I'm done and the schedule is to blame

They never once mentionedva time frame on the phases if you think that. You’re wrong.

The phase content is actually releasing close to the release of the content originally.

If you thought we would get 6 months between each phase. Well you’re an idiot than.

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Ya, you have no one to blame but yourself.

I have maybe 1-1.5 hours I can play a day with all the same issues you have (Wife, Job, Kids, Home Business I run part time outside of regular work hours, continuing education blah blah blah) and I hit 60 two days ago.

Your Alt-ADD and bad time management isn’t the problem of Blizzard or anyone else but yourself.

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Diremaul and the honor system was actually out already in the original release. This is actually slower.

I’m not 60 and don’t think anything is too rushed. I procrastinated and goofed off, tried many classes and characters. That’s on me, don’t blame Blizzard.

If it were up to me all content would be out.

Phase 2 isnt even really new content. Its mainly just the honor system. I have no idea why the OP and others like em are crying children.

Show me dates in this post from the main Classic Forum page. There were never dates, just what would be in each


270 posts

Community Manager

Mar 11

At BlizzCon 2018, we proposed a plan to give Classic four content phases. These were planned to be centered primarily on raid power progression.

Currently, based on both your feedback and our own deliberations, we’re now planning to increase it to six phases. Our focus is still primarily on player power-progression, but we’re also aiming to capture what it felt like to play in a realm community in original WoW. To do that, we’re planning to mirror the approach taken by original WoW, with patches paired together. We’ll launch Classic with content from original WoW through patch 1.2.x, then the second update will include content that was in original WoW 1.3 and 1.4, the third Classic update will have 1.5 and 1.6 content, and so on.

Our first phase primarily focuses on launching Classic with Onyxia and Molten Core, but we’ve decided to hold off on Dire Maul for a while. Maraudon is still in the first phase, because it was originally released on December 18, 2004, just two weeks after the first player hit level 60, but we recognize that Dire Maul is in a different category. Some of the loot that’s attainable from Dire Maul is so good that it would affect progression through those early raids. We’re also planning to hold off on releasing Kazzak and Azuregos at launch as well, for the same reasons.

The next change we’re targeting addresses two concerns. First, Zul’Gurub and Blackwing Lair unlocking at the same time would differ from how they originally came out, and it makes sense to not have gear and enchants from Zul’Gurub available during early progress into Blackwing Lair. Secondly, the Emerald Dragons should be available earlier than the opening of Ahn’Qiraj, as they give us a way to start preparing nature resist gear for some of the encounters in AQ.

Along the way, we’ve taken a close look at items that provide the biggest power gains, many of which were introduced in 1.10 as part of a sweeping dungeon itemization pass. That patch was when Tier 0.5 gear was introduced, and Relics were added to the drop tables of many bosses. It also adjusted drop rates and drop locations of a lot of gear (to make room for the Relics). We’ve gone back and reconstructed many of the most heavily affected drop tables as they existed prior to the 1.10 patch, and we’re planning to update the drop tables alongside the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort. Prior to the Ahn’Qiraj unlock, most of the drop rates and locations will look as they did in the patches prior to 1.10, with exceptions—there are lots of little changes made in earlier patches that don’t have a big effect on player power, and in those cases, we’re planning to use the 1.12 drop rates and locations.

One example of the many items we’re planning for is: Titanic Leggings, which is a world drop that first appeared in 1.10. We can confirm that it will be controlled by the same content unlock that restricts the other 1.10 loot changes.

Here’s what the release order currently looks like:

Phase 1 (Classic Launch)

  • Molten Core
  • Onyxia
  • Maraudon

Phase 2

  • Dire Maul
  • Azuregos
  • Kazzak

Phase 3

  • Blackwing Lair
  • Darkmoon Faire
  • Darkmoon deck drops begin

Phase 4

  • Zul’Gurub
  • Green Dragons

Phase 5

  • Ahn’Qiraj War Effort begins
  • Ahn’Qiraj raids open when the war effort dictates
  • Dungeon loot reconfiguration: Tier 0.5 Dungeon gear, Relics, drop rates and location changes

Phase 6

  • Naxxramas
  • Scourge Invasion

We haven’t yet determined exactly when phases 2-6 will occur, and PvP content is notably missing from the list above. That’s because we’re still evaluating our options regarding PvP rewards, as they also changed over time (both in power and in terms of which PvP reward items were available).

While we can’t elaborate on every detail of every step we’re going to take (yet), we’re here reading all of your questions and we’re going to keep the answers coming.

Thank you!

I agree it’s too fast but dont let it rustle your jimmies just continue to play. There will still be tons of guilds and communities building “catching up.” As a casual, you can’t expect to be on the front line of progression.

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Lol stop crying and grow up its just a game …

I don’t like content being released fast either, but quitting over it? Or making a post about quitting because of it?

Get real!

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Lol what a tool. You have a low 50’s toon and 4 others over 30 and you’re going to use the no-life tropes against other people? Go shave your neck beard and spend some time with your kids. Blizzard was extremely transparent that phase release was not going to be on a set schedule but would depend on how players were progressing. Depending on how efficiently you level, you probably have 11-20 days /played across those five characters. It’s nobody’s fault but your own you don’t have a 60. And it’s not a problem that you don’t have one either, lots of people are playing slower, alts, professions, exploring, whatever, and adding honorable kills doesn’t change much for those players.

Nobody ever said each phase would be 6 months. You made that up. Get over yourself.

don’t forget the original DM patch of 1.3 came out on march 7 2005 and the honor system came on april 17 so the time table is roughly the same. get over yourself. like you im only just starting to play i made my human warrior last night, just take it on the chin and go with it.

Reroll on a pve server. Clearly you are not the type of person who should be on a pvp server.

It is almost as if there were things to do in game beyond leveling. :thinking:

Crazy, I know.

ot brokenwind i look forward to meeting you on the battlefield on grobb be on the look out for astraroth

Why do people act like they HAVE to be 60 by now?

Look at wow’s overall life. What if players didnt start “later”?

Just play. If you like it, keep playing. The timing might not work out to be the most pleasant at times, but it a game you paid for, just play and have fun. Cap isnt moving anytime soon. Eventaully 60 will come.


That’s the thing. The bulk of the content is between L1 and L60. I never understood the desire to zoom past all of that, specially knowing that there is arguably less to do once you get there.


Blizzard never gave any sort of timeline other than stating they wanted to try and recapture the feel of the original patch release cycle. They purposefully lefty things vague and fluid.

To use classic as a means to keep BfA players subscribed. They want to provide an alternating content release schedule to reduce the apparent delays with BfA…

As recently announced, 8.3 will not release until after the new year.

At first, they pushed Dire Maul to get that 3rd month of subscription. Now it’s the PvP patch to get the 4th month. If… they… can… just… stretch it… one… more… month til 8.3.

Then two months after 8.3, they will start releasing Classic content again to maintain subs until 9.0 Beta/Release.

It’s a joke… a complete and utter joke. I thought there was no way in hell Ion could get his grubby hands into the inner workings of Classic… that it was safe from being ruined…

i was wrong.


So you want the game slowed down for the rest of us to fit your personal schedule?

I say good riddance to you and players like you.

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There are posters here scared to death they will get killed in PvP. It’s the mindset of the current retail WOW player who can simply opt out of PvP regardless of what realm they chose, well that poison has spread to Classic now. If you didn’t want to get killed by other players why did you choose a PvP realm?