I'm done and the schedule is to blame

You’re still not getting it. If you want to use the phrase “vanilla experience” then the number of days between the content release is about the least important thing there is.

The number of players clearing that content is what truly matters. There’s already thousands more guilds clearing MC compared to the same timeframe in Vanilla. The longer we wait for BWL, the more the “vanilla experience” is altered.

Why is clear numbers more important than time passed?

Raid tiers forever are based on time not # of clears.

Because the more players that clear MC and have time to farm gear from MC, the more the gameplay deviates from actual Vanilla.

  • The more gear the playerbase farms, the faster AV matches will be.
  • The more guilds into MC, the more guilds that absolutely SMASH BWL when it’s released.
  • The more guilds into MC, the more players that are on an equal playing field in PvP, the more streamlined and “retail” like it becomes.

If you want to talk about a “vanilla experience”, please actually remember more than the time between raids. Remember the actual status of players within the game.

Then Blizz needs to come out and at least own the release schedule.

Call out that they are condensing classic from a 2 year experience to 1 because more people understand the game and are able to dedicate a lot of time to it.

At least the expectations will be clear.

Yes let’s hold back critical content for all the “casual dads” who stupidly rolled on a PVP server.


So you’re plan is forced everyone into the exact same timeline from 2005?

2005 where everyone is a scrub? It’s like forcing your student to use Cartesian cartography over trigonometry so they get the same “experience” as the 1600’s

The “vanilla experience” seems to boil down to forcing everyone into a warped picture of nostalgia. “You kids will walk up and down that hill like I did!”

I am none of those…just hit 60 about 2 weeks ago and have been extremely and I mean extremely lucky with gear drops. Heck, I just stepped foot in MC a couple days ago in a pug and only downed 2 bosses.

If leveling 1 toon to 60 and getting some dungeon gear in the span of nearly 3 months is now called elitist then I guess that’s what I am. That still doesn’t explain why people who chose to play PvP servers are on here crying about implementation of the honor system, the same system which was in the game the last 14 years. Did the honor system hamper your leveling for the last 14 years? If not then your whining has no merit.

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‘I only get to play 20 minutes a day’

wants content held back for everybody else until they catch up…

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Well said.

Quotes are readily doctored.

I don’t even understand why people are having an issue with content getting pushed out at this pace? What are you missing out on exactly? How is the game suddenly unplayable because it’s phase two and there’s an honor system? It’s not as though 60s weren’t ganking lower level players on a regular basis on pvp servers already. I started playing this game in October of 2005. This was one month after patch 1.7 dropped. Was my experience lesser because things like Dire Maul, battlegrounds, BWL, and even Zul’Gurub were already in the game? I don’t think so. It took me nearly 3 months to get my first character to 60. I joined a guild that was just getting into raiding and progressed through ZG, MC, and BWL with them. It didn’t take terribly long for us to catch up with most of the hardcore raiders who by that time were still trying to clear through AQ40. Despite my late start I was able to grind up to rank 10 in pvp and kill a few bosses in Naxx before I decided to reroll on another server with some friends and start the whole process over.

So quit your whining and just play the game. Who cares if other people are getting ahead of you. The world doesn’t slow down just because you’re busy. Stop being so selfish.


‘I get to play 6 hours a day’

wants content pushed ahead for the zommers like in retail…

See what i did there?
Just because you think your point of view is right… doesn’t mean it is.


I’m a little put off by the release schedule as well. We finally have enough 60’s in our guild to start raiding MC and it looks like we might only have 2-3 months to raid it before BWL launches. That’s not nearly enough time to get everyone geared up in time.

I get to play maybe 6 hours the weekend but I am an adult with a family and full time job. This game just isn’t so difficult that it requires much effort to hit 60 and get a little gear in 3 months.

We all have real life responsibilities. If you have 4 characters above 30 and are playing other games, are you really that shocked you haven’t hit 60 yet?

The phases aren’t too early, you’re poor at time management. For some odd reason think you should be on par with people who have spent their time better in game though and that Blizzard is too fast with things when you’ve just been lollygagging along.

What did you expect? Classic to slowly launch over the next two and a half years? :laughing::rofl::laughing::rofl::laughing:


So play casually, for foks sake and enjoy the damn game. How is phase 2 going to stop you from playing casually? How is the main premise of the game (ongoing war between factions) is a bad thing?


What changes for you now that honorable kills are put in the game? Can you no longer log in or gain experience any more?

Seems like you are whining that you aren’t tied for the best gear with the hardest core players, correct me if I am wrong.

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I think you hit on a key issue here. If people had known the honor grind was going to start so early they could have planned accordingly and focused on one character getting to 60. We need more information on when phases are going to happen and I was expecting a tentative schedule out of Blizzcon.

My advice I’ve given to other players (unfortunately) is to stop playing alts. This is only going to set you back even further considering the acceleration that is now taking place. Extremely punishing for new players unsure what class is right for them.