I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim

They got rid of the alchemy lab when they got rid of attunement. The recipes that were locked in dungeons and raids were higher level recipes, not recipes needed to advance your profession.

That still didn’t stop people from bringing it up in Legion when people complained that in order to max out your professions you had to do dungeons and/or raids.

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In fact, I brought it up. It sucked. What I meant was recipes locked previously were not needed to advance, in Legion you needed those recipes to max professions.

Ok? That’s what I was complaining about too. That when people complained that Legion locked a lot of stuff behind instanced content there were a lot of people who brought up stuff like that alchemy lab to try and shut us up.

I was trying to make the point that while I agree that the people who want to do stuff like run current content raids solo without being crazy good players that can do that aren’t being reasonable (well, when mechanics don’t interfere) that a lot of time the players who like instanced content get upset when people complain that solo content stuff is being stuffed into instances.

Some of the most misanthropic people seem to be under the impression that the game would be much better if other people were forced to play with them whether they want to or not.


I’ll take 48-72 hours with tons of replayable content (drained 500+ into every fallout from 3+, skyrim, kingdoms of amalur, etc) from a game that is actually worth a damn to play. From a single player standpoint, wow is horrible.

Bad story
Unchallenging combat in all the single player facets
Meaningless progression that is temporary at best
Non-deterministic reliance on casino lever pulls for rewards

I don’t mind single players being here, but I question their sanity and loathe the affect they have on game development, because if you’re a solo player and you’re actually happy with what is effectively a braindead mobile game in terms of quality, or some type of game similar to no mans sky whereby you can zoneout and just run around clicking stuff for enjoyment… if that’s you, you’re what is wrong with the game. You’re the current market blizz is catering to the most.

Hmm, I’d argue that maybe leaving out point four, Warcraft has Skyrim and FO3+4 beat from a single player standpoint. (Not NV though) Other than putting some skeletons around a terminal with some short memos on it they struggle with stories, The combat is mostly atrocious and they’re infatuated with bullet sponges as difficulty, and their level scaling is way worse than anything Blizz has dreamed of.

Well first off, simply time doesn’t equal quality. It’s the quality of that time. Where something like BFA can be played for days and days and days, and… so far it’s a bit of a trainwreck, where something more smallish like Dark Souls can be played for like 20 or so hours and it’s enjoyable.

Second, umm. No. It’s not a huge money saver. I don’t know about too much about the financial stuff, but Sub MMO’s, for how long you want to stay, costs as much has your staying, where in Single-Player RPG’s just has one fee and that’s it. And if you want the new content, it would just cost as much as a new game, where for Single-player RPG’s, they are almost 3/4 to 1/2 that. This is even before getting into Microtranactions and Discounts.

Coarse this ties back to Time does not equal quality cause theirs sadly some single-player RPG’s that are complete ripoffs for a price higher then free, speaking of MTX. looks at Assassin’s Creed Oddessy :money_mouth_face:

I would recommend buying games for “how much enjoyment i get” over “how much time i spend”. That’s not to say you can’t go Solo in an MMO. You can go solo in MMO’s, it’s your choice. I’m just merely nitpicking at a few of your points that i take issue with.

How in heavens name do you consider that post rude? Do you know and understand the definition of rude? That post was most respectful and open minded.

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Vehemently disagree. Stories in first person games feel special because you can actually be the hero. I don’t care that the game called me “highlord” for the entirety of legion. It was a lie, and I shouldn’t have to just ignore the reality of the world as the game builds it. I was not the highlord, because there were 1000 other highlords running around just like me with “the one true ashrbinger.”

In addition, the story in wow is a mess. It’s poorly delivered, poorly constructed, the characters are top tier stupid as far as doing what they should because -reasons-, and we have no actual impact. The world is not alive in the least.

Combat in fallout is great because FPS combat in general is great at baseline. Above all, combat that is dangerous is better than combat that isn’t. I got attacked by a mob for 5 minutes straight when NJ released and I first showed up because I went to the bathroom. I came back to being at 80% hp.

I could auto attack my way to victory in wow’s overworld content. I could literally faceroll to speed that up 100 times. If you die in wow’s overworld, there is something VERY wrong with you as a person.

