I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

If you can’t relate to them, you aren’t trying to relate. My kids are now in their 20s. We have plenty in common, and their friends that come over also have common interests.

If you don’t try to see what you have in common with someone else, you’ll never make a connection with them.

That is definitely the OPs problem. In fact, I would say it’s a problem with a good portion of the 18-20somethings right now. Gen X people are AWESOME. You should get to know us. Most of us are just a geeky as y’all are.


I completely agree with the sentiment. I would further expand to say we need to stop placing labels on everything in order to delineate our differences. We should come at new situations with the attitude of seeing what we have in common, rather than how we are different. Age, color, et etc. are things we already know we can’t change. I say we look past that stuff and start listening without the built-in bias.

Boomer, Gen-X, Crip, Mafia…who cares. We all eat, sleep, and play WoW. That is as good a place as any to start.

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I find it funny that some young people 15-early 20s presume that 30 yr olds are moms n dads. Maybe late 30s might aswell consider them early 40s, but heck from my life experience kids are the worst. I still feel pretty dam young at 32 also got tons of energy, more than ever in my life.

The ESRB “Teen” rating means that’s the minimum age range not that the game is made for teens.

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I feel like people that have responded are reading way too much into it. I don’t dislike older people or not want to relate with them; I have a great relationship with Gen X people irl. I don’t know these people, and frankly, many of them are not welcoming to younger people in raids. The friends I do have in WoW are, for the most part, quite a bit older than I am.

On a baseline level though, there is very little to relate with strangers three decades apart from you on the internet about. I’m not pressed but acting like it’s some weird thing that people two generations apart aren’t naturally gravitating towards each other is just wrong from a psychological point of view.

I’m 43, my guild has people in it ranging from teenagers to mid-50s and it’s never been an issue.

Finding a good guild is the hardest thing to do in WoW, if you don’t feel like you’re a good match for the guild culture then move on.


When I began playing during the tail-end of Cataclysm, I recall meeting a number of young players.

The game was in a different place back then; I assume that, because it is in not-so-great of a state currently, younger people are more prone to jumping ship because they lack significant social or nostalgic ties to keep them anchored here.


You think you don’t have anything in common with people three decades older than you. You’ll eventually realize that you have nothing in common with people your own age, let alone those much older or younger.


I was a parent at 24. I’ve known people in my life that have been parents younger. Just depends on where you live.

Look at their parents. Kids are the worst when parents are terrible.

Weird. You must have met some cantankerous farts then. Sorry, they don’t represent us all. Most of the guilds I’ve been in since I came back for Legion (save one I will not mention here) have been pretty welcoming of all ages.

In fact, when a younger person comes on with their younger voice, most of the people I’ve played with find it endearing and adorable for about 10 minutes, then we move on and enjoy the game together. I’ve never known one of those younger people to not feel included, honestly, so I’m sorry you’ve had that experience.

Over the internet? Especially on a forum like this?

If I didn’t tell you my age or drop any hints, you’d never know. However, I can guarantee you that there is something going on in our culture today that people can relate to each on, like pop culture or the latest trends, regardless of their ages.

Realest thing I’ve ever read online. Can confirm.

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Yeah, it was worse when I was younger in Cata-era and they told us we were the reason the game was becoming too easy lol.

And yeah, but I moreso mean raids and stuff. I never feel much of a need to relate to the average pugger but when people in raids talk about their lives there just isn’t too much to relate to. Like I said, I don’t really think about it too deeply, I like most of the people I’ve raided with, we just weren’t relating much, idk lol

Yeah, I’ve already found this to be true. I don’t relate with a lot of the people my own age but I also do with a lot of them. I didn’t mean to make an “us vs. them” statement if it came across that way. There’s just less of a common denominator between me and someone that is 65 than me and someone that is 25

That common denominator is a lot thinner and more meaningless than you realize.

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I feel like I said in my post that it’s not an important thing to me. Psychologically people resonate with people like them more, it’s basic human psychology.

I like all people, but I am definitely more willing to walk up to a group of people my age and start a conversation than middle schoolers or retired folk

/facepalm…30 yr olds aren’t boomers.


In cases like that I just tend to ask what a joke means if I don’t get it.

Majority of the time folks were fine with explaining references or jokes to me.

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I like playing this game with no voice comms and just seshing some Spotify while playing. However sometimes I feel I should put myself out there. But in voice comms I feel I don’t relate to most people aswell and would prefer if I knew them well in RL first.

Ehh, don’t be afraid to join voice comms! I’m awkward in real life but as far as I’m concerned I will never meet these people in real life so I’ll tell it how it is and talk in comms. Worst that the invisible people can do is make fun of me, I take on the chin, and then immediately go back to the world where they didn’t exist 15 mins ago

You did, and then you used it as a talking point, again, and now yet again in this post of yours.


Have you ever actually studied psychology and learned how many people do not… ‘resonate’ with others based on superficial commonalities such as age?

Me neither I haven’t used voice chat in over 15 years. It just makes me nervous to talk to randoms I don’t know. I’ll write novels in chat but be quiet as a mouse on comms. Never understood the appeal.


I’m not saying the mere fact that you are the same age means you are going to become best friends. In a general sense though, it is a fact that people tend to gravitate towards people of a similar age to form bonds. This is not an opinion, but a fact.