I'm an RDF convert

I guess it was a mistake that wrath was not a raid log experience originally, they’re definitely trying hard to fix that.


The less annoying part of this is misspelling “kowtow,” mostly because it’s barely used at this point in time so it’s an understandable mistake.

This is another time I seem to need to mention “Pandaren were in Warcraft 3,” along with the whole Chen-Stormstout’s-Barrel quest in Vanilla being a thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s why the retail servers shut down in 2011 and this entire thread is an illusion, right?

What, “be the casual-friendly version of Evercrack”? “Demand literal weeks of grinding to get a single rep stage because the enemies in Silithus gives you ONE rep point per kill and the repeatable turnin quest gives you something like 50”? “Let’s take a look at every other game in the genre, see the way they’re doing things better, and thoroughly ignore every advancement made since 2009 like this is Counter-Strike”?


The original dev team had a lot of ability including the ability to acknowledge when their designs weren’t perfect. The current dev team lacks the raw ability of the original team and has to much hubris to accept that.


In my eyes, WOTLK was a popular expansion for 2 main reasons.

1- BC game design. It was really great for the most part that people had high hopes for WOTLK
2- WOTLK lure. Wrath lure is probably the best part of wow lure ever.

However, from a Vanilla/BC philosophy perspective, WOTLK implemented some drastic fundamental changes to the point that it feels more like retail to me than Vanilla/BC.

I can compile a list of bad design decisions made for WOTLK that weren’t aligned with the philosophy of the original game, but it’s out of scope of this conversation and a lot of work for me. Maybe one day.

Except it didn’t, everything in Wrath can be traced back to design ideals from vanilla.

We didn’t see a major shift until Cata.


That’s the part me and you diverge, my friend. In my opinion, WOTLK shot wow in the knee and leg, and then Cata completed the kill by doing a head shot.

I’d like to go in extensive details on how many of WOTLK design ideas won’t match the philosophy of vanilla. But honestly it’s too much typing at this point.

I have a little writing in below thread which may be 1/10 of the whole story. Give it a shot if you are interested in.


/shrug I can point at every design in Wrath and track it’s lineage back to vanilla ideals. Cata is when we see a huge right turn in direction.


Yeah I know lol. its the same for Kul tirans and such. Wow has a vast history they pull from.

its others who went Kung foo panda lol. I was playing eve at this time
tbh. So I was not part of this stuff.

I was breaking in the wow refugees joining our corp/alliance as to how eve works as wow hammered out 3 less than loved (to some) expacs in a row lol.

Agreed. Cata was the start of Retail, and where my Classic journy ends.


you still do 5mans in tier 10? why?

BEcause characters don’t start at level 80 with full pre raid BiS?

Or maybe some people just like yoloing it in heroics when they massively out gear them.


I see benefits and disadvantages with a possible implementation of RDF.

It would make a lot of things easier for sure. On the other hand regular grouping allowed me to find a lot of capable people who are in my immedate circle. RDF makes people anonymous and forgettable. Server reputation is a thing without RDF.

I guess I ll be okay with whatever Blizzard decides to do. I cant say that I really “want” RDF implemented but I understand people who do

If you add RDF right now to Wrath classic, Retail and Wrath classic are still completely different games.

If you take RDF out of Cataclysm classic, its still going to be same game regardless and It won’t change my opinion on Cataclysm drastically.

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I guess that depends on your server. I’m on a large but not mega server and groups are already essentially anonymous without RDF, server reputation means nothing in 5 mans. So RDF would be a pure net positive.


Depending on where you beat it. The gases might escape faster. Which could be helpful.

For alts? Really? Reputation for 5 mans?

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welcome to classic.

the game that blacklists for bad tanks on RFC runs! it seems

even retail side I assume if player x is bad…its them being new. or haven’t touched tank in a minute…

I only go “hey tank…” when its clear they are completely oblivious to the healer is so OOM…they have negative mana lol.

never bought server rep either. its not like players in LFD go oh, I will go to utter crap here since no one else on MG here.

its actually the opposite. Illidan is talking trash…okay. Let us have a friendly competition on the meters. even if they are jsut better at the end…fun times. and the dungeon goes faster for it.

every LFD dungeon I have a goal. The goal is get this over with. max effort. not for rep. its to get the hell out so I can get another dungeon before bed maybe.

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Nobody cares about your “philosophy of vanilla” anymore. People want to play the actual game at lvl cap and not have to solo quest through obsolete content until they finally get to grind AV’s.
This made up bs about some “philosophy of vanilla” is really irking. The only reason why wow had no qol improvements such as rdf is that… Blizzard wasn’t able to pull it off before it got implemented. Just like cross-realm battlegrounds which weren’t in on launch and many, many other systems which seem so obvious now that people are shocked they’re not in Classic.
For many, many players the game starts at lvl cap, no matter the expansion. That’s when your gear starts mattering, that’s when you start working your way through the pve or pvp content of the game and when whatever you do has tangible results and consequences.
Whatever happens before that is absolutely irrelevant in the long run.
Buy a calendar.


Just makes me think of the Deadmines run I did on this very Ret Paladin where I did almost as much tanking as the Prot Paladin; couldn’t remember the name to save my life, but I chalked it up more to them being like 5 levels lower than me and me being well-equipped for the level. :stuck_out_tongue:

Those people are boring and shouldn’t be used as the default player, tbh. Those reps do count for achievements, after all. :smiley:

The Shining Silver Breastplate I have sitting in my bank would differ greatly on that matter. XD

on Mankrik i can honestly say i barely see anyone a second time after running dungeons with them or having them join the guild 25 Uld if we can’t fill that night. in dungeons no one talks unless it’s to ask if we want to skip something or to say “hey/bye/gg” or if we wipe.

as far as i’m concerned, even without RDF, everyone i group up with outside of my guild might as well be anonymous players, npc companions, or bots.


People are already anonymous and forgettable on mega servers.