What’s the best way to monetize a video game? Don’t. The players will do it for you. At this point it’s only a matter of time before the WoW token comes to Era so that GDKPs can continue to thrive without relying on a backbone of 3rd party RMT. Blizzard has your backs!
What a mess…
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You’re contributing to a guild of people who will run with each other week after week. You can’t buy DKP with RL money. That’s the difference. All you’re doing is introducing the ability for a whale to take all the loot and for someone who is poor to not be able to play the game.
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The issue with discussing gdkps with people like yourself is you have convinced yourself that every single person in a gdkp is a gold buyer or seller.
There is no possibility for any player to even prove themselves to be neither to someone like you.
You just want to rant and rave about a system you hate but you refuse to ever double or triple down on banning selling and buyers, instead choosing to scream about a loot system instead.
You don’t hate rmt, you just hate gdkps and want to use rmt as a shield to justify your hatred of gdkps.
Fresh finna have gdkp get over it
Blizzard could DNA-ban gold buyers and sellers for all I care. Absolutely bizarre take.
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This past year has taught me that there is likely zero topic worth discussing with 95% of anti-gdkp players.
It takes a certain kind of cognitive dissonance to take that stance, and even more to hold it after the SoD experiment.
It doesn’t matter if they’re a RMT gold buyer… That just makes it worse on top of the fact that a person with little to no gold as a fresh 60 can’t just play the game because they are required to use a system that makes them purchase the gear that they killed the raid boss for. Except they also don’t get an invite because buyers don’t get invites with 50g in their inventory.
Nobody is preventing them from playing the game. The “barrier” of entry for MC, ZG and AQ20 is like a measly little 300-500g.
Do a handful of dungeons for pre-bis, which they need to do anyway (playing the game), and then they’ll easily have 500g to jump into a GDKP (also playing the game). Once there, just pass on stuff and get paid instead. Payouts seem to average 300-600g I’ve noticed… depending on drops… now they’re off to the races.
If they don’t like that, there’s plenty of SR guilds that are progressing the old school way, which is cool too.
As an old school original myself, it honestly doesn’t feel that different to me than progression systems of the past. It might even feel more accessible now.
Guilds used to prevent new initiates from looting in their “trial period” for like a full week, sometimes 2. That feels way more like gatekeeping than these GDKP’s do.
They don’t need any gold - they can find 39 friends and make a SR, DKP, or whatever other system they want.
We did exactly that and choose gdkp because of the advantages, if other systems are so wonderful it should be easy to make raids
Even today the top SR guilds generally block the rarest items from new players for at least a few months.
There is no other way to to run them because otherwise you will lose all the good raiders when a new player takes an item they have been after for months.
GDKP does this by nature because it takes a long time to get enough gold to buy the rarest items.
The upside of GDKPs is that one can ‘progress’ with dozens of different groups and there is way less drama and zero chance that a corrupt officer or guild leader will destroy all their progress (which is a massive and very common problem with wow guilds).
Exactly. All of the above.
Much more reason to have an official untradeable DKP implemented by Blizzard so that your PUG DKP system can’t be abused by RMTers, right?
If players actually played the game to get said gold, cool; but, we both know where it comes from.
Why don’t you propose something concrete - perhaps the activity will help you realize the complexities of it.
For starters, it can’t be untradeable because you lose all the bis geared toons (which are like 30% of every naxx raid). The main point of GDKP is that it creates an incentive to raid even after the toon’s gear progression is finished.
So make it account bound. This is a very straight forward solution if you are trying to FIX the RMT instead of preserve it.
Let me guess. You need to share it across 4 accounts. So make it credit card bound.
All of these solutions require zero thinking. They are not obvious to you because you are a liar, like all RMT-DKP defenders on this forum. If you really loved GDKP because it is PUG-DKP and it’s such a fair system - then you would be jumping at the chance to permanently purge it of all RMT.
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Since you’re so confident, I’ll wait till you propose something before I ever reply to you again.
All talk no bite.
Common, surprise me - give a coherent proposal that could be implemented.
You just got it. Account bound official, untradeable DKP. Your favorite system with no more ability to RMT the DKP.
I know you hate it, and we all know why.
I am quite neutral as this isn’t a proposal.
Define your terms, tell me how you get the points, etc.
You wanna talk about game / software design and can’t even be clear about your own ideas, there’s no possible discussion. You just want to rant not actually build.
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If you’re playing era and only have 50g then you just outright suck.
My friend and I had 0 issue whatsoever getting our normal and epic mount money, plus world epics, plus enchants, all from gathering professions as we leveled.
Once again it’s only the bads who are mad about gdkps. Shocker.
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