I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim

I don’t see it that way. But maybe I’m getting my terminology mixed up here. You’re referring to the change where multiple people on the same faction even though they’re not grouped up can still benefit from tagging a mob correct?

No, he’s talking about tagging nodes. Like mining nodes and herbs. In older versions of the game nodes were player specific. So if we both went up and mined the same node only one of us would get it.

A common frustration was running up to a node, getting aggro on a mob next to it, and while you killed the mob another player rode up and mined it. It was considered a pretty douchey move. Sorta like a skinner stealing another skinner’s mobs nowadays actually.

Wrong, mob sharing doesn’t encourage people to party up. Like 5 mins ago I dropped into area that had a rare mob and it was about to die, it had 1% hp.

I hit once with a white attack and got the kill. How is that fun? I didn’t have to ask to join the group nor did I do anything to contribute other than hitting the mob once. It is a shallow experience that goes against the spirit of what MMOs were founded on.

Node sharing wasn’t always a negative experience. There were many times I encountered other players trying to tap a node and messaged me if I wanted to take a hit so I could get a skill level. Sometimes we would even strike up a conversation after.

None of that happens now. The overall game world has been completely neutered for god knows why. For so many players WoW is a dull experience, because the non instance part of the world requires no player interaction at all anymore. The entry level group content requires zero interaction too.

The only socialization that occurs is in the harder content and maybe RP realms. This game doesn’t feel like the MMO it used to be and it is the little things that all contributed to making the world feel like immersive experience that you shared with other players.

They have done everything in their power to cater to players that don’t want to play a MMO and the game feels that way too. Anway, my comments are probably wasted on players like you, because you like the way game is now.

Edit: I can’t stand when people say “You’ll love Classic” like it is some kind of negative thing. Vanilla was an amazing game and you wouldn’t be here if it didn’t draw in the millions of gamers at the time.

Ah. Okay thank you. I agree that would be frustrating.

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True, but it’s all part of a similar discussion. Which is that of player interaction. While making all nodes shareable definitely made it more convenient… it means we have one less interaction between our fellow players. Removing the interaction definitely prevents the frustration, but it also prevents players from having positive interactions over the same problem.

The game used to utilize social interactions to garner rapport between it’s players rather than just placing them all on rails to ensure they don’t collide. I do think that one of the reasons the game world feels as empty and bereft of engagement is because of these rails.

No, I’m talking about this:

Go away with your ad hominem BS, Jayawen. I played Vanilla, I’m over it. Classic Forum lovefest for the past is that way =====>


Exactly, that player had an impact on your experience playing the game. It could be good or bad, but it was an interaction none the less. Now, you don’t have any interactions at all. The game functions like a single player RPG for the most part.

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I wouldn’t say that is a ad hominem at all. Based on your responses, I was simply stating the obvious, if you think that is a negative interaction I apologize. I just get tired of the people who defend these poor changes to the game over the years that have reduced player interactions.

How is this not an ad hominem? Take your own advice. :slight_smile:

I 100% agree with what you’re saying. And here’s the way I kind of view the playerbase. When you’re able to have actual interactions between players you jump into the possibility of having ups and downs. This creates an overall experience. Be it whether it’s good or bad is up to the player. But I feel it looks like this.

But when the players aren’t encouraged to interact or mingle with one another. This can create an experience that I perceive personally as pretty flat. That looks like this.

Good and bad interactions I think are okay. But it’s not the design of the game to create that but just put us in front of each other to have some form of interaction. I personally don’t like the direction retail has gone and look forward to Classic for those interactions with other players. I want to feel like I’m playing an MMO again.


I have some real funny memories of a lot of the negative player interactions I had in MMOs. Like in Archeage, I was scammed out of some land I was going to buy and I still remember that to this day. The guy was a total jerk about it too.

I don’t really have any interactions like that in WoW anymore outside hanging out in the Goldshire inn.

Allow me to stop you right there.

The game changed. Not the community. The game facilitated more and more antisocial behavior and so the antisocial elements of the community flourished while the community driven ones did not.

It wasn’t us getting full time jobs that changed everything. People with full time jobs still log into WoW and raid together.

The issue is all that content is locked away in instances far away from the open world and in exchange, the open world is full of antisocial single player content.

Design driven outcome. Clearly.


Wait, so now a mechanic that lets a gathering node remain in existence for what, 30 seconds after it is first harvested to cut down on people being jerks intentionally or otherwise (I know I felt like one a few times in Cata as someone phased in right next to an herb right after I had swooped down and gathered it) is supposed to be some sort of loss of social interaction? If anything it might help it a little as now it doesn’t hurt to follow someone around a gathering loop (other than leather) since you can both harvest the same nodes.

And I don’t know, I feel like I get just as much social aspect out of doing quests in the new zones as I ever did before shared tagging was in, as before it tended to be “someone has randomly invited you to join their party” with maybe a whisper beforehand, then killing in silence until one person got their kills or items and left the area. That doesn’t seem much different than banding together with other people of your faction and pulling mobs over to where they are so you can all get it done faster.


OMG this so much. I hate when people use this line. People had jobs in the early 2000s too. Plus, I played with players of all backgrounds and ages then. This idea that the game was only played by people from ages 15-25 is silly. MMOs attract a lot of different types of players.

On my realm player interaction was pretty wild. We had some crazy rivalries going on. It was like a dysfunctional family that if anyone tried to butt in on everyone turned their attention to them. It was hilarious :joy:

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Yep. EQ was the same. WAYY back in 1999.

Player driven content, player-to-player interaction always beats developer driven content. Dev driven content is fine for a week or two tops. After that well, take a look at any Path of Exile league 4 weeks into the league to see what a ghost town looks like.

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I played in your guild man on ED, it was brief, but I had fun. ED world pvp is dead as well as the realm itself. :frowning:

I’ve been playing Albion Online and despite it’s graphics, it is a breath of fresh air to be playing a Sandbox MMO again. The player stories from that game are amazing. It is growing in population too.

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Oh hey! That’s cool. Well I’m glad that you had a good time with us. I’m just sad about the state of the realm. It’s just not the same :confused: