I'm 20, I feel like everyone is my parent in this game

There’s also a possibility that your knee-jerk reaction to anyone trying to ‘tell you what to do’ is ‘trying to be your parent’ or explain something to you is being ‘condescending’, not uncommon when you’re caught in that weird “not a kid but still a kid” age range of like 18-22. It can end up giving people a bit of oversensitivity about perceived quasi-authority figures.

They’re likely just trying to get you to perform your role in the raid/dungeon and play better, fam.

…do people still say ‘fam’? Or is that ‘cringe’ now?

Anyway, yes. MMORPGs are dinosaurs and the game population skews older these days. Like others mentioned, maybe look around for another guild if ‘old people telling you what to do’ gives you hives or something.


its totally like gnarly and stuff?

Tubular to the max.

Odd that we’ve seen multiple threads lately on “Other people in this game are too old, I don’t feel comfortable with them”.

It’s not like we’ve suddenly had a massive injection of young’uns.


It could be much worse. YOU could be the parent. Feel that nightmare tighten it’s horrific bony fingers around your throat and then …

I can’t keep up with young trends anymore. I usually have to google things to understand what they are saying


When stuff gets to be a Sudden Trend, I find it’s usually due to:

  • A streamer somewhere said something
  • One person posts under different characters trying to make “Fetch” happen

Ha HAAAA. A MILLENNIAL reference, after I already made a Gen X one, and a Zoomer-ish one. I defy age categorization ~(._.)~

I’m a dad.
You may be right.

The other possibility is that Blizzard is trying to prepare the playerbase for some change, and these are posting on Blizzard’s behest.

Son, dont worry. I got this. Just help your mom on the laundry and dishes. I would have these Bosses dead.

I started playing in my 20’s now I am in my 40’s…

Clean your bags OP or you’re not going to raid tonight.


I’m getting one step too close to 40, so OP out of curiosity I must ask…

How should I be communicating with your generation?

I have noticed though that even one person in my generation barely a year younger then me didn’t even know what the word ‘platonic’ meant, and I was like okay, where are people going to school these days

I’m 35 and I feel like work is my work and I got no life or free time to play anymore and I’m not happy

Whoa whoa whoa, I just have a youthful spirit. My daughter and students both appreciate it, rather than being a cranky old curmudgeon whining about interest rates and how my automatic tie organizer motor keeps jamming!

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“im in my 20s and different than anyone else because i talk to old people”

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You imply I meant that as a bad thing.

The most boring way you can act is to act your age!

Got to say “Yo, bro, bruh, dude”. Say literally in every sentence. Talk about tiktoks.

Then let the brain cells slowly fry.


I’m 56 and you are all children of the corn to me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think the word is “pog” or “poggers” now but that’s probably going out of fashion soon once the geriatric gen z gets kicked out of cool town.