I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

In my guild or in a raid i feel like i am playing with my parents…

in discord it’s a nightmare, sometimes i feel like i have to let my dad speak for me.

Even in this forum people have some kind of old joke i just dont understand…

Anyway for young people it’s really hard to socialize in this game, we mainly play solo and it’s sad.


Pro-tip: avoid student loans

You’ll thank me later, onward and upward young man :wink:


i remember playing games at 14… 15… 16… 20… 25… 30…

the feeling will go away with time.


I’m 20 and feel the same way. This forum is uber toxic. You will regret this thread probably. I don’t recommend posting here for long. I started posting at 16. Check my join date.


If you’re 18 and have problems socializing online, that’s not a problem with this game.


lol … this game IS almost 20 years old bud.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:


This is very much just a boomer game. Don’t recommend playing if you aren’t already invested.

sincerely, a 30 year old boomer.


This forum is a mess.

Discords are hit and miss. Some folks are older and some are younger. Most folks I find are 25 to 35.

You find a few older than that.

As someone that was 18 at one point, trust me when I say that the old jokes and how you feel will pass with time as you see more people and talk to more people.

There was old farts playing this game when I started. The 35 year olds that started the game way back when are now 50+ and the 18 year olds that started way back when are now 30+

The game is 17 years old I think so there’s going to be a lot of folks that have been playing for quite some time.

Just be you and if you don’t get a joke, just say so. Don’t fret. :slight_smile:


It’s not a problem with the game or OP either though. The game’s casual raiding scene is taken up by people much older than us; that’s not a problem but I know what OP means.

It’s weird being 20 in a raid with people 3 decades older than you; there isn’t much to relate about.


Really? I’ve found as I’ve gotten older its a lot harder to make and keep friends in the game. I used to have a million friends now I only talk to maybe 5 or 6 people. I used to be on voice all the time too, now I don’t really use discord, maybe a few times a year.


The older I get the more I realize how much I really cant stand the people I used to hang out with 20 years, ago, lmao. They still want to be in my time zone but I care barely take being in the same room with them for more than 20 minutes.
finally understanding why my grandfather bought a single wide and moved so far out into the wilderness lol


Pappys single wide was the best, always had treats in the cupboard

Yeah, I’m 20 myself and roughly the same experience. Hell, was even at a guild’s discord once that they sent Good Morning stickers and gifs to each other.


Well you could always do something radical, like form a guild for younger players :slight_smile:


People tend to get mad when excluded, same situation with women only guilds and such.


People who are over sensitive might but then they tend to look for reasons to be offended by others anyways. Don’t worry about them, form a guild of younger players so you don’t feel awkward while enjoying the game.


That’s my Teams notifications every morning of the week. Had to mute my colleagues.

A guild being sociable and/or friendly makes you feel weird as a younger person?

Am I reading this right?


Yeah, might be a good call, I have yet to create a guild anyways, will probably need to make some friends first though.

Problems for future me however