I'm an RDF convert

then you already know that all Wrath private servers that didn’t have RDF at the start either died out or quickly added it in.


because they just can’t stand to see other people happy while playing differently than us and think that because WotLKC has the “Classic” title, that it should be exactly like Vanilla even though they are completely separate games


In fairness, it honestly sounds like you just don’t like Wrath. Instead of trying to “Vanilla-ify” Wrath, wouldn’t it be better for you to stick to Classic era? Not trying to be a jerk here, but removing RDF, without fixing any of those other issues you named in the previous thread, is clearly worse than just having RDF. And it’s all going to get ramped up even more in Cata. Why do you think it makes sense to remove RDF from Wrath, without addressing those other issues (which we know they’re not going to do because it’s way too much work)?


If you think someone can really say something truly offensive to someone else based on a video game then you must not have a lot of real life problems.

Ofcourse, just not que systems.

Whats wrong with solo questing until you get to Northrend? Plenty of quests in vanilla lands during wrath. MMOs are meant to have the world traveled. Not sitting in SW playing a glorified que game. I’m so glad Blizz isn’t listening to people like you. Killed the game once and you want to do it again. Wrath is already lesser than vanilla and TBC. RDF would make it that much boring and easier.

And you got it in Classic Vanilla. Congratulations, you won. Now the right thing to do would be to step aside and let other people have their preferred version of the game.


Why would you want updated systems in an old MMO? Probably shouldn’t go around look for modern MMO aspects in games where “classic” is in the title.

not sure about lv80 rdf but low lvl rdf would solve a lot of problems for returning players. Open world is dead, questing sucks


Thats one of the big issues, the vanilla and tbc content sucks and is mind numbingly boring to trudge through


everyone seems to think that this is some social game where we get to meet lifelong partners and friends, except everyone wants everyone to solo quest in an empty world.

kinda strange isn’t it?


Solo questing has always been a part of wow. Not sure why you think this is something new to classic.

Because returning players and newcomers won’t even bother getting to 80 when all they see is barren zones and empty lfg?
If people wanted to play this game completely alone they can just emulate it for solo play, no need to pay monthly $ for that.


I don’t know if you were here for Wrath, but these same arguments are the literal reason we had RDF. Sure, solo questing is part of the game. But is it fun to solo quest all the way to level 70?


And the majority of people arguing in favour of RDF are coming across to me as pretty sociable people I’d wouldn’t mind being randomly grouped up with.


Probably cause we realize that the tool, present or past, RDF or LFG chat, can’t force a social interaction and that’s… entirely on the people who happen to be grouped, their moods at present and so on and so forth.

Oh and also, we don’t think “lf1m ulduar mage, 4700+ gs” * 10 is a social interaction worth having or remembering.


Which was hilarious at the start because that was NEVER going to happen, whether it be because the life situations of the players were different, the hardware was way better than it was in 2005, basic improvements like an ingame clock were added when they didn’t exist within Vanilla in the first place, or because the sheer amount of information available to players was wildly different. To paraphrase Dan Olson (something I’m surprised no one’s joked about me doing too much yet) at the time Thottbot was something you needed to be TOLD about, while now everyone’s essentially expected to have knowledge of mechanics in raids they may have never actually done because the information is THAT wildly available. Discovery is no longer a thing for most of the playerbase, and the ones who want that are either the people messing around with random items to try to maximize their numbers…or they’re people like me who never actually played this stuff when it was current and are essentially frozen out because of it.

Doing it more than once is exceptionally boring for most people? Doing it with any level of serious efficiency means you’re doing 70% of the quests in half the zones because you’re leveling faster than the quests were initially designed for?

Hell, Cata at least intended for players to pick a starting direction after hitting their main city and following a path through a selection of zones based on that without needing to bounce around 5 different zones over both continents just to hit another level to change 2 of those zones into 3 different ones. :stuck_out_tongue:

The same reason why Questie has been one of the most-used addons since Classic came out: bad design choices get in the way, and while seeing what things are like without them can be fun for a while, eventually just being able to see every quest on the map is too vital to not use.

I can point to a few servers with Dungeon Finder that I’d probably be playing instead if they had the same version of a few addons I have installed.

The only time I’ve seen a great deal of social interaction ingame was when /4 didn’t require anything to talk in and there was barely anything to do in TBC, and considering the general player of WoW and their inability to…well, think…Global Ignore List was a FREQUENT recommendation on Westfall.

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Thanks for replies and comments. Understandably, majority of them were from the retail fan bois that have no understanding and care for classic. Unfortunately, there were also some posts that showed a huge gap in viewpoints that made it unworthy for me to write a direct reply. But happily, there were a few posts that carried some reasonable arguments. This is for those posts.

The game that came out in 2004 had a philosophy. That philosophy got altered expansion by expansion to the point that lots of fell out of love with it. Many people, including some in this thread, believe Cata was that point. But the fact that you guys are ignoring, is that Cata didn’t happen over night. There were some changes later in BC and lots of changes all over WOTLK that greatly damaged the original philosophy and facilitated the way for Cata. So if we just blindly replicate the game as it happened originally, we will end up with the same thing, a soulless and boring game that we don’t enjoy playing, like it happened in the past. So it’s a reasonable approach to try to fix the mistakes we made before. I do believe RDF was one of those mistakes that helped moving this game to what we call retail wow or modern wow.

I do hope Blizzard keep their stand on RDF, but history has shown us that unfortunately they have a weak spot for the cry babies. The latest example is the buff to ret paladin. So I believe that you will get your beloved RDF before the end of the expansion and you will see that won’t resolve much issues for you and the reason this game is sick isn’t the lack of RDF. RDF may have some short term benefits, but the damage it will do to this game in long run, completely outweighs those.

This is my final post on this thread.


You have no effing idea what you’re talking about.

Quit in Cataclysm, plan to do the same again cause Cataclysm sucks.