I'm an RDF convert

You’re fighting people in forums because you can’t believe old games can be fun, but they can be. Slow progression is still fun progression. The vast majority of vanilla classic players will tell you that they’ll always play era (or fresh if there is another fresh) and even the ones who want classic+ admit that it’s not likely and they’ll still around in era either way.

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15-79, yes

80, no difference

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Okay, can they stop messing with our game then?

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Lol, please. Find a group for heroic (not titan runed) Violet Hold right now and tell the crowd again how dungeon participation at 80 wouldn’t increase with RDF.


I haven’t needed to do a dungeon for weeks, got all my badge gear and heirlooms already

Ah, “I can’t see it therefore it doesn’t exist”.


I believed that too when people claimed it during vanilla classic. But when vanilla classic ended and vanilla era began according to all the available info we can get it was a tiny fraction of players who actually played it. And vanilla SoM was just as dead. Because of the complete failure of vanilla era and som there was none of that for BCC.

There’s a dungeon there?

That place is for fishing. You are using that area wrong lol.

edit: sarcasm tag, I don’t even see people walk up in there in 5’s when I fish. the dungeon no one even needs to stone to lol. Its right there, in town.

Its kind of funny tbh how the anti rdf players are like the wall of no anti-classic retail players, both are trying to control how other people can play, even though it doesn’t affect them? Blizzard could easily add in a few new realms with RDF and leave all others without it, like how they added fresh realms, but the anti-rdf crowd is still against that.

So, they should remove pvp queue from anywhere and battlemasters, right? So that you have to travel out to the barrens to queue for WSG, Arathi Hightlands for AB, etc.


i would argue at 80 it might make a difference, not in the number of players but in the number of varied character classes available.

Okay first off let me say I have never been so surprised to see somebody make a post about rfd in Support of it.

Second of all I say yeah #rfd I said we get cross realm and cross faction The more people in those dungeon pools the better.

I’m not entirely sure what you mean by a smart way I mean it’s rfd It’s always kind of bad and what you see is what you get I think it’s completely fine Lovely all the way to heroics.

Toc Would be the absolute perfect time to bring it out Along when they Nerf Ulduar That would be my thought.

Thank you for the apology. It’s been a long time with you bashing RDFers in forums. Glad to see you are making since now.


you wouldnt even need it to go to 80 imo, 15-68 or 70 would help drastically with people leveling characters and dungeon participation

with the addition of H+ there shouldnt be any resistance to the fully fledged from of rdf from wrath, including all regular heroic dungeons.


I’m feeling the same way these days, to a point. I admittedly stopped playing originally right before RDF came out in Wrath. I went back and started playing retail again during BFA. At that point, RDF gave instant quests “accept this quest?” everyone got loot, “loot boxes” at the end of the dungeon, all that stuff.

I could do without all that. RDF without any bells and whistles would be great.

Again, I don’t know where in between Wrath and BOA all that stuff got added, I’m just saying I don’t see the need for it. The “lottery” type rush of loot in classic is stimulating haha, something or nothing, not “I’m going to get a small upgrade no matter what.”

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It can mirror retail that way.

I am very open to the caveat heroic + is not in this. Just like mythic dungeon.

the real dungoen players…got their playground. LFG to enter. Have at it.

The only time they need to play with scrub casuals like me is when they choose to.

Which is not even all that bad. In retail when mythic slums it in heroic…they steamroll it. Heroic or mythic raid gear, some M15+ gear has them jsut own the place.

Its not a carry. Its a dude who is full heroic raid clears and M15+ gear in easy content. That they will bury the dps of a fresh level cap is a no crapper.

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I think this is where I mention that I actually preferred the leveling curve in Vanilla over Wrath, while I prefer the QoL features TBC and Wrath introduced. Half of the games I have installed on my laptop are at least a decade old, some going back as far as the first Final Fantasy; hell, I still have the DS Lite I got for Christmas something like 16 years ago with the games I got pre-3DS, the newest of which is maybe from 2009.

Also, that’s a selection category of what, a few thousand people at most?

Minus the people who didn’t rush to 80 at the very start of Wrath, didn’t hit the World Tour train before it got retired, and therefore don’t have all the stuff constantly running Heroics resulted in?

Assuming they let people transfer to those new servers so the time they put into their characters isn’t wasted.

So, the original version was a daily “here, have two of the lowest Badges and some cash” for running a Random Dungeon; Cata changed it to Valor, I think, and cash, but still daily. MoP was cash, some rep for a certain faction (that might have been Heroic-only, tbh) and maybe another currency, and past that it was mostly just cash for the dungeons, with Legion adding in some Artifact Power and BfA adding in “being the worst expansion of the game.”

The leveling version now in Retail is based on which expansion you’re leveling in, but it’s usually a random Blue item and some money, though past a certain level you also get a random Green item as well. For example, right now on the Paladin I’ve locked to 50 I’d get the Blue/Green bags and 93.6g for a random TBC dungeon. That’d sort of change based on expansion, but not by much.

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