I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

Logging onto a NA WoW server is a zero calorie gluten free version of what is waiting for you in the real world.

I’d say this is a valid point. I’m in my late 40s, when I started playing I was in my early 30s. As it’s been pointed out already it’s a near 20 year old game.

Even in 2005 when I was first learning about the folks in my guild back then , meeting players in other guilds etc. I quickly learned “hmm not a lot younger folks playing this game.” I was in one of those super big guilds back then where just about any time of day an average of 80 to 90 players would be online playing and I mean even at 2 am on like a Wednesday. Lol.

Point is even in that guild only a fraction of our players back then were younger than me and I was 31 at the time. I did play with two teenagers at times because I played with their parents.

I just think this genre of game doesn’t attract young gamers like shooters do or sports games.

Mmo’s don’t attract the younger crowd,
Plus wow is a old game as in been on the scene for 15 plus years…

Hell sometimes I have a hard time lot of the people are in their mid 20’s to mid 30’s playing this game…and when I join discord it’s sort of like I don’t know what the hell you’re Talkin about…(this show or sayings ETC)

I am pushing 60… So it goes both ways I guess…

But it just make me feel young in away communicating with younger crowd even tho I could be old enough to be there grandparent or parent lol

But on the plus side when I do PvP with them or do m+ and out DPS them or kill them I get to have it both ways lol

You let an old man beat you in DPS or kill you , and or I’m an old man what accomplishment is it that you beat me in DPS or kill me in PvP I am old


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The horror!

An actual pro-tip: Go to a good college, but DO NOT take a liberal arts degree. Try to major in business, law, medicine, marketing, or communications instead. Those will guarantee a successful post-college life that will pay up your student loans.

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Youre spare parts bud

Another pro tip…don’t let people/family pressure you to go to college or university when you dont have a mindset/drive for it…just because that’s what everyone does I guess I should to…lot of awsome paying jobs that dont require years of schooling… and make bank like HVAC, welding ETC


On the flip side of that, When I used to play with people, as an older person, I felt like I was babysitting half the time. Parents let their children play this game unsupervised, and many times, those kids run rampant causing havoc in the game, being rude to people, and basically being THAT guy.

Maybe you don’t enjoy playing with older people, but from OUR standpoint, we were here first, you came and changed our game for the worse, and NOW you don’t want to play with older people on top of it.

What I see you saying is: “Go away old people, This is our game now.”

Cry more…

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ironically, i’m 47 and feel the same- i can’t socialize and say things i wanna say either. every time i do, i get silenced or banned from playing for a bit. it’s sad as well.

I’ve been playing since I was 8 and now I’m 18. Needless to say, it’s been an experience…

So many groomers… Although, that is likely because I’m female as well, I dunno.

Idk what to tell ya. Give it time? I play in a poker game that has an age range of 30s up to 70+. I’ve never heard anyone say they feel awkward. When I played hockey at 18 there were people in their 60s playing. Those were cool people. I think by the time you double your age you’ll just laugh at yourself when you realize you’re the old one in the room but play a game where people half your age play.

It’s weird seeing this thread. I seem to run into more folks who act younger/less mature. Like your average teenager in Fortnite.

Do you know how these things work? Obviously it doesn’t apply to everyone, that isn’t what is being argued. People tend to gravitate towards people more like them; that’s literally all I am saying and it’s true lol

You can be outside of that norm, a lot of people are. It doesn’t change that it’s an accurate statement.

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I recommend that Minecraft game…

Can’t you go find a wall to argue with? Good lord give it a rest. I can’t believe you’re even continuing this for a second day.

Would’ve loved if someone had given me this advice, way back. :sob:

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Is your goal to socialize or raid?
When I raided I rarely talked to my guildies, I didn’t care what they had to say as long as they performed well. And they didn’t care what I had to say as long as I performed well. People showed up, raided and logged out :+1:

If your goal is to socialize with like aged people then wow probably isn’t the place for you. I don’t mean it to be rude or anything but wow players are just generally older I feel like.

Ah yes. the lone representative of the young folk.

What did you expect? This game is literally as old as you are.

I think for anyone its hard to socialize in this game, in general, simply because there’s no real need to beyond mythic raiding and high mythic +. Few encounters in game cannot be done with complete randoms.

If you do an activity and it goes well, just keep saying, “Hey that was fun, play again sometime?” and see what happens. Most of the time nothing will be said and everyone just says their “ggs” and “thx” and dips. But now and then, people will agree and add you.

That’s how I met my community for M+, now we play quite often together.

Good luck.

well yeah it’s hard when a bunch of middle aged balding lunatics scream in your ear about how bad you are if you’re in raid.

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I’m 34 years old and can’t even remember the last time I voice chatted with anybody in game. We’re all damaged goods here.