I'm done and the schedule is to blame

then its not really anyone else’s fault is it?

why didn’t u like i dunno… stick to one character?

4 other characters above level 30? dude… thats like a level 60 worth of time investment right there. if you hadn’t been so indecisive, you would be level capped easily by now and in full prebis.

no one to blame but urself really.

i have a full time school, part time job, wife, 2 kids, and i go to the gym 4 days a week. Still managed to get to 60, and am 11/11 ony/mc with good gear, almost got my epic mount, and have like 600g worth of consumes/mats in my bags.

not our fault you use your time really inefficiently.


(They never sed a date for any of it it was left open to when ever they do it this is what they sed) You just assuming it will be long or short amount of time

We haven’t yet determined exactly when phases 2-6 will occur, and PvP content is notably missing from the list above. That’s because we’re still evaluating our options regarding PvP rewards, as they also changed over time (both in power and in terms of which PvP reward items were available).

While we can’t elaborate on every detail of every step we’re going to take (yet), we’re here reading all of your questions and we’re going to keep the answers coming.

Thank you!

That’s disingenuous and deceptive, and you know it. Everyone is different, but 5 days of /played seems roughly the fastest an average player can reasonably get to 60. It’s usually several days longer than that for casual players, or people more interested in the journey than the destination.

So, since Classic has been out for just over 10 weeks (not 11), that’s roughly 12 hours per week exclusively in WoW, assuming OP isn’t levelling any alts or playing for fun.

It’s not impossible, sure. But it’s certainly not a friendly target for the casual gamer.

Well… yeah. Full time study and part time work is easy, that’s like 25-30 hours a week max and super flexible. You’re literally saying “well I work less and I can play more than you”.

Stooopppp posting this. There is nothing harming you by releasing phases quicker. What is actually bad about releasing the phase quicker? Are you worried about world pvp and not having gear? Not getting ranks? Do you really ever think you’d get a high pvp rank when you can’t even get to 60 by now?

This was always going to happen. Stop acting like we have played this before. “If you play dark souls and beat it, then replay it again are you going to beat it faster?” Yes, yes you are. We need phases quicker. Not slower. They’re doing fine with the releases. #classicisntvanilla

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Honestly you aren’t that far off and if you are around 51 you can actually start building your pre-raid BiS set so that when you hit 60 you will cut a bit of the work out.

As far as epics go, realistically the power difference in Classic isn’t as absurd as it is in retail. Sure you won’t have as good gear as another person maybe, but you will still very much be competitive.
Especially as a Warlock, casters have really good base stats since damage is static and the only thing improving it is spell damage unlike physical dps who scale off primary stats.

It’s not the end of the world bud, I’m sure you will be fine.
Plus more people doing content at that level when you finally hit 60 means you should be able to get in on MC runs etc when guilds start getting 2nd and 3rd raid groups going etc

A lot of people agree with the OP foo!

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Other than PvP and the poop socks camping world bosses, all of phase 1 is still the end game content you have time.

I would like blizz to take a look at other Classic MMOs doing legacy servers and take a page out of their book, like EQ and they break games did release fresh servers with a slow content roll out, and the try hards can go hard on 15 year old pixels on faster release realms.


Should of joined a pve server. Feelsbadman. F in the chat boys

I feel exactly the same way, and the people who play the game 24/7 did nothing but slam me too.

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You realize that BWL was originally released ~8 months after launch, and Naxx 19 months after launch. post nost pservers created this content zerg mentality. Players will max AV/WSG reps within weeks of it being released and start crying for more content. BWL will be cleared the day it is launched.

The largest content release was launch. We had 60 levels, 2 raids, and…17 dungeons? That doesn’t even count all of the reps, professions, quest lines, etc. That couldn’t even keep people content for 2 months, a single new raid and 2 BGs isn’t going to be any different.


It’s over 3 hours per day. That’s hardly casual.

Honestly have no idea how I pulled it off.

Its not blizz fault u a noob at leveling

This was never a thing.

They never even gave us a hint as to how long it would be between phases.

Even when they added the PvP schedule to the phases there so was still no clues as to how long phases would take.

You’re like the 3rd person I’ve seen say 6 months without anything to back it up other than “I’m pretty sure they did.”


some days you play for more, some days you play for less, it all balances out.

I’m a dedicated casual. I do professions, I play with other characters. I play too much. I got my first character up to 60 yesterday.

Maximizing your speed of leveling in this game is not possible if you divide your time between this and other games. You can’t possibly compete with people who powerleveled up in the first 2 weeks and have had MC and Onyxia on farm for a month.

Seeing as I’m a casual, I knew I would never be competitive against those people, just as in retail I never do heroic raiding.

If it’s your goal to be competive, you have to do everything in your power to achieve that goal. If you don’t, then maybe you should re-examine your goals to see if they are realistic, or even relevant to what you want to achieve.

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Averaging ~3 hours a day for a couple months might not be super casual but it’s also not super hardcore, it’s more at the dedicated enthusiast level.

And based on how many 60’s there are it seems like the majority of people playing classic fall into that group so why should the super casual player expect the release schedule to be catered to them?

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The order is just bad. Just like BWL is set to come before ZG

Blizz would get a lot more life out of this game if honorless rewardless rankless BGs were out for the interim, then world PvP, then ZG. Let AQ BWL and NAXX wait the longest.

They’re definitely making decisions based on when they think they need drivers to keep subscription numbers high. Publicly traded company…if retail is in a low, classic will get a content push.

That’s awkward… because you did have more than two months. Stop blaming the game for not being casual friendly, and not catering to your time schedule. It’s a remake of the original game, not a “fill in time” hobby for the likes of people such as yourself.

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