I'm disappointed by Blizzards Scalecommander favoritism

I’m not usually the type to nitpick classes like this, but the blatant favoritism of the Scalecommander Hero tree for Devastation is really annoying. For me personally, I don’t like Scalecommander very much, and think it adds way too much to a class that I absolutely adored playing. So I thought I’d give Flameshaper a try, and I do enjoy how it feels, but it’s not a stretch to say that it’s objectively the worse choice for dps. Not to mention, the tier set for Devestation specifically works with Scalecommander in mind, considering it buffs Eternity Surge and not Fire Breath. It really feels like we don’t have two Hero trees. We just have one, and it looks like we have two. I know complaining about it here won’t really do anything, but I’m at least hoping there are people out there like me who feel frustrated by this.


other than having to remember to use deep breath now that its part of the rotation scalecommander doesnt add anything. if anything it fixes our 2 target problem. rather than having to st 1 and then st the other i can hit both mobs with mas disintegrate. i will agree with you though that flameshaper caught a hard nerf. i remember seeing and hearing that both trees were viable for content about a month ago before a nerf happen. alot of classes are like this though where theres 1 tree thats viable and 1 that is useless. i heard dark ranger is so garbage your trolling if you use it

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The big thing for me is that I really just don’t love the emphasis on Deep Breath. For dungeons I don’t hate it, but having to use it in raid just blows. Plus maximizing how long Bombardments stay up means spacing out your Empowered spells. Before you could just blow your cooldowns and Disintegrate spam.


it is annoying having to space out my eompowered spells cause after a few sec i just forget to use it and then i just bombed my dragon rage

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Flameshaper feels like they just had no idea where to go (no numerically but design wise). It only really fits with dev due to the red magic connection to alexstraza, yet it muddles dev’s otherwise smooth rotation and makes it clunky. You’re already overflowing with resources to the point of clipping so that you can dump them. Adding another button makes this even more of a problem because you can’t try to offload these resources as quickly.

For pres the requirement if your dream breath makes it clunky. I get the purpose but having 1 spell active to make another good just doesn’t feel good especially in comparison to how good chrono warden feels, when I go from pres to dev I miss chrono flame because it’s just more fun to push than living flame. I’ve had some heroics where I’m up there with the dps after bc it does such good dam.

On a side note scale commanders “steering” should be just baked into the QoL for all evoker spells. It’s so nice to just fly when it is pushed compared to having selecting a point.

Honestly I never see myself playing flameshaper as it’s just worse in terms of design in comparison to the others.

Idk if it’s fixable without large changes, but maybe they should make the engulf button a passive explosion. For example your target when you fire breath engulfs and does the AOE dmg. For dream breath it could be the lowest hp target engulfs.

But idk this is by far the worst of the hero talents and is in large need of a design touch up.

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Bombardments now totally pandemic btw, no need to space out empowers to maintain 100% uptime.

I actually really like flameshaper, but I also am easy to amuse with big numbers. Got a 3m Engulf so far, that was dope.

Fire Breath
Living Flame (with the talent that gives it a DoT)
Pyre or Disintegrate to put Enkindle up.
Shattering Star


For Scalecommander, with huge pulls like 10+ do we want to mass disintegrate, or is pyre still better for bigger pulls? Feels like 3-5 is better for mass, but since pyre is uncapped huge pulls make me feel like it would still be better even at the cost of losing the mass disintegrate buff.

Wouldn’t you want to do Mass Disintegrate in order to activate Bombardments?

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Aren’t bombardments like, really bad? That’s my question. I feel like Pyre on big pulls just wins, Devastation Bombardments need buffed imo.

I believe you Mass Disintegrate to build up Charged Blast if running it, else just Pyre.

Bombardments serve to lower the CD on Deep Breath. So in sustained AoE you want them, but in <30sec circumstances you likely don’t care as much.

I have two words for you


i dont understand blizzards continued favoritism to that class… if you wanna play that spec just go play warrior… remove it from rogue and be done with it

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What? Are you in the right thread or did I miss who you replied to.

is that what causes pres to do such crazy dmg in heroics?

what do you mean? ive heard outlaw is in such a awful spot from multiple rogues that assassin is the only 1 worth playing and i gotta say ive only seen assassin rogues and they blow it up on dps

hes probably lost

I love flameshaper for single target but tbh both hero specs are pretty awkward to use in dungeons compared to before.

Engulf requires a lot of setup, and scalecommander almost eliminates pyre from your aoe rotation.

I think they should reverse the way engulf functions. Make it deal flat damage but have it buff the damage of your next few enkindles or something. Would make it a lot more snappy and flexible to play with.

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If you’re pulling with Fire Breath you probably want to Mass Disintegrate first, and then pyre aftwards, since its on a window. I don’t know if Bombardments need a buff, but its pretty integral to Scalecommander I don’t see the point if you’re not using it. If you’re pulling with something else and/or not specced into Scalecommander, I guess Pyre would work.

You’re an 80 though, so you know more than me. LoL!

But the mass disintegrate buff stacks and bombardment duration stacks.

You can literally just look at the numbers and do the math lol.

If an additional target is available, you could tab target to apply a second bombardment. You’ll get double the value.

Not sure if there are defined numbers somewhere. I personally use mass disintigrate up to 6 targets when combined with Eternity Span and Scintillation. Could probably manage 8+ targets if you also take Charged Blast. Another reason to consider Mass Disintigrate in AoE is to apply bombardments so you can get the CDR rolling on deep breath. Also helps that bombardments does decent damage and splashes to nearby enemies.

I didn’t know this. But even after learning this and trying it out, it still just feels a little clunky. I think the other big thing I have a problem with is bombardments being put on a single enemy. If that enemy dies and you have blown both of your empowered spells on it, you wont be getting any bombardments until your empowers are back up. 30 seconds isn’t a big cooldown, to be fair. But it’s still an annoyance.