I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim

This. It’s not always the nightmare that GD would have you believe. I very, very rarely have truly awful groups when I do queue.


“No, I won’t play Skyrim.”

Ok then, how about one of the Legend of Zelda games? Or maybe Dragonage? Or maybe one of the earlier entries in the Elder Scrolls series like Morrowind or Oblivion? Or you can go old school and play one of the older Final Fantasy games that takes place before a technological revolution (ingame), like Final Fantasy IV!


How old are those games? You think he hasn’t played those by now?

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Fixed that for you.

Replaying old games can be good too. Matter of fact, Classic is releasing next month so people who played when WoW originally launched can have their taste of nostalgia.

But you do you, fam. No one is saying otherwise.

I’m fine with solo players, but too many of them want access to all the content on a level that fits their play style. This is my beef with modern MMO solo players now. In the past, these players didn’t except raid level gear, access to raids and access to dungeons without having to socialize. Modern solo MMO players are plague on the genre, because of their constant demands to make the game more accessible to fit their play style has watered down the game’s social aspects.

WoW suffers from this a lot. So many newer players that have come into the game post Cata really didn’t get to experience the real MMO WoW used to be. There have been so many changes over the years to marginalize negative social interactions, so the game could appeal to the casual, solo player.


Solo is fine. Just don’t demand the game cater to you.

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I fell in love with mmorpgs with Everquest. I followed friends to WoW in 2004. Once they all quit, I started to notice that the WoW community (in fact most Blizzard communities) attract the worst type of person. I too had no desire to mingle with most of the WoW player base for more than a few minutes. However, I am now ingrained into WoW as well. Hence why I am grateful I can play most of this game without a guild.

I don’t care if most WoW players do not like that I can play this game without them as I think most of them are trash human beings anyway.


When you play the game solo, that’s fine. You do you.

When you make demands that the developers should either prioritize your solo experience over the multiplayer facets, or demand that they shoehorn your solo preference into those multiplayer/group experiences, you threaten making the game worse for me. I have a problem with that.


no one cares how you play the game. do what you want.

this is what people care about.


That’s fine and I respect people’s choice to play by themselves.

That being said, the only thing I don’t like is when said players make suggestions that would ruin another group aspect of the game because they refuse to group for group content.

Which is pretty rare.

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you must not read the forums any time a profession item or storyline quest is placed inside a dungeon.


If a single player game only lasts a week or two, then it is your fault for buying a clearly inferior product. For my $60 I expect much more than some wham, bam, done game.

I don’t like that they made so many solo activities so easy. People talk about “soloing” old raids…which because of crazy damage modifiers just involves one shotting everything. I miss when soloing actually involved special prep to make things smoother. There were particular items you farmed to help it. And there were reasons to bring a couple of friends along. It was involved and fun, great for casual social guilds, now it’s dull and boring and you can access all content in the current expansion via menus.

You can play the game however you want.

Just don’t expect everything to be available to you if you decide to stay in your own little single player world.

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You lost me at:

It is an MMO, go play Skyrim if you want a single player game.


No. I don’t think that’s the case at all. It’s only a rejection of a particular subculture of the game that doesn’t want to co-exist with solo play.

There seems to be a commonly thrown around misconception by anti-solo players that solo/ungrouped play in a shared world is the same experience as a single player game. It isn’t. An MMO offers a qualitatively different environment a single player game can’t.

We do have different interests. It can lead to conflicting priorities/directions. But I believe (and I really hope I’m right) that this is, in the long run, a net positive because of the creativity and innovation that comes out of the creative tension.

I also think it’s very, very dangerous to start down the path of “remove all playstyles different than mine and I’ll have the game I want” … because there will be no point where you have everyone on the same page; tastes vary, tastes drift over time … there will always be diversity, whether you like it or not.


I don’t think WoW as a single player game, just that I can do stuff solo should I choose to, at least to an extent. I play solo for the most part, but at times I do join others (be it my guildmates or random people) to do content that requires a group like the Heroic Warfront I did recently.

I’m the same way. There’s still a lot for me to do.

And I won’t be playing classic

Same OP. I don’t view this game as an MMO that says, I have to play with others. Only that there are others that play the game and act like NPC’s in the background.

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