I'm an RDF convert

Only people who would do that are tanks.

Dps would prolly still have 30-45m queues so if it was me id be out questing while in queue.


Design choices which became outdated already during the game’s life are not a philosophy. Zeppelins weren’t a philosophy either.

That philosophy boils down to take EverQuest, make it more accessible, and put a Warcraft IP on it. Go watch some of their interviews or read some articles if you don’t believe me. They made a great game, but lets not pretend like everything they did was completely intentional.


the philosophy of WoW was always “Be the easier/easiest MMO on the market to play”

sure by today standards vanilla is “hard” (and by hard i mean it just takes time to level up), but back then it was by far the easiest MMO on the market, you didn’t drop items when you died, you didn’t lose experience when you died, you weren’t forced to group up in order to level up once you hit a certain level cause everything was dungeon level mobs.


Not to mention all the QoL that was just baked into the game, flight paths, maps, hearthstones, quests, even instances etc… it’s always so quaint seeing people pretend WoW was ever some hardcore MMO RPG.


Your statement is factually incorrect. Did you intentionally lie or just live in make believe world?


Not hard, just inconvenient. That’s the actual difference. Mechanically vanilla is jankier and way simpler than even tbc. It’s just less convenient and more time consuming.


Probably the second, a world where “died” means “started respecting time somewhat once the devs started thinking about it.”

Your definition of “quick” needs a lot of work. Game still thrived through Legion, despite WoD.

If you think Catas numbers were those of a dead game, then you must have some amazing mental gymnastic skills to think Classic’s population is healthy.

RDF was, and always has been, good for MMOs. Go back to Everquest already with your boomer nonsense.


1000% yes.

umm, the POINT of removing rdf was to FORCE SOCIAL INTERACTION. yet your saying whats wrong playing alone for 70 levels? unbelievable.


My dude, it’s an MMO.


And there are much much better single player RPG’s


I must say you have some of the most absolutely repulsive design preferences and standards I’ve ever seen.

Reading through that post it’s evident to me that the one and only thing you value as a design goal is time spent by the player and you consider everything else to be secondary to that. For example, one thing you conveniently gloss over is that both the class and encounter design of Vanilla was extremely limited, non-engaging, and easy and that every expansion afterwards ramped up the complexity and difficulty. You gloss over it because the fact that Vanilla packs in extensive tedum and grind to make up the difference and keep you described makes it more valuable to you.

This is why you’re struggling so hard to explain why RDF is bad in this thread (or really any of the gripes in that other post of yours you linked to here). You don’t care about making a good game. You care about wasting a player’s time.


We will get RFD as soon as we get fresh!

In fairness, this is a plus for some people. I think of it as kind of how some people like the traditional JRPG vs. the more modern RPGs like Elder Scrolls. There’s nothing wrong with that per se. My issue with him is that he’s happy that Blizzard addressed RDF, but didn’t touch (and probably won’t touch) any of the other things he mentioned, and the fact that he could be playing Vanilla again instead of ruining Wrath for people who like it.

Yep. and until tbcc a bit then wrath…you don’t get soloable 3 mans as much.

the funny thing about some recent HC anti rants.

so you play solo in a MMO. Yeah…1 to 60 and even 60 to 69 has prepared us well for this lol. I play both the same.

this quest is a grouper…skip.

One game is voluntary rules it can’t be done. If taken its a planned cheesy close out later on over gear/level lol.

one game is…there is no one there to help you anyway.

Its not mattering why its not getting done. Its not getting done either way lol.

I skip, either game. I then go pick some mobs to grind for hopefully some effect to make it better. I do that in wrath and in HC dabblings.

If I can’t kill “elites” for quests…somewhere in azeroth 30 bears will die if my char is a skinner. Humanoids if a tailor (chance at clothe), etc.

Which is what mmos have gone away from, even retail removing chores in DF.

Almost like 99% of the mmo playerbase wants to log on and do the things they find important without all the extra wasted time older designs made them go through.


Retail…is complicated.

some of that was the “1%” who didn’t want to do chores either.

and they needed a carrot on a string. which lead to balance issues lol. see the chore must promise something at the end.

and it can’t be cosmetic. that gets raiders panties in a bunch. oh…a fomo cosmetic in the open world, game is broken now!

so the carrot on a stick for chores was game stat stuff. that had raid loggers mad they could’t log so fast.

they say it was player feedback. I got a tinfoil hat that says internally they to not repeat a 3rd expac where .1, .2 and .3 just got ridonkulous with system load up and its balance.

their systems to force chores every + .1 expac level jsut got worse with balance. imo. I still remember the final version bear druid till DF start.

Many nicknamed them raid boss. why? in pvp you needed so many to drop them they were basically a raid boss.

put 3 people on them…they’d not die. 6 a bit better, 9+ now its not taking 2 minutes to kill them

I wonder how damaged my 2 key is on my old laptop from how many times I used Frostbolt in Classic. x.x