I'm 20, I feel like everyone is my parent in this game

Didn’t we just see this same thread the other day?

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That one was 18 :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m 24 and hate everyone equally.

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Noone is going to pander for the young, its the youngs place to ask questions when they are voluntarily apart of the room. Its the adults who dont know how to speak to the younger even when asked who are bothersome. If you perceive “parental” talk as coming from above you, in a negative misunderstanding manner then find new parents.

Young punks, get off my lawn…


How old are your parents tho ? most people are in their mid 30s maybe 40

I find that they don’t tend to do 4D chess moves like that. On a good day their chess has the regular 2D moves of putting up an announcement post and then running away for the weekend.

Planting messages just to put it out there that like…I don’t even know what the change would be in this case. The game needs more NFTs and hats that say “POGCHAMP”? I can’t even imagine :laughing:

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my wife is 18 years younger than I am but she feels more comfortable around older people.
I dont think its only an age thing, I think its a preference thing. If you prefer hanging out with people your own age, nothing wrong with that.
You arent going to change the population of this game, however, so you’ll either have to learn to deal with it or quit.

I have seen it happen. It happened after months of conditioning forum readers to accept that removal of flight would be for the best (total failure), and also in the leadup to Shadowlands, when endless unknown trolls (some of whom became very well known) tried to convince us that it would not only be morally uplifting to be locked into covenants, spec, and content for the expansion, but that no one would ever have difficulty getting into a group. How did that work out?

I’m 20 as well. The community is a bit tough on young people.

Am I your parent in this game? If so, send money! You love your fake gnome mother, don’t you?


Wha………??? Psssssssssshhhhh.

Clean your room.


Why do you assume it’s dirty? Lots of young people today have very clean rooms. We hoard virtually nowadays.

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Looking at the possibility of having to move my library again next year I wish I did.

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Ooh, I feel that. Maybe you could digitize some files, there are some easy to use scanners out there! You could also take pictures with your phone and upload them to google photos, so you can access them everywhere.

I was 18 in Cataclysm, which is also when I started raiding semi-regularly with a guild for the first time, using Ventrilo/TeamSpeak and all that, and I remember thinking a lot of the people I was playing with sounded way older than I expected—like, old enough to be my dad. Seems like a lot of old people play MMOs in general. Also a lot of people got into Warcraft through the RTS games which are like ancient history at this point (like RTS games in general)

Yes we are. Now do your homework and your choirs. Make sure you eat your veggies and go to bed at a decent hour. Do as I say, not as I do.

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Oh no, I’ve never felt more old than I do in this moment, as a 28 year old. Thank you for my quarter life crisis :frowning:

I’m considerably older but my GM’s have, for the past few years anyway, been 20-25. And they boss us around just as much as the geriatrics do. It comes with the job title.

One thing that could possibly be happening too is that people in positions of authority may only be a couple of years older but they may have a better sounding voice on discord, more confidence… whatever. That can create a perception that may not be reflected in actual age. Some people, regardless of age, are also more likely to indulge in giggly pop culture talk, and others won’t. (Still recovering from finding out a tank from years ago was only 13 or something…)

Guilds have different cultures; I’ve been in guilds that get uncomfortable for me and others that feel like home very quickly. Level an alt and move it around guild to guild until you find one you like. Generally what you don’t like is far easier to spot than what you do.

If you’re in a hardcore progression guild, then what you think of the people is neither here nor there. Suck it up and get your CE.