I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim

I didnt mind it as most recipes were dropped in heroic. I didnt like the mythic recipes.

And that is great I would never ask them to remove it. But give people like me another option. So we can both have fun.

Nailed it with the first one, was a hardcore vanilla raider (server firsts) and guild had problems and fell apart and left and came back.

Now have a hard time leaving guild I have with few friends left but can’t find reliable party members for most content

No matter how people spin things in this thread. Player interaction was always the main appeal of MMOs. Player interaction can come in many forms too, not just forced grouping for instanced content.

MMOs were always inferior to good single player RPGs in every way, but people were willing to sacrifice many of the good aspects of single player RPGs in order to be part of a persistent online world that allowed us to interact with other human beings.

This push for content that is walled off from player interaction just doesn’t make for a good MMO and goes against the spirit of what MMOs were supposed to be.

WoW has been killing player interaction for years now and it has made their game dull, because MMOs were always about the people and the interactions you had with them.

Again, I’m not talking about forced grouping here for raids and dungeons exclusively. Fighting over a mining node or competing with someone of the same faction for a mining is a perfect example of player interactions that has been removed from the game. Playing the AH against other players is a form of player interaction.

Player interactions can come in many forms, but those interactions have become fewer and fewer as the game has become more streamlined for casual solo players.

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Forced interaction isnt always good either. I remember alot of trolls abusing group content stuff. Sometimes for your own sanity playing by yourself is better. Especially with stuff like vote to kick with no protections from abuse or appeal process- 30 min debuff from doing group content.

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I’m not talking about forced interaction. I’m talking about player interactions that happen organically in the world. Those interactions have been streamlined a ton. Shared gathering nodes, shared mob tags, CRZ, personal loot just to name to a few, have all contributed to the decline of player interactions.


Skyrim > Wow Any day

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This thread proves there is a small group of people ruining the game for everyone else. The good news is 9.0 is bound to become more hardcore and solo unfriendly, so the “make everything soloable” people will likely all bleed away from the game. We can only hope.

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Really, this is an example of contributing to the decline of player interactions? If by interactions you mean swearing at the person who snagged a node out from under me while I was fighting the mobs at said node then sure, making them shareable reduced my interaction with other players.


Basically this. Nail on the head. I don’t mind you playing the game solo. I’d even advocate for solo oriented progression paths (assuming similar levels of challenge) like a mage tower.

But what I’m not for… Is you demanding content that is primarily aimed at organized groups to be altered and changed so that it fits your playstyle. No… the mythic lock out shouldn’t go away. No… mythic realm restrictions shouldn’t go away when the raid is released. No… The entire loot system shouldn’t be altered so that it specifically suits a solo player over a group (specifically when the group wants to prioritize the group).

It’s those aspects of complaints that start to annoy me and get me to say something along the lines of: If you want a solo RPG… then go play a solo RPG and leave our MMORPG alone.


Fus Ro Dah

Boom, there goes the MMO part of this game xD

Well it is true. Negative interactions is better than no interactions at all. The game world feels like a single player game that you share with a bunch of NPCs at this point. Players competing over resources is part of the MMO experience.

I’m just going to go ahead and disagree with you on that one. Shareable nodes were a QoL improvement, not a detriment to the game.


Right,e because you are the exact type of player these changes were aimed at. Of course you are not going to like it. Duh!

Yes, i’m the kind of player who believes the game doesn’t need mechanics that deliberately cause friction between players of the same faction. You got me there alright. Boy do I feel chastened now.


Sounds like you’re going to enjoy Classic WoW a lot.

Let’s hope so. :slight_smile:

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To be fair it’s not the mechanics that cause friction but the players themselves. For instance with your shareable nodes thing.

When I played in the Classic Beta any time I was in a populated area like a cave for a quest, I always got an invite by randoms to help clear the quest faster and more efficiently. And even had some funny exchanges with other people who were giving it a try. I also ran into some people who were a little disgruntled at me because I snagged some chests or some of their mobs. But for me that didn’t all of a sudden damper the experience nor did it negate the good ones.

Fast foward to BFA and the experience is the complete opposite. I didn’t interact with anyone, I didn’t need to group up with anyone, I barely talked to anybody and the same with people towards me. The only interactions that I got was from Trade Chat which was always very brief.

In both scenarios choice is definitely a factor. But 1 way encourages interaction while the other encourages you to do your own thing.

That has absolutely nothing to do with node tagging. Quests are a shareable resource where multiple people are benefiting from the interaction and so can foster a spirit of cooperation. Node tagging is the exact opposite of that.


On one hand I agree, on the other hand it makes it more of a world. And while one player interaction goes poorly, another may go well with players showing some level of respect towards each other. Though to be fair, this wouldn’t work in todays game where everyone is anonymous due to CRZ and Sharding.

I do have to admit, most of my world content nowadays is done in silence and alone. Even though I’m technically surrounded by players, they may as well be NPCs.