Wow could have the most complex combat possible, but if there’s no reason to use anything other than auto attack, it’s lost and pointless. That’s why raids, high m+, mechagon (for right now while gear can’t completely invalidate it) and high ranked pvp are the epitome of wow. Those are the situations you have to actually use skill to defeat opponents. Only time solo players have had to do that and use the full breadth of wow’s combat systems was MTC, and we see how well that went as far as solo players enjoyed. 100s of cry threads every day talking about “gaEm tuU haRd”

I’m not saying here that WoW has a brilliant story. I am just laughing off the idea that Bethesda has the capability to actually write a good one. I had to google things to understand that yes, I had indeed just won Skyrim. And the radiant quests they are in love with are just dull.

Combat in bethesda games suffers from the clunky engine/their use of it. I’m tired of getting arrested or attacked by guards in Skyrim because one of them ran in between my weapon and the dragon I was in the middle of killing. FO 3+4 the difficult seems to only come from the fact that no matter what weapon you use as you level up they’ll always spawn the next type of monster for that area which does a bit more damage and has a ton more hp so really the main thing keeping you from beating it is running out of ammo since you’ll need to dump magazine after magazine into an albino radscorpion to kill it. At least Obsidian made the multi-ammo type system so you had options to help you defeat certain tough enemies in a reasonable amount of time.

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Yeah, but the problem with each story in WoW is that you know that you’re always going to win, which actually can get boring very quickly. For once though, I would like for the devs to come up with a story where we’re not going to win, but at the same time, we’re not going to lose to the point where Azeroth becomes Outland 2.0.


I’m pretty much in same situation. I do chat with others as the opportunity arises. Last night someone was chatting in trade trying to get attention and was super annoying and seemed drunk, so I chatted back a bit then went to whisper just to get him to off of trade. Sometimes it’s somewhat entertaining to talk mild smack with someone who wants attention. I wasn’t putting him down at all, just roleplaying a bit and trying to out-bragg him a bit and giving enough kudos to make him pleased with himself. I knew this person was lonely and wanted to chat, so without leading on at all, gave him a bit of what he was seeking. I was tired and no harm done, and played the MMO a bit.

I simply accept that playing an MMO solo likely can’t ever provide me the same type of enjoyment and fulfillment I get from a true single player RPG, and thus never make the mistake of looking to be a solo player in an MMO. Why there are so many people that do that in WOW is beyond me. They’re just making bad decisions IMO.


The issue that I have with most modern RPGs is they’re designed to run on consoles. I tried playing any number of highly rated single player RPGs and I just didn’t like them, I never liked RPGs on consoles. When I started playing WoW it was a PC only title and I figured I’d invest in it rather than buy single player games I didn’t like.

I play RPGs as a solo player, so I agree with the OP, I tried to play the social game back when TBC was knew, I even raided BT back then. Never again will I subject myself to the Drama that is social gaming. I make characters, I play the content, I have done 99% of this game since TBC as a solo player. I even manage to have guilds of one player with multiple characters on the servers I play.

Note: my main, is a content vacuum so I regularly switch factions with them to play both sides. As such she may be show void elf or blood elf at any given moment.

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OP would probably greatly enjoy ESO, and I don’t mean that in a negative way. I play it entirely single player, as if it’s a glorified Skyrim (loved that game). Everyone can share in kills, and a lot of the dungeons/delves are open world with other players.

You do you, OP. WoW definitely has a lot for solo players (that’s me as well).

Economically speaking, time spent metric is all that matters. If something consumes my time longer that means I don’t have to spend money elsewhere to keep me busy. Granted quality does come into play but only if the game is so bad it can’t hold my attention and I end up having to spend money elsewhere anyways. WoW is like that greesey $2.50 burger you get at your local fast food joint. It’ll fill you up and you won’t need more. It does its job. The other games that only have enough content for a couple days. Those are your Fancy restraunts with top tier chefs in them. Damn that burger tastes great but it costed you $15.

Guess what i’m saying is, when your focused on trying to save money you can’t really care about the quality. Cheaper will always be a less quality product. You get what you pay for.

O… kay?

You can run plenty of mythic raids!

Just 2 expansions after they’re current.

I can’t wait till I can go get Mythic Nighthold gear. :sparkles:

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