I'm done and the schedule is to blame

Here’s your problem right there. If you have a lot of real life obligations as you keep mentioning all your kids and wives and whatever, you need to learn how to focus. Pick a main, stick with it till it’s 60. Stop sinking time into useless alts you fool. But if that’s necessary for you to enjoy the game, then go ahead and do it, but don’t complain. You can’t have both. Pick one.


Your not aware of honor farming?

Can you not still level to 60 and acquire loot after a release of a new phase?

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Nope because he has to level is 4 alts and play other games and live a happy life with many kids and wives. We are all the real basement dwelling monsters who clearly don’t have jobs or spouses or lives of any kind since we’re 60.

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But again… Can you not still level to 60 and acquire loot? Why do you have to give up, the content isn’t going anywhere.

I won’t be able to play during the Christmas holidays but I plan to resume playing when I return in the new year. I doubt I’ll log back and find that I can no longer progress through the game.

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I think PvP servers weren’t nearly as popular as was assumed. I know they are able to track every kind of content, but it’s hard to imagine a system for tracking the popularity of wpvp on different server types.

In any case, the world quest system that had levelers and max level players doing the same content at the same time was what destroyed what little faction balance was left. It didn’t help that level scaling, Ion’s pet project, resulted in 40+ levels of players leveling together. And implementation of crz on pvp realms was the last blow.

Going out in the world to do things on a pvp realm wasn’t actually a thing. Lots of people only went out when they had to and did mostly pve.

I think the fact that so many players rolled on pvp realms with apparently no concept of what it means to be on a pvp realm is just a sign that PvP realms weren’t all that popular.

This is what I was thinking would happen in the future… EQ did it pretty much how WoW just did on their first couple TLP server releases…

Now they have super fast, middle speed, super slow, POP locked, Seasonal on and on… they have any kind of server you could ask for and all of them are successful… no reason why WoW can not do this in the future.

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Nothing is slowed down. This is extremely fast. Casual players make up most of the game base. Therefore, I wish hardcore elitist nolife tryhards like you would quit and never come back. So, the sentiment you have for casual players is the same one I have for you.

I’m not done, and Phase 2 can’t come soon enough.

Opinions. Everyone’s got 'em.

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Phase 2 needs to come out asap as it is only introducing world PvP objectives and 2 world bosses where world PvP will happen. This doesnt mean that every phase will come at this pace. There is no set day for any of these phases and I bet Blizzard will play it by ear. Most players who hit 60 already are have cleared MC and Ony and its a 2 hour farm once a week. So most will not play 5 days out of the week since there is no other reason. This will give players stuff to do and to work towards. The later phases will most likely take longer as people will need to catch up and progress through the raids.

Including travel time from MC to Onyxia, lol.

most of the time is travel time and mob clear. Most bosses are down in 2min or less LOL.

There was this guy claiming that MC would be as difficult as current Mythic raids. Some people are just oblivious.

It would be…
If this wasnt patch 1.12
If u didnt have 15 years prior knowledge.
If we were still keyboard turners and had no add ons

Hell we spent 3 hours in 2004 in my first mc raid just getting and practicing lucifron.

Pvp features released early doesnt really negatively affect me at all. And it certainly doesnt mean that phase 6 is coming out in a year. Stop making stuff up.

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So? There are still plenty of people leveling mains or alts who are not 60 yet. It’s not like the doors to Molton Core will seal shut once BWL or ZG comes out.

There’s this silly assumption on the part of non 60s that the entire rest of the server all magically got to 60 already and kicking them out of the ‘cool club’ for raiding. I have a medium sized guild with only five or six 60s to date simply because we indeed all have lives outside the game too. You’re not alone here, mate.

Log in on the weekends. The lv30 to 50 content is filled up on the weekends, at least on my server. If you’re playing on one of the massive servers still layered where you had to wait in 10,000 person queues for the first 2 weeks, yeah chances are your server has more hard cores than the rest of them. Normal people won’t sit in a queue for hours on end, it would be pointless unless you’re a hard core player who is going to play for 16 hours. They’ll re-roll on a less populated server.

Right because people have hit 60 and are now playing alts.

There’s plenty of mains in that category as well. My friends list is filled with people I’ve out-leveled because someone had a deadline at work or family things and missed 2-3 weekends of playing. Those zones are dead on weeknights.

Honestly, blizzard needs to re-tune raid bosses and increase the difficulty. The fact that anyone can pull up a 14 year old youtube video and find the exact strategy to win with a group of under-leveled and ungeared scrubs 6 days into release is bad enough, but changing the debuff limit from 8 to 16 trivialized them due to the numerous +%damage and -armor/resist debuffs you can stack on them now. Now you can actually get a lot of the +%damage procs from talents to stick when you couldn’t in real retail. You can’t change the debuff limit without retuning raids as the beta difficulty tuning took that 8 limit into account.

Its a little funny to me that a schedule for the major content releases already exists based on vanilla, but for some reason Blizz wants to rush everything and based on their actions so far will have all 6 phases released within 1 year.

A 1 year cycle is pretty far away from the “vanilla experience”

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