLLERS ON IT” bit is hilarious

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Not to mention the massive amount of dupes that were purchased. Also I read that it’s been purchasable for some time on the Chinese bnet shop.

I feel so bad for you guys.

I know players have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars trying to get that TGC stuff, or an ungodly amount of time and gold grinding for a random chance at one on the BMAH.

I have an actual ZG tiger as a drop from back in the day, but if Blizzard starting giving them away in a Twitch stream, I’d likely quit immediately.

Everyone has something rare they can be proud of, that was worked towards. That’s integtal to WoW.

It’s one of the few things that gives my account any value at all, as with all old-school limited items.

Cosmetics are better than actual player power, because they last forever. Like the Mager Tower skins.

And now, a quite large rug is being pulled from under these players.


exactly. I still regret not getting the challenge mode weapons in mop. if they made them come back they would be instantly lame


If someone gets the same pixels as me my pixels are no longer special.


That’s the entire point of any limited-time-anything lol


yes that exactly what it is. prestige

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You are a godsend.
You have articulated beautifully my entire point better than I’ve been able to.

Thank you for this comment.


This entire post is a testament of how some of you treat WoW as validation of your lives.

If you paid thousands of dollars for, or spent many many hours on, getting some pixels in a video game, then you get zero pity from me.

Think of all the more productive ways you could have spent that money/time.

Stop treating a video game as a way for you to show off, and focus your time and money on achieving things that you ENJOY.

And maybe then, you’ll enjoy when others are able to enjoy it too.


He’s drunk.

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bruh think of where u are before u speak


I bought almost all of mine like 75-150k during Cata and Mop with a few higher ones at like 100-250k. Thru WoD and Legion I picked up a few straggles for about 300-450k. I agree prices really started to skyrocket after that and the last two I want are about 7mil to cap and I still see them up time to time just not on my server. Ive never used ebay or sites and now people make it sound like I spent 10s of thousands in RL money or fork over my life savings to Blizz. Ive never bought a $20 token.

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why would you get anything for having a 12 year old mount?

Zero pity because spent many hours playing a video
Plays video games for many hours get pixels


I’m on the internet, laughing at how pathetic some of you sound.

That’s worth the three minutes of effort… trust me.

well ur subbed to wow so you cant be that wise


So the basis of your argument is age?
That’s it?
Okay so listen up everybody. Once a mount hits the 12 year age limit, everyone gets it for free. That’s the line in the sand.

While it is extremely unlikely that he will get any compensation, the certainty with which you deny him his request is verging on impersonation of a Blizzard employee.

Are you being hyperbolic in order to hurt his feelings more effectively? Or do you actually work for Blizzard?