I'm an RDF convert

WotLK classic is sick because it’s not true to the original. Foolish changes were made and now we see the impact that has had.


Totally agree with you. That’s why they gave you kids the retail wow.

So leave classic to us, who don’t want to buy a calendar and go back to retail Please. thanks.

So much ignorance and hypocrisy stemming from you, but not that it is going to change anything.

The game is being tailored around your demographic at the expense of others. That is all there is to it.


I imagine it’s a similar mindset to everyone who says they want a hardcore open-world PvP MMO without bothering to look at the outright GRAVEYARD of examples of that idea being attempted and failing because the interest isn’t there on a macro level. The simple idea that the vast majority of people within a space don’t actually want a design philosophy that’s extremely anti-player for the benefit of a handful of people who enjoy the misery of others doesn’t exist to them because THEY’RE the handful of people and don’t see the experiences of others as worth bothering with in any regard.



Levelling a character up right now (63), haven’t bothered trying to run a single dungeon yet. The LFD tool is depressing.


It must be tailored for people like me. We fought for it for over a decade. Bouncing from one PServer to another one. Getting insulted by hearing “You think you want it but you don’t”. Having our servers shut down left and right. And finally after years of fight and after signing a petition with over 500,000 signature in it we force Blizzard to give us Classic.

This is our game. You retail fan bois are our guests over here. We let you in under the condition you don’t try to ruin it again like what you did to retail. But you never stop until you destroy classic too.

I don’t know what ignorance you are touting but you can’t use RDF or LFR for retail’s mythic difficulties.

That works exactly the same as classic.


They funny bit is the mentioned pservers getting shut down.

I am going to assume those were not warmane. which means…they’d be the pservers that didn’t add RDF in.

warmane tried that once as I recall. and its numbers dropped hard I am told. and they slapped it back in real fast.

when RDF pservers stay alive (for years and years and years). and non RDF servers don’t…it says something.



You’re logged in as Kidneypoker killing lowbes in Redridge.

So, in other words, you’re the dictionary definition of a no-lifer, since you spent literal YEARS holding on to terrible design decisions because you refused to change in any meaningful way. My Counter-Strike joke earlier was apparently on-the-nose, since any advancement in game design made since the very first version was released has been entirely ignored for the sake of “purity.”

You know how that ended? The series was effectively dead until CS:GO came out which involved what amounts to firearm dress-up, something CoD had for YEARS before that.

News flash: you didn’t “force” Blizz to do anything. What they saw in the petition was the potential for 500K subscriptions they could get from people who weren’t otherwise paying for the game, nothing more. The fact that you think otherwise in any way just proves everyone here right calling you entitled for thinking your opinion is worth more than any of ours, something further proven by

This is your NOTHING; you don’t own this game, you have no input into the design of this game, and assuming Blizz sees you as anything more than an especially whiny $15 a month just shows how out of touch with reality itself you actually are.

You know what destroyed Vanilla? The same thing that’ll destroy the rose-colored glasses vision you have of Vanilla and for Classic?


This isn’t 2005, 2007, or whenever you think the best year of WoW was; it’s 2023, and game design has evolved in leaps and bounds in those years. Trying to keep your little perfect vision of a game maybe thousands of people actually want to keep that way doesn’t matter in any run, long or short, when there’s millions of people telling you “your game sucked, it still sucks, and anything worth salvaging from it could be done better somewhere else with a dev that actually gives a crap about your opinion.”

I’d imagine it’s more the popular ones getting shut down by Blizz, who had every right to do so under US copyright law. Is that a good thing? Probably not, since those could be mined for game design ideas that Blizz is incapable of figuring out, but that’s the way things shook out.


All the pservers without RDF failed lmfao.

I even think warmane tried to remove RDF and then it tanked in population so they added it back.


I play both. I would play wotlkc a bit more since my guild is really fun and I would love to help with many of the more rickety 10m’s the guild runs as well as some extremely skiddish alt 25m’s but unfortunately I only have 3 characters at lvl 80 because the levelling experience blows boat people.


It is very much the default player nowadays. Because levelling is tedious and takes a lot of time while logging in to do a daily or raid with your guild and friends takes next to no time. Things changed, the players for whom either vanilla classic or tbcc or wotlc were the first time they ever actually experienced “classic” content and gameplay (me included) aren’t looking for a glorified chatroom to ease the grind - other software changed this and you can just… play something more fun while keeping in touch with your friends. The people who actually did play in 2005 whom I’ve talked to simply have too many real life commitments to level more than 1 alt and keep it up to par gear-wise.

It’s amazing to see the people who hate RDF the most, have nothing good to say about RDF but mention nothing else after RDF that was in wow, The different idea’s that changed the world, the difficulty of some raids/dungeons that were completely different to Wotlk, making a lot of content a lot less casual. There are so many reasons that people left, but they seem to think It’s only RDF…

I can’t take any of these posts serious anymore, It just comes off as super trolly, I feel like most of the complaints about RDF are from people who played in the future of it and never played through the journey since wotlk of how things just went down hill, like playing from BFA and on, then coming to the classic forums and saying RDF is the reason…

I will throw one example of RDF being a huge problem and maybe some will remember. Do you remember around the time people completed their legendary cloaks in MoP? I think at that moment, RDF was just awful. I used to queue as a tank, but I would be Fury and just obliterate mobs, I’d pull more than I should and out DPS -everyone- in seconds of ANY mob pull/boss. God forbid any new tank decided to do a dungeon with a beefed up DPS, they didn’t get to tank at all. Heck, I tanked LFR in Fury and some bosses in Flex with just how insane numbers were at the time…hitting 1 million SLAMS lol…

Anyways, They need to add RDF, but they won’t, blizzard doesn’t even care (Which is my personal opinion) about the pillars of community, the divide is already here, and I raid log practically every week. They have their $15 from me, but it’s not like I pay for it, haven’t paid for wow in a few years, thanks tokens.


I don’t, personally, but I wasn’t playing much at the time and I’m still kind of peeved that that one area you needed the cloak to access is entirely locked off now that the questline’s removed.

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Era is waiting for you with open arms, all 12 of em.


You had, and HAVE, your version of the game in era.

Why not let those of us who actually enjoyed WotLK have WotLK?


Cry more. Que systems don’t belong in MMOs. One is bad enough.

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lmao, he said

like thats original, helpful, or constructive in anyway. just pure toxicity. thanks for such valuable input venjay, looking forward to you straining your brain to say something unoriginal.

and, heres a tip, far better people than you have said far worse things to these folks, dont hurt yourself trying to be “cool”


Sorry but your idea of what does or doesn’t belong in MMO games is heavily outdated. There’s several other reasons why wotlkc is shrinking, but one of them is that in it’s current state it’s incredibly inaccessible for fresh start players and feels outright barren. Solo questing for 58 levels only to continue solo questing with an occassional dungeon pop (or just grinding AV brain off) is not an enjoyable experience.
No amount of #nochanges whining will change that. RDF won’t fix this either, but at least fresh players will be able to conveniently do group content. Does group content belong in MMO’s?