I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim


I like WoW alot cause.

  1. Questing. I liked reading them. Getting the story in.
  2. Its always updating. Compared to other single player rpgs that will take years to release a new game
  3. Progression stays with you for vanity items. This game is old but I still have my mounts from the third expansion. Sone rpgs restart you in new games or take away things you had before.
  4. You can choose multiplayer really easily. If you do want ti interact with people you got the chance. Many options.
  5. Solo raiding/dungeons/twinking.
  6. Transmog

That is silly. Solo is a different way of playing and it should be supported in some fashion because many of us spend time doing it.

I think solo players should have a progression path that is engineered to feel rewarding to them, and can exist for more than the first few weeks of a patch. That’s a fair bit different than wanting Mythic gear, though. That’s just wanting stuff to do that means something and is agnostic of gear ilvl compared to other content.


Titan forging and most recenetly Benthac gear gives a pretty sense of progression. I do wish they would return Mage tower though. Alas hopes and dreams. Many people who don’t solo hate titanforging though and don’t see how great it is for players that do. Or simply don’t care.


I feel that benthic gear is a tricky one. On the one hand there’s no challenge to get it. It’s a catch up mechanic, and it feels cheap to be the only path. On the other hand it’s definitely something that’s going to last longer.

I’m not saying it’s bad, just that I wish maybe there were some “challenging” ways to acquire pearls. That way I could have a solo challenge. Ah, well. No big deal.

Titanforging is RNG and should never be used to argue there’s a progression path. I just completely disagree that it counts as such. I honestly don’t even believe it should exist (or that it should at least be limited). This is coming from someone who’s primary mode of gearing up is solo play, and would likely benefit the most from more TF and not less.

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I understand your point of view, but its the two ways of gear progression they have given us. I wouldn’t be opposed to their removal if we was granted another means that gave equally powerful gear as the titan forged stuff but in a path that took just as much time if not more. Main thing I like about it as a solo player is I always have an upgrade to get. I never feel done so I can keep chasing that next piece. If they added a new way to get that same feeling and removed the rng then that would be fine.

Look, i myself am a solo player in wow this days, mostly because i can’t have my attention 100% in the game for long periods anymore, so i choose content that does not end up with me AFKing every 10 mins or so in the midle of a DG/raid.

But i am all for more multiplayer content, i can’t just think of me, this is an MMO, so there are other people here.

The “me me me” mindset is exactly one of the things that brought this game to the place we are today with less than 10% of the playerbase we had before.

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But arrow? Knee? No?

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To be edgy you should bring your coffee pot and beans to starbucks and make it there.

Hell, I might actually do that now that I think of it.

Would love to see what they say while there is a homeless person sleeping under the table.


Feel free to play the game as single player as long as you don’t expect the game to be tailored around your choice to ignore the fact that other people are in the game and it’s all good and have fun


I guess I am a Hermit too. I am much older that most players (mid 70’s) I play for relaxation because I am still working full time and my job is mentally strenuous. I also have to care for my husband and I have only a little time to play. Most guilds want people who can be there much more than I can. I am not a terribly savvy player so it is easier not to have people upset with me. I don’t need that and why should I make them frustrated because I do not play as well as they do.


Looks like you get offended at everything so this is prob a good idea :[


At the end of the day, no one cares if you’re a solo player until you start whining about things being designed for organized groups. I’m not saying you do, I don’t know if you do or don’t, but it’s something that comes up every now and again.

There’s nothing wrong with solo players who just play the game and enjoy themselves. It’s when they start feeling entitled to content catered to them in an MMO that it becomes an issue.


OP I have no problem with you or anyone else choosing to play this game as a single player experience, What i do have a problem with is if you or anyone else is advocating that WOW a MMO, focus their content around such ideals.

I Think that there is a BIG difference between being able to experience content without the reliance upon others verse simply not wanting any social interaction with others because it might detract from what “YOU” want the game to be. WOW is still a MMORPG, A massively Multiplayer role playing game last time i checked


Well said!

I think most solo players understand and accept the limitations of solo play in terms of high end rewards and contents specifically designed for groups. Most folks don’t want epic rewards for which others raid and do mythic progressions.

However, what solo players want is content they can do solo, or casually, which is fun and rewarding, and does feel like a progression. As with all players, soloers want to feel that their characters do get stronger, and life gets a little easier as they progress. Sololers don’t want to be excluded from the major features of the game, except for the specific group content (see above) Unfortunately, that has not always been the case in this game, since on several occasions, even open world PvE, perhaps the only quest content soloers can actually do, has been tuned for groups, and there are, indeed, hard to kill mobs out there who drop literally nothing worthwhile.

Again, the majority of soloers don’t want mythic dungeon or raid drops, but it would be nice to keep Open world PvE solo-centric, keep professions soloable until the upper-tiers, and not gate normal open world PvE behind dungeon and PvP content.


Oh, you.


People who want to play solo are fine. People who want to play solo and expect the game to cater to their every whim are the ones who get dumped on.


I did the tortollan daily

Where is my mythic raid gear and ashes of alar