I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

This ‘fact’ doesn’t apply to everyone.

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Ya when I get home from work the last thing I want to do is hop on wow and talk to some stranger. I really don’t understand it at all, lol. I log on here to escape and love it. Gets annoying though when you reach a certain ceiling in pvp, honestly been thinking of becoming a mythic+ main for this reason. Would love to see better itemization in mythic+ like weapons with on use effects etc…

I’m the same way. I don’t like getting on voice. I can understand how voice would make running instances easier, but when it comes to socializing I much prefer to write. I’ve also noticed there’s often technical difficulties on voice comms, and I hate having to fiddle with volume controls just so I can hear everyone without also blowing out my eardrums.

yes an opinion is not a fact but you can assume off of the opinion of multiple people that it COULD be right

especially with absolutely no context other than what is just commented in the forums

if it walks like a duck and ppl tell u it could be a duck, it doesn’t change the fact that u dont think it’s a duck


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I agree, I’m just saying it’s not all about age.

I can relate to someone about video games or movies and that has nothing to do with our ages.

Now, if we started talking about aches and pains, you’d probably lose interest… :rofl:

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u said that fact doesn’t apply to everyone, like obviously but how does that change the original point of discussion

the person simply said that ppl gravitate generally to ppl around their age, which i mean for the most part is true

like it may not be true for u but it doesn’t mean that it’s not true for 99% of other people

I find if you have hobbies and a grounded sense of self you can have plenty to talk about with people across all demographics. Trying to make small talk about school is going to kill the mood, in my experience.


What’s your point?

that what they said is still, presumably correct just based off of the 99% vs the 1%

like yes ppl gravitate towards ppl of similar interests


u want a source for something that i said was presumably correct?

*presumption crits you for 9,999,943,274…


That’s… not a fact.

People will gravitate to each other for all sorts of different things. I can be friends with someone of any age over our mutual enjoyment of a thing (unnamed on purpose) because that thing brings us both pleasure.

While I’m not into either activity, quilting and sewing circles (as an example, and not a definitive list) are activities that attract a wide age range. (also, sorry about the example, my brain is getting tired and those were what came to mind).

It’s not though, and it doesn’t have to be either. If you’re doing that, you’re doing it on purpose because you don’t think someone not your age has the same interests as you.

That’s literally you just not being inclusive. I thought inclusivity regardless of any factor was the new “in” thing these days?


I specifically worded “the age” because that was what the context was about originally. obviously it’s not just age.

Beaupeep is wise.
Beaupeep speaks wisdom.
Be like Beaupeep.
Embrace the Beaupeepness.

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Yes, the current generation of tweens is a bit cringe. They have phases of tailoring their behaviour to whatever is the norm on their social media feed and if an influencer says that it’s cringe to use emojis then they’ll stop using emojis until influencers start using emojis again

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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hahah… sowwy.


This is sadly correct. It takes a good parent (or parents) to properly guide them so they don’t later become a Karen asking to speak to the manager or ending up as a mugshot on the nightly news.

I will admit that my generation is hit or miss on the above as well, some of them being those Karens or mugshots you see.

They don’t represent us. Promise.

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