I'm disappointed by Blizzards Scalecommander favoritism

It def has so much more quality of life passives

Not only that, it is extremely expensive to pick up for relatively low payoff.

Honestly it just feels like Scalecommander was made for Devastation, Flameshaper for Preservation and Chronowarden for Aug but kinda exclusively instead of something that “both specs” excel on doing.
Engulf makes no sense really for Dev, barely have any dots to really make it worth it, not only that but since when devastation was ever about dots anyway? Also Chronowarden is okay but Flameshaper is SO much better and well designed for the HoTs mechanics of Pres that it doesn’t make sense choosing a more support oriented tree, and obviously Aug would choose the support tree instead of the damage tree. I just think they didn’t really designed these 3 to be actually “choosable” like they did for other classes, not favoritism just lack of design.

Maybe they could rework some of these, they just reworked 2 Hero Trees so who knows

How do you figure? I feel lore wise/theme and gameplay wise flameshaper doesn’t fit with pres at all. Especially with spiritbloom being such a low cd that engulf is worse.

Can I ask about why you think this? Like chrono warden just feels so smooth and interacts with your bronze side so well. And also makes your empowers really the highlight of the class.

Flameshaper needs a complete overhaul

One potential bandaid fix is rather than consuming and spreading the hot/dot it just places it on the target while giving them the huge aoe heal. I think this could work as a temporary solution.

Themewise makes sense because of Alexstraza’s life flame and all that, gameplay it’s good because you’re always replicating your hots. You can have like up to 5 hots in a target (at least that’s how it used to be, been a while since I played pres) so it makes sense every build is going towards Engulf.

Yeah but it’s “okay” compared to Flameshaper. It’s cool yes but Engulf was almost made for Pres, and Aug doesn’t really have a reason to go Scale. That’s why I said that it looks like they made the Evoker Hero talents seemingly for each spec instead of something each can use.

But it says you have a close connection to alexstraza… but you hardly use red magic.

Almost all pres builds are chronowarden. Rn flameshaper isn’t in a good spot

Idk man I just think flameshaper needs a whole rework. Should apply dreambreath rather than consume and spread. But that’s just me.

I don’t understand how you can enjoy something that hardly changes the way you play at all. Overall flameshaper is just bad. You get to hit an extra button twice. There is no flashy effects like the bombardments or mass-dis. And to top it off, it doesn’t perform as good as scalecommander.

But even if it didn’t perform as good, there is no cool effects from the ability so I would rather play scalecommander.

No, it’s not. It’s subjectively less enjoyable to you. That doesn’t make it bad.

Overall it’s currently weaker in terms of tuning. It was stronger for most of beta, and that can change in one buff pass.

You also only do heroic, so the differences between the two aren’t even big enough to worry about. If flameshaper becomes stronger you literally don’t have to play it.

Play what you like and let other people enjoy what they like.

“No, it’s not. It’s subjectively less enjoyable to you. That doesn’t make it bad.” & “Overall it’s currently weaker in terms of tuning.” You contradicted yourself here.

I don’t actually care if it underperforms compared to scalecommander, but I wish it was at least aesthetically more enjoyable. I like the idea of it. I’d play it if Engulf at least had a better animation.

Currently scalecommander is better only due to the fact it has major style points and has mass-dis.

I didn’t. Performing worse than another spec does not make a spec objectively bad. Being bad does.

And nothing is “bad” in heroic, you can do fine with playing whatever you enjoy.

Okay so now you’re saying that your only qualification for what’s good vs bad is if you think it’s cool or not?:melting_face:

No. Objectively, flameshaper is bad in both style and performance, relative to scalecommander. (Not that you can’t do content with it. You totally can without out difficulty, just not better than scalecommander. You can check Preheat’s take on the hero talents on wowhead if you’d like. He says: “Flameshaper provides better support, but is undertuned.”)

Me, personally, enjoy scalecommander over flameshaper due to style.

Again, being worse than something else doesn’t make it bad. Second place is worse than first but still objectively better than many things.

You seem like a brick wall that I’ve argued with enough, but maybe you’ll surprise me here.

Edit: you did not surprise me.

Okay fine. My word choice was very black and white, which may make it seem steeply worse than what you perceive. Instead of saying “bad” replace it with “worse”. You do agree that it does underperform compared to it right?

I used to be a scalecommander enjoyer… until I saw that 4.6mil damage EXPLOSION. BANG!

My current rankings in terms of visuals and fun factor (IMO)

  1. Chronowarden (I’m obsessed with Chrono Flame)
  2. Scalecommander (Deep Breath needs a shorter CD and longer duration)
  3. Flameshaper (nice buff to damage, but needs more visual punch)

I dont think you able to pull that kind of number off in pvp.

I’m other news, water is wet!

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I like Flameshaper because it hardly changes the way you play at all. I liked Devestation Evoker way more in Dragonflight than I did in War Within. At risk of sounding like I’m bragging, I was pretty good at it too. At least with Flameshaper it feels as though I can do my old rotation pretty easily in Raid and Dungeon. But to me, Scalecommander feels awkward and I don’t like it. Preference should be the only determining factor in Hero Talents, and the fact that it isn’t feels really bad.

It’s also really worth noting, it doesn’t really matter much. Devestation Evoker is in an absolutely abysmal place right now. Scalecommander absolutely does more damage, but they’re both exceedingly subpar. My gripes are not specifically that either one does worse damage. I just want them to be equal. I think that’s what a lot of people want from Hero Talents.

Kind of a strange flex when your few parses are grey and green passing lfr.

It’s literally doing just fine.

No. SC dev is a good DPS spec.

Something will always be better. Expecting otherwise is naive.

switch the parses to prepatch