I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim

I would love a endgame progression track. You have one that is MMO focused with 5 mans all the way to mythic raiding. But that same content could be tuned to solo player either alone or with an NPC group. Mythic solo content could be like the mage tower extremely difficult but possible. And the gear you get lets you progress solo just like group content.

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as long as your not somone who says they should take away certain group and social aspects of the game, then no one in there right mind should tell you to play something else.

everyone loves WoW for their own reasons. my biggest gripe with the campaign and stuff with wow is that its all written as a solo hero whether or not your with a friend, its a bit likie Halo CE, instead of say Halo 3.

I really wish blizzard would right quests to be solo/co-op campaigns

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yeah the mage tower was awesome as hell, but just doing something that’s like a bot match, woukld really make me sad. one of the reasons WoW is soo cool to me is you see people that are players but they and you, are the npcs

Okay so I just got off work to read this and for the most part I agree. Gear progression is randomized, PvP gear no longer exists and I agree that solo play should be rewarded gear. It’s just when we start stepping over raid gear is when I raise an eyebrow.

Benethic gear progression is a good start in my opinion. And for casuals I wish they would focus more on the open world content. When I look at those world bosses I just feel like they’re pathetic. It’s just one big zerg fest with no substance. At least in GW2 when they did the dragon world bosses they visually looked amazing with the animations that they used like these ones.

And yeah these World bosses are just zergfests too, but it’s visually interesting and some of them actually have mechanics to them. Most of them just being swing at things. I’m actually working on a video right now to give my thoughts on more interesting World boss encounters.

But back to the gearing, I think the Benthic gearing system is a good direction, but I don’t think it should’ve been better than raiding gear is the case. I personally think they need to do away with the current system and bring back tier sets for raid and have a benthic system for the open world.


Agreed, but I ran out of likes on Furvus.

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Yeah even that system makes no sense…

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If im still spamming pepegas and blasting noobs when im 70 i will know i won at life, a tip of the cap to you ma’am.

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I honestly don’t remember any dungeons that required completion to continue the main quest. To see the full story in that zone, yeah. Now FFXIV gates you until you do each dungeon and trial (kind of like their version of a raid) when they happen in the story line. You literally cannot continue with the main quest line until you do them. Nor can you just grind out levels (thus skipping the main quest line) and have access to any endgame content.

WoW has never been like that as far as I remember. I did zero dungeons while solo leveling on my hunter in BfA.

Legion was the worst culprit, I think every order hall except druids had to do at least one dungeon to finish that campaign, and it was all over the place on how many you had to do. BFA has the war campaign where the Jaina BoD quest holds up horde (and Tauren) in the war campaign, and I think Alliance needs to do Siege of Boralus in theirs?


Definitely not Siege for Alliance. I also leveled my Alliance Paladin without touching any dungeons.

I did forget about the garrison. I think I blocked it out.

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There are 2 dungeons you have to do to complete the Kul Tiras storyline that leads to unlocking the KT race, actually. But nothing for heritage armor.

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But that’s an allied race, the person I quoted said dungeons were required to finish the solo campaign (they specifically mentioned questing chains in zones, i.e. leveling). Which is untrue as I leveled my paladin to 120 with zero dungeons.

Let me start off by saying that I did not like the profession quests in Legion, I didn’t like having to go into a dungeon and inconvenience a group by doing extra bosses or pulling extra hallways of trash. (I did run a lot with my guild, so that helped)

But I remember many profession recipes dropping off of raid / dungeon bosses as far back as BC, as well as materials like Primal Nether that were needed to make said items, which dropped from bosses in dungeons. So this is not something they just invented. The Legion quests were just not implemented in a fun way.

It is, because you can jump in by yourself and do your own thing, and just turn chat off so nobody talks to you.

A truly “solo player” BG would just be you standing in a field, punching yourself in the face while holding a flag.

I made it as far as Lord Stormsong with the Alliance campaign but hit a wall since his mind control instantly resets the fight.

Yes, I have been here for all that, but Legion was were they required current dungeon and raid content in order to max out the profession skill. I’ve talked about those things before and don’t mind them as being benefits for dungeons and raids, it was the way Legion prevented you from maxing out the skill without doing those quests that I’m objecting to.

Depends on what we’re talking about, I was getting a bit tired of the repeated nonsense from that poster so I was blunt. When I refer to solo content I tend to mean stuff that doesn’t require queueing as well, as aside from those of us who don’t like doing those things, there’s also a need for content for people to do when they don’t feel like running more instanced content. Stuff to wind down after doing running things with the guild that doesn’t require too much attention, stuff you can do if you just want to hang out in guild chat but do more than sit in SW/Org standing still.


That is typically when I go fishing or herbing or chase world quests with good rewards, or hit up transmog runs. I think the BC / Legion comparisons for professions are kind of the same deal with a different name. In BC you could max the profession, but needed dungeon stuff to do anything with it. In Legion, the recipes come from the trainer, but you need the dungeon quest to get high enough to buy them.

So like I said earlier, the implementation was what really made people mad. I think Blizzard could have integrated a dungeon / instanced reward for professions that didn’t feel as inhibiting as preventing level progress.

Legion really hit me on that one since one of my big ones was Archaeology, and they just slaughtered it in that expansion. No rares to work on outside the quests, only one type at a time, and so on. I mean some of the quests were good, I liked some of the ones that had you using the prospect skill to find items in suramar city, that was good, the dungeon one is my epitome of the lazy dungeon quest.

And even with the dungeon mats there was still stuff to do in professions that didn’t need them. There’s a good chunk of stuff to work on like the various mounts that seem to rely (at least since Cata) on mats that can only be made once a day (or sped up at a higher cost) and expensive vendor parts.


Predictable rares, fun little vignettes, quests gave good pacing to alts. I had a couple of small quibbles about them throwing in random dungeon quests, but overall I appreciated all the love archeology got.

Some of the quests were good. Some were do a dungeon and we stuck a thing at the the end you touch. But Legion changed it from an alternative to fishing or farming mats into a short questline every 2 weeks with no reason to do it otherwise.

It got rid of rare discoveries in favor of the quests, so for the most part the only reason to do digsites was if your quest needed them, or you just liked the completionism of the pristines (I’ve never really been fond of that system since it was introduced) There stopped being a reason to do arch once you finished the quest if you didn’t care about the pristines. And the mount was really anti-climatic, it wasn’t really anything special you had to do to get it, just log in while it was active and do another quest like the others. it could have been the only arch you did in the expansion.

I gravitate toward soloing as well, and I HATED Legion for doing that. Like, yes, it’s an MMO, and MMO’s are typically aimed at groups and interactions, I get that, but to force groups for things like profession levelling, and class hall progressions REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t know about other people, but grouping with strangers stresses me out a little (like, the content is fun, but running at a million miles an hour to get to the end, is not), and to be stressed is not the point of a game in my opinion. I’m glad that they seemingly took that out for this expansion.