I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

The proverbial “pasture”

I’m 22, so definitely on the older end, but I’ve also been playing since I was 14. You definitely get used to it over time and you learn all of the old jokes even if you weren’t around originally.

My favorite thing about WoW throughout all the years I’ve played is that it has pretty much always been predominantly an older player’s game – as in 30’S, 40’s, 50’s and beyond. This has never been a kid’s game, despite appearances. This is one game for sure that no one has ever had to feel too old to play.


Silly child, do you really believe this.


You should see what teens post online where they refer to people who are 25 as middle aged. Wondering how they “look so good for their age.” :older_man:

That doesn’t surprise me, haha.

You can easily recognize the more immature and unintelligent ones among the younger crowd, because they obsess about age and tend to think anyone over 25 is archaic.


I think the best thing about getting old is you stop caring about looking good because you’re not fooling anyone.

Or maybe that’s just me.

As long as you feel good about yourself. :+1:

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Don’t feel left out. Young and old, we all have one thing in common, which is the interest in this game

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I guess the bar for what’s “old” has moved down. When I was in my teens I didn’t see 25, 35, or even 45 as “old”… a person had have a full head of gray before they fell into that bucket. Maybe I was a weird teenager though? Any other 30somethings around to chime in?

I mean, I strive to be presentable. But getting ready to go out when I was twenty was a lot more stressful than it is now.

I’m 37.

When I was in my teens, “old” would’ve been those who had gone bald and/or gray, probably well into their sixties or older. Even those in their sixties weren’t “old” if they were still robust, able to move around without assistance.


It has, and significantly.


Welcome to the modern world where you become ancient before you’re out of your 20’s.

Well, I guess they’re gonna have fun becoming “old” in no time flat. Especially once you’ve graduated high school you blink twice and suddenly you’re 30 lol.


Yea it happens fast, and one day you wake up and you’re 40… then 45… then 50…


lol. You were being sarcastic right. 22 is a baby still


I’ve been old my entire life by virtue of my poor health, so there’s that. When your body is born in rebellion against you, you get older a lot faster. I’m in my late thirties, but mentally I feel about 12 and physically I feel about 90.


Yea and all the new devs are super out of touch from us now. I have been looking for another MMO for quite some time now. They keep making too many changes and I am under the impression that Blizzard secretly hates us. Most of us are older than many of those working here.

You aren’t alone in that.

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I agree, if I were you, I’d go check out some WOW-related discord servers, I won’t say the names of them in here such as I don’t want people coming in and purposely screwing up these wonderful communities. But just go into one of the chats and say you’re looking for friends and go from there.

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