I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

Dont let a woman rush you into marriage and kids. Or a Man. Listen to uncle Kuwu.


Have you tried the korean bbq bites at costco. Theybare good. Reminds me back in the early 2000s when i was in korea. Man the internwt sure is fast now. You know we used to not have internet in homes. I remeber buykng my first house. Say you like werthers?


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Each person differs from the next.
I am just a few years older than you and have been playing for a handful of years. While I would not say I struggle to socialise, I do have trouble approaching other people first.
That, however, is not an issue of age difference.

In your case, and I assume many other young adults or minors’, it is likely an issue of maturity and inexperience.
I’m not going to sit here and chastise or patronise you for being younger, but I imagine that you will continue to have a difficult time socialising going forward, until your outlooks change.

The fact that you are already in those spaces is a good first step. While I wouldn’t advise trying to be close friends with players who have 15-20 years on you, it is still possible to enjoy playing the game with them until you come across people your age whom you can befriend.
The people you play with do not have to be your ‘besties.’
The best advice I can offer is if you are not comfortable interacting in general, then you should limit your interactions to in-game topics. It may feel more isolated, but that is the risk you take with such an old game and long-standing player base.


I remember carrying this hunter in Siege of Orgrimmar. She was BM (duh?) and was always the lowest damage. Never again.

I think they meant they couldn’t interact with older folks. It’s tough, I’m in my late 20s and if I have to interact with younger folks in WoW, while not awkward, they constantly hit me with references I don’t know.

It’s the opposite of when I first started this game back when I was like… 14? Back then I didn’t want to talk to folks because I was too young to understand. Now I’m too old to understand.

At least my disdain of Gnomes has stayed the same. :smile:


I am 31…32 in December. I feel out of place in wow sometimes. All the time.

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OP, people are people. The fact that we’re all playing the same game shows there is at least one thing we can relate to each other about. Don’t let anyone’s age blind you to the person they are.

Now, people of any age can be clique-y, and that’s a problem. If you truly feel you don’t fit in with the folks in your guild, you might want to look for another guild.

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Never get a variable rate mortgage, no matter what anyone else tries to tell you.


Around 2010 I used to see a good amount of teenagers even preteens playing WoW. Now, not so much…Mostly those who are 20+.
Regardless I hope you meet players around your age that make you feel comfortable enough to socialize with them. :wink:

Umm… don’t know what to tell you kid. Figure it out on your own… if you play solo, accept the content you have and enjoy it. Nothing sad about any of this… you’re just a zoomer who is too young to understand much of the real world and should probably try to learn about the history of things.

Oof. I feel for anyone that paid off their student loans and now they’re forgiving them. That’s a waste of money

It is always a safe bet to be the quiet guy. Ask a question, listen to the answer, thanks, and absorb just how the conversations run. When you have a good feel for how these other players act, how they might respond or react to your comments, then engage.

You are not obligated to understand what other people are saying, and you don’t have to respond if you don’t understand. Frankly if those older folks can’t take the time to help you understand, then they don’t know how to communicate and you really shouldn’t worry about them.

One of the most important things to remember about communicating: if you want to be heard, it is on you to find a way to make it so. I am not saying to fart in your mic so people pay attention, I am saying you need to approach communication in a way that gets your message across how you want it to come across.

There is nothing wrong with how you feel. Remember that most people playing a game are NOT doing it for someone else; they are mainly self-absorbed overgrown children who are having fun. In this I include myself, and I am 68 years old.


I started playing when I was 16 and I don’t recall feeling this way at all back then, even though the vast majority of my guildmates were well into their twenties or older. There were sometimes jokes or references I didn’t get but that was about the worst of it. For most interactions age didn’t factor in at all.

I’ve been on the opposite end of the equation too, being in my 30s with working with fresh undergrad early 20s coworkers at work. Same deal, socialization wasn’t really an issue, though that was within the context of workplace norms.

Try not to remind us please?

I believe the “cutoff” for that is loans issued before June 30, 2022, so the OP wouldn’t get anything… all the more reason to avoid taking out the loans in the first place since OP will be getting no free bailout like the existing borrowers :joy:

And yeah, it’s very unfair for responsible folks that actually paid off their loans in the past

Yup. It was just a bad idea. If they really wanted to help young people they would do something about how difficult it is to pay for a house right now

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Try being middle 50’s remotely managing a team of 20-something (age) project managers working for a software development company. I was very fortunate that I was into the computer thing way back in the late 90’s so I was almost relevant :upside_down_face:

Oh god…you wanna talk about SALTY…

Join the navy, that’ll socialize you right up, and you won’t be in debt.

But you might have a few dui and divorces under your belt before you’re 30.

Eh, I ended up landing above the salary threshold for loan forgiveness and wouldn’t have benefitted anyway, but even if I had qualified I don’t think I’d would’ve been bothered. It’s a massive load off the shoulders of a lot of others in my age range which still makes me happy.

As great as this would be I don’t see too many practical avenues for this.

There’s a reason I’m sticking to being an individual contributor and getting my hands dirty with code for as long as I feasibly can haha. Not looking forward to management.