I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim

So what data do you have to prove otherwise? Bliz is hiding their numbers.

EDIT: I found the original citation. The total completion numbers are from wowhead, the 30% numbers were for normal and above and I think were from wowprogress. Both would be percent of 120s so would include alts and single run characters. While I would not hold to their absolute validity, they represent a reasonable estimator of relative numbers. If you could provide better numbers I would be interested, but I suspect this is just begging the question at hand.

Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll

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Time to grab some popcorn and see how this thread lasts.

World of Warcraft since its release has ALWAYS been structured around socializing with other people… well except leveling currently, its an MMO, what do you expect? While leveling I have seen what direction it has gone to cater to the player base who wants solo content, if you like to do it, I respect that but requesting a raid to be nerfed to the point you can solo it in a month into a season is like a huge slap in the face to the top tier guilds who wiped 300+ times to complete the world first race.

As many people say that would prefer not the game to go down this solo play route considering it will be the biggest mistake if Blizzard has gone down this, if you say this is good, I’m sorry and not trying to be toxic but I’m out of touch with the rest of the game outside of leveling accessible to solo players.

If you want a game that will allow you to accomplish your own goals without someone helping you than its not World of Warcraft outside of leveling.

I really dont think anyone is asking a raid to be nerfed in any possible way.

“As many people say that would prefer not the game to go down this solo play route considering it will be the biggest mistake if Blizzard has gone down this…” If we are going to pretend things I can claim that the solo players are the majority of ppl who actually do the quests the game has to offer and, doing that, had played the game in a more complete way a raider could ever do.

See… it does not work like that.
What I see here, for the most part, are solo players giving suggestions of what could improve the game in their vision.
Let me just say something to you, and here goes a fact, a lot of solo players today were a raider in the past.
While I am not a solo player myself, I am not a raider, not anymore.
Back in 2004 until 2010 I was a actual raider.
But you know… You get old, job, family and things just change.
You know why WoW is still here? Because the devs never forgot the old players… they created new ways ppl would play without much time in hand.
They did it because those ppl $15/m does indeed matter in a big way.
And what I usually see today, not saying its the rule but just what I see, are guilds falling apart because ppl dont have time to commit anymore.
Why do you think those GLORY achievements and raid sells works? Because casuals and solo players buy it. Usually (and again, thats what I can see in game) the solo players stay subed while raiders, after cleaning something, just pause their subs until the next tier comes in.
Thats why Blizzard is giving the solo players more stuff to do, you just need to follow the money.

So again, what I see here, for the most part, is ppl giving suggestions.
Thats it!
They are not appealing to you? Thats just fine.

Edit.: I am from the time someone, I forgot his name, started a forum thread asking for something that end up being transmog we have today and got flammed to the ground.
So many ppl telling him that would never happen (EVEN BLIZZARD ITSELF SAID IT), that the game would die, that pvp would be miserable, that ppl would never care for gear progression anymore, that transmog was for the casuals who destroy the game and want to look good, damn it was a nightmare… and back in the days that thread alone put those megathreads we have today into shame, guess what? Transmog is one of the most popular features this game has to offer.


People’s lives change. Two realizations cannot be overlooked:

  1. That no matter how well you play, everything you have will eventually be replaced (and it will NEVER show up in your closet for reals).

  2. That life is too short to group with people you don’t like just to push progression.

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That sarcasm made me laugh so much haha good one!

Your data is a guess at best. So stop stating that only 30% of the player base raids. This game bends over backwards now to cater to solo players and it isn’t any better for it. I’d say the game is in the worst shape it has ever been.

Blizzard needs to stop worrying about people that don’t want to play MMOs and focus on the players that do.

In the absence of any contradicting data it would seem the best estimator available. I think the conclusion we can draw is that a fair number of people raid and a fair number do not raid. Support raiding but also support non-raid activities, don’t do one at the expense of the other.

Why does MMO need to be defined just in terms of raiding? In the world environment you interact with other players, in farming and AH you compete against other players, why aren’t those considered MMO?

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You are trying to change WoW into another game. There are so many other games out there that cater to your play style. WoW has always been a group focused game that features raiding, pvp and dungeons.

No one cares.

Except PvP gearing is now PvE gearing, dungeons shifted from a strategy game to an arcade experience. I want it back how it once was, not changed into something different.

There are enough casual players to justify giving them a path to progression. Why should we only accept your definition of what is acceptable?

EDIT: Ran out of likes on Furvus, had to switch to Raist.

I don’t understand what you want? The game has always had some content for solo players. I don’t understand this mindset that all casual players just want solo means of progression either. Speak for yourself.

I miss the old WoW too, but that version of the game has way less solo character progression than what we have now.

This is what I’m talking about when I say your demographic is a pain to try to make a game for. You guys are all over the place when it comes to content.

This game just needs to get back to it’s roots with all it’s endgame character progression revolving around group play. That mana pearl grind in 8.2 is seriously the most boring content I have seen put into any game. They just don’t have the budget or the resources to make raids, bgs and dungeons all the while trying to make endless story content for solo players.

This game was in it’s best state when solo players were just happy leveling their toons and having professions as their end game.

I think the problem started when they made leveling inconsequential and just a means to end game. Then character boosts to bypass it all. WoW became popular because it was casual friendly at its roots. If we go back to the roots of WoW, you have a casual game and very few people running raids.

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Interesting, do you have any data to back this up? My experience is anecdotal, but a lot of the player base I encountered from Vanilla through Wrath raided. Just because 1% only seen Naxx in Vanilla doesn’t mean a lot of people didn’t raid.

How about a blue post on the subject:

“Only a very small minority was actually able to raid.”


Um, he is talking about the rarity of epics. You are cherry picking 1 statement from a blue to back up your claims. They did not release any actual data there other than statement.

Did you ever think that they have been trying to cover over the fact that LFR has been a huge disaster for the game?

I’ve seen the developers say stuff like this on occasion, but never released any actual numbers to back up their claims.

Until they release actual data, I will just go on my own experience with the game both now and in the past. I think more people raid or at least dabble with raiding than you think.

How about this gem from the same post:
“We don’t want to restrict raiding again to <1% of the player base”

You’re begging the question. If you have a more credible source, please present it.


This is nothing but hyperbole and PR speak lol. I can assure you more than 1% of the player base raided. Anyway, 200k plus players watched Method get the world first today on Twitch. They doubled the viewership of Fortnite today. I’d say more people are interested in raiding than you think.

I’d love to see WoW without raiding too, this game would truly die quickly. Take one look at Lord of the Rings online and see what happens to your themepark MMO when you abandon making endgame raids.

You might want to try ESO, that game is a exactly the type of MMO you are looking for.

Please, you lost the point. Just change your logic or bow out gracefully.


I forgot what yours even was lol. You want the game to basically just turn into a solo MMO right? Why even have it online then, if you don’t want to interact with others? You still haven’t provide any kind of solid numbers on actual raid participation too. Posts from 2013 are sketch at best.

I never understood posts like this. WoW has always had a fair amount of solo content. I don’t understand why they keep having to dump resources into pleasing fickle players that don’t stay subbed longer than a few weeks into a patch?

I mean sheesh, you guys have LFR, LFD, solo queue bgs, wqs, professions, story content. You basically have access to all the content without ever having to really interact with others. Smash that queue button to victory.