I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

It would help if you don’t tell people you’re female :slight_smile:


I mean, it is obvious when I enter a Discord voice chat.

Just tell’em you haven’t hit puberty yet :laughing:

Or maybe


if you REALLY don’t want people to know :person_shrugging:

Minecraft is super fun it is internet Lego but waaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper and I can make stuff!! You can also play on servers with other people, host your own, and play it modded with adds a ton of other options to the game.

gets in her way back when machine
When I was little there were no fancy lego sets just blocks and you had to use your imagination.

As for young people to playing the game they really have to get people with the same mindset as them. No, I am not going to know jokes that the young people know. Just like young people are not going to know jokes I know…which is good because they are pretty off color by today’s standards. The thing to remember is that we all used to be young, and if we are lucky we are all going to get older.

I will say leave that Discord with the good morning gifs because that is pretty strange.

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Hey I have 60 year olds in my guild. You just have to learn to connect, age isn’t an issue.

Lol I was just responding to a comment that was intentionally misrepresenting what I said :dracthyr_shrug:
Says something factually inaccurate
Gets a response
“Why are you even responding anymore? lol”

Student loans are great tools. All things in moderation though.

It’s sad so many people are in debt for a good bit of their lives :frowning_face:

You’re tellin me bro, lol

This is why whenever I encounter a young man aged 17-19 I feel like it’s my “duty” to warn them - since I didn’t have anyone warning me/looking out for me @ 18

Instead everyone (family, friends, school advisors, etc) was pushing the “you HAVE TO go to college” peer-pressure bs :roll_eyes: If nothing else, warning these young guys keeps my conscience clear

Such a waste of money :man_facepalming:

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There’s your mistake. We don’t socialize in this game.

Get someone else to pay :wink:

For sure I have plenty of co-workers that are finally paying them down in their 40s and even 50s, and others that are really just hopelessly making those payments with no end in sight.

There are also plenty of other examples where people went to lower-tuition institutions, payed as much out of pocket as possible, borrowed only what they needed for tuition and fees, and payed to 0 ASAP after graduating.

The loans aren’t the problem, it’s the lack of education about them. These institutions should be the ones warning about borrowing - having some sort of online orientation about what’s involved and the possible consequences.

If you like the game I’d stick with it and learn to play with people older than you.

You are going to have to deal with people your parents age at work and other social circles. It’s part of life, I was once the youngest at work and in games, now I’m much closer to the oldest.

The only real rule I have as far as ages go is they have to be 18 or older.

The last couple guilds I have been in have had meme Channel and then a “enter at your own risk there are no rules here accept these terms” type channels

So far it’s always the younger cats that always get offended.

Mine had their fundings from the government cut & they pulled out:
So all our courses & study were cut short, without completion or qualification - yet we were all still screwed with the full debt due to the contract. :man_shrugging:

So yes. Absolute, waste of money.

I mean, I am in my 30’s and sometimes in a pug I enter a discord that feels like a college party. I feel old, out of place, and awkward. They use language I don’t understand, I have to ask my 17 year old son what the heck it means. I get called a “boomer” etc.

It isn’t better being older and having to play with people in early 20’s. =/

I’m 75yo and don’t care to hang around people my age. They’re too old, act old, look old and smell old. :wink: Most of my friends are in their teens to 50’s, a few 60’s. That’s where my head is at…about 25yo. And the little boy still lives within me. He’ll never die. I can relate to a mature 17yo, no problem. In fact it’s interesting…

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Mentally, I don’t have a clear line where I stopped being a kid and started being an adult. Even at 33 I don’t really feel like an adult, or at least don’t feel like what I imagined feeling like an adult would feel like. Still feel like my late teens/early twenties self except with more experience, better emotional regulation, and enough discretionary income to be able to do something with.

Energy levels during the day are great no doubt because I take way, way better care of myself than I did as a teenager, but I have a job that leaves me feeling somewhat drained at the end of the day and I need to have proper wind-down time to be able to sleep well. If there’s one thing I miss it’s the ability to fall into deep sleep not even 10 minutes after doing something that pumps adrenaline.

There’s certainly something of a cultural divide between ages but I don’t think that the subsection of millennials/gen X that plays games and gen Z are that disparate. When interacting with the younger generation at my job it wasn’t hard to come up with TV shows, movies, and music in common for example — we’re watching the same new shows after all, it’s not like we only rewatch Friends and Seinfeld on repeat — and while those topics can’t provide conversation forever they’re good enough of a launch point for getting to know each other better.

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I think that’s the problem with a lot of things lol. Most things are technically fine but can ruin your life if you aren’t smart about it.

Another Pro-Tip: Hit the gym young man.