I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim

I’d go crazy if I had to play a game like this solo.

Gimme my social interaction

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I’ve been in and out of wow, ever since launch day way back in 2004. I’ve done a little bit of end game raiding through the first 3 expansions, but moved into more solo play with more recent expansions since it became a LOT more viable. I still enjoy wow occasionally, but now with a family at home its pretty much impossible to find the time commitment for any end game content. Like many, I love the social aspect of an mmo but the one I keep coming back to is wow. If 15 years won’t change that, I’m not sure what will.

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The amount of ppl that don’t understand this blows my mind. WoW in the wrath/cata era saved me so much money when I was broke.


No one cares if people want to play solo, people care when some solo players want the game to lose multiplayer aspects or hurt multiplayer gameplay to favor their personal desire for solo content, more specifically when it comes to gear progression

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Yea i miss the social aspect of wow. Lfg and lfr did more damage to wow than it helped prevent imo.

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amen, I hate having to schedule my life around faceless strangers

generally I just refuse to do so. group finders are an essential joy for me. If an activity lacks matchmaking I figure they want a ton of players to ignore it.


My take on it is, it’s your sub money, do what you want with it! I love my guild and I really enjoy playing with them. But I am also a player who naturally gravitates towards solo play. So a typical week for me involves raiding and running mythic+ keystones with my guild, and then the rest of the week I will usually go off and do my own thing. I feel like I’ve found a really nice balance of hanging out with online buddies and also getting the “me-time” I enjoy.

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If wow was a single player game i would quit in a second. Thr are so many good rpgs


How many single player RPGS out there are good, and also matches WoW hour to dollar ratio?

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I can list plenty. I played fallout for a year and it cost me 30 bucks way cheaperthan wow. The witcher, final fantasy… list can go on… wow is not cheap

Go play ESO and do a HA sorcerer pet build so you can play solo :slight_smile: WoW isn’t your “single player MMO” you seek.

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Off the top of my head, Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2. Multiple ways to handle situations, battles, quest and more means the potential for multiple playthroughs, meaning more hours. Though how much time one puts into those or WoW will vary depending on who you ask.

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Those are actually Tactical games, and can’t really compare to the WoW style of RPG. You could argue a case for some ARPG’s which do indeed save more money then WoW does. But those are not single player anymore either. Not the good ones anyways. But I regress. I will admit there is a few out there that can compete with WoW on a small scale but I have yet to find one that has held my interest for over 15? Is it 15 years now? Damn time has gone by so fast. In that time I’ve racked up tens of thousands of hours played. To get that some amount of play time doing exclusively solo player games. It would cost me way more then a simple $15 a month subscription and the occasional expansion.


I’m mostly a solo player now since all the people I played with are gone, but I get enough value out of this (or have sunk enough cost into it) to keep playing. I don’t mind that there’s group content out there, I just wish it would stop spilling over into solo areas. Although that was more of a Legion problem where it seems like every activity had some reason to force you into a dungeon or raid.

You had the whole profession leveling being locked behind dungeon and raid quests (and some of those even more fun being optional bosses people didn’t want to do) I mean, I’ve never had a problem with recipes and ingredients being locked behind instances, but it never stopped me from maxing out that profession before either.

And even when I had people to play with I still liked having solo things to do in game like Archaeology, where you could kinda chill out talk with people even if you didn’t really feel like running a dungeon or something. A bit better than sitting in a garrison or in a capital doing nothing while you talk with the guild or what not.

I’m also not too fond of the locking things behind a specified group size. (Dammit Blizz, give me back the achievement you stole from me in wrath) Back in wrath I had a couple guildies who would take me along when they would clear out dungeons together, so the 3 of us smashing through the current heroics no problem. But that gets punished now by losing the bonus you get for using the queue system. Or why not let us solo queue for the Islands if we want to see if we can take them on our own?

Oh yeah, and let me get my stupid cow heritage armor without having to go through the LFR hoop that no one else has to.


I consider any game an RPG if choices you make (not made for you) have consequences, such as allies betraying you, die, getting a bad ending, things such as that where it effects the world for better or worse. It is more strategic as far as combat, (especially in Honor mode) but in my opinion at least, the games I mentioned are more of an RPG than WoW.

I’ve been playing WoW since 2004, and played DAOC for 3 years before that. I like most group content, and I like being in a guild. I was in a guild for 4 years, and liked it.

But does any guild want me?

I’m an altoholic. I play 4 or 5 toons each day, 10 a week, and switch toons every 15 minutes. Does a guild want to invite 10+ characters, so 1 player can stay in guild chat?

I don’t raid. I don’t pvp. I don’t do this-expansion dungeons, much less Mythic. I have no “main”, and never had one. My highest iLevel is 359. That eliminates guilds that mainly raid, pvp, or Mythic, or that focus on gearing up their “mains”.

I turned off /2 chat years ago. Who wants a constant stream of obscenity, profanity and racism? Maybe that’s only 1% of the players, but it’s the 1% that is on the /2 channel nonstop.

I agree with Shadina - if my choices keep me from getting rewards, that’s fine. I don’t expect a game “tailored for me”. But I still hope to find a “PVE, just a place to chat” guild. I miss that conversation.

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I had been hoping and praying that Bliz would give solo players a progression track for years. And in a way they do but I wanted solo dungeons and raids as well as PVP versus NPC’s in CURRENT content. The people in this game are just to toxic to team up with anymore. I would without hesitation pay massive additional fee’s for a solo server that has all content playable solo. The only MMO feature I want is the economy.

People who want to go solo on an MMORPG are fine. There is nothing wrong with that.
It’s when those Solo people want the ENTIRE -MMO- to be changed to be suited to single player above all else that causes the problem.

Continue playing the game! You don’t have to go anywhere. But when those single player people start protesting and demanding the game be changed to become more singleplayer, that’s likely when it’s time to go and stay go.

I also play solo ever since what so called friends I had left before Legion and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want if I want to stop and smell the fel roses I can without being dragged around.

Questing is more fun being solo if I decide to actually read the quests so many things make this both a solo game and a multi game.


I don’t agree that everything needs to be made available to solo. But speaking from the solo side, there seems to be a lot of times where people argue that nothing is actually a solo activity. So it gets frustrating when we complain about something being taken away from us and people explain why some solo play friendly activity was now always something that did and should require a group.

Profession leveling in legion being locked in legion became an unreasonable complaint because there was that alchemy table or what not in the one dungeon (even though when you got the recipes that used it you could most likely solo your way to where it was) or that there have always been some recipes in dungeons and raids.