I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

I’m in the weird inbetween, i’m 28 but my sister is 18 and i’m witnessing it happen in real time :joy:

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30 isn’t even that old.

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Unless you’re a cat… then you’re a bit haggard by that point.

Old people are wild. They be hitting on people 20 years younger, calling them Lolita and crap.

It took me awhile to find a guild that I meshed well with, I’m 20 and considered the youngest in my guild (as far as I’m aware).

I guild hopped a bit in BFA primarily due to guilds dropping dead because of classic or when they hit Ashvane they gave up, but when I trialed for guilds with many people around my age group - I just personally found most of them annoying or in some cases, creepy. This doesn’t go for every single guild with many younger people around the early/mid-ish 20s or younger, but I found I meshed better with older guilds with older members (26-39ish area).

It may take a bit but don’t worry too hard about it OP, I’m sure you’ll eventually find a group of people you vibe with. It took me awhile but I eventually found the right people despite being a gremlin, if a gremlin can find a group of chill people that I can mesh well with - so can you. :+1:

yeah, you definitely have to go through many boomers before finding the elusive zoomer player in this game

t. 20 y/o

Most people I play with, including myself, are old enough to be your parents. Lol

Just keep the Justin Bieber talk to a minimum, you’ll be alright.

Be good at your main role and the rest will look after itself. Set boundaries and google this topic for tips on whatever you’re feeling inadequate about. I promise you that, if you find one person who is outstanding in a field and you emulate their methods, you’ll reap the same rewards / outcomes. PS be authentic - you’ll attract compatible guildies and friends in RL - don’t pretend or be overly conscientious. It will lead to resentment. GL!

my student loans are being forgiven(what remains to be paid) thankfully. Never again. 100% agree.

@OP just hang out and get to know your peers.

These days people think its the age which you are supposed to have your coffin ready.

I’m 10 man. I sometimes have to let my dog speak for me. Cause its more real if a dog barks than I squeak.


You know, I was lost somewhere up there when people were complaining about their guild saying “good morning” on discord. I am kind of lost when I say hello to people in a raid and nobody responds. Even more so when in real life I say “thank you” to a clerk or service person, and the other person says “no problem”…btw when is doing your job a problem, eh? I jump into a BG and NOBODY has a word to say at the start…until the loss is imminent and everyone is blaming everyone else. This is definitely not generational.

Courtesy, good will are not some X-factor ideas that are age-based. The desire to get along with people requires you WANT to get along with them. Generation may play a role in some situations, but I find it is more the fact that some people are not well tooled to socialize with anyone.

Oh, I was meaning to ask…what happened to the OP? Was this a driveby?

Nah, I, while I’m not currently playing Retail, I used to quite a bit, just a bit worn out due to Shadowlands.

But yeah, it’s mostly just a me thing I suppose, don’t usually find common ground to talk about with people of the guilds a join be they my age or older.

Yep. Guy’s just trolling, or is one of those people who has to always be talking non-stop at others IRL.

I don’t really care about people’s age in a game. I can see why really young people do because that’s a time of extreme self-consciousness sometimes to the point of narcissism. And you look at people and think ‘Ugg, they’re old’ when they’re like only 5 years ahead, lol.

Humans are dumb when they’re really young. They don’t get that they’re aging too til it’s too late. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s some truth to this, but it’s true for every person who has ever been 13. You don’t get a step by step on how to build your own personality, and when you’re young you’re looking everywhere for guidance. A kind of easy fix to assemble an appealing personality that will gain acceptance.

There’s a lack of confidence and self awareness that is really obvious to those who have fully grown into themselves. It will pass - for some earlier than others - but we do live in a world where fast trends make this phase really wild.

I have always playing with various generations PC and video games, so it’s no big problem for me.

Friends of mine are between 16-65 and I actually do appreciate the older people playing with me. Skill-level varies at every age (have seen better or worse players at age x) but older people are more paternal and look after you, which is actually a great feeling.

They look after you, asking you how one’s doing and offer some advice… especially when they know things you haven’t thought much about. When I was 16, I never thought I would connect with older people this easily but WoW made it possible. I know some in RL as well and it has been a blessing so far.

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That’s the way of life…when you’re young you have lots of friends, as you get older you start to stratify them into a) casual friends that you enjoy seeing but don’t miss if you don’t see them; and b) a few close friends that become a bigger part of your life. People start to diverge paths as they grow older, have families, etc.

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That’s the reason why i don’t like to raid. I like playing WoW with music playing in the background. Couldn’t be bothered to listen to people chat

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Reason for this is, when the game came out, it was near the peak of PC gaming, and most of us that play now…were mid 20’s then. Like the game, time went on and we got older. You’re just in a pond with older fish, but most of us are cool.

Anyone who says “bud” unironically has a craft beer in hand and a gym membership he doesnt use to get rid of that gut.