I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

our back pain isnt from the 20 years of sitting in a chair, it’s carrying all these Cata/MOP/WOD-babies that caused it.

Also, MOP was released ~10 years ago. Can you feel creaking in your joints now?


My, presumably, man person.

It is impressive.

I have been playing WoW since it first launched and been in many a guild teamspeak, ventrilo, Discord, and even FB group.

That’s weird. Thereby impressive.

You found the grandma knitting group Discord of WoW.

You found the forbidden channel.


Yeah. WoW was released just after I turned 19. I know this is likely going to come across as rude, or talking down, but being blunt is really the only way I know how to put it:

It’s a you problem. Doesn’t matter if it’s in WoW, FF14, social media in general, an online forum, etc.
There is ALWAYS going to be a generational gap. Hell, your generation pretty much invents new words and sayings almost daily (to very mixed results I might add)

My advice? Start small, perhaps with a group of friends or guildmates you enjoy playing with. If nothing else, at least make it a point to be able to communicate anything important in chat, especially in a situation where someone in a party or group flat out asks if everyone knows what to do in a given situation.

The worst thing you can do in that moment is clam up. Not speaking up and then trying to either wing it or pretend you know what’s happening is generally a good way to cause a wipe, and once that happens the far less forgiving jerkoffs that are the bane of society are going to be far worse to deal with in that moment than they would have been had you spoken up earlier.

Great in theory, unfortunately our system is designed for that not really to be possible for many.


idk everyone’s social experiences are different.

im the youngest on my raid team at age 26 and we’ve been raiding together for years, idk man like i get along pretty well with them

again this is my experience and not a fact

i dont think my age like holds me back from social experiences

but yea i think if ur 18 they’ll always interject with “but ur a kid” and then u just end up not talking much

I’m a 37-year old who struggles to remember I’m not 21 anymore. Mostly I haven’t had any issues socializing, though I have run into some issues with guilds. That’s mostly because I’m a casual gamer who doesn’t really enjoy PvP or any sort of organized “instancing” (raids, dungeons, etc.).

I don’t really care about age because WoW doesn’t really involve age-restricted activities. Ahem. Of course, there are those who use it for…that…but I’d describe that as “off-label use” of a sort.

My joints are always creaking. I will almost certainly die from mortal corruption in my late 30s/early 40s. I feel like people aged a lot more slowly decades ago, whereas now I’m 30 and I feel like I’m 40.

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yea dude like wow is fun, azeroth is big, have fun with it. doesn’t matter how old u are*

This is a mood I can relate to. (Before your edit :b )

You’re not wrong to be honest, I guess in my case is that I am not American but I exclusively play on US servers, when I was playing FFXIV one of the funniest people in the group that I was in was the oldest person there, he was 47(I believe? Can’t remember) but man, he had great taste in games, we discussed about a bunch of classics.

But yeah, I don’t know, I find it really hard to connect to any guild I join and I don’t even feel nervous about my accent nowadays, I just kinda lose the interest in people really quickly 90% of the time and it gets to a point that having to do guild runs become a chore and one day I just end up quitting.

positive experiences like this is why i absolutely love mmos. regardless of age, ppl are willing to talk and have a good time w/ you if you’re polite.

this game was designed by gen x for gen x. If you are under 25 this isnt your genre.OF course there are some rare exceptions.


Guess some folks are just built different. I started playing WoW just after launch when I was 19. Back then, I was the young one in groups, yet I never had an issue talking to those older than me.

Then again, I’ve always found the majority of folks under 20 to be insufferable, even when I myself was in that age group. Of course, that does work both ways. There are folks in their 30s and 40s that seem like they haven’t mentally aged past 13 or 14.

For me? Just be a reasonable person that’s able to communicate in a group and doesn’t go out of their way to treat people poorly, and I’ll generally get along decently with you :+1:


Do you only play Classic? Cause, from personal experience, the people I’ve run into who play classic are looking for a simpler/slower-paced gaming experience, so it tends to attract an older crowd. I was 18 when WoW was released, the people I played with then were mostly in their late 20s and 30s, and most of them dropped off as time went on for real-life or gameplay reasons. A large portion of them have been playing Classic for the past few years, and they’re now in their 40s and 50s.

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No yeah, I get along with everyone fine; it’s just that I literally relate to nobody there

Feel his I’m 22 so :dracthyr_crylaugh:


The way to relate to people is to talk to them and bridge that age gap. I’m an older person that works with Gen Z’s so it can be interesting for me. I find it particularly funny when one of the coworkers uses a word or phrase that has been around for longer than they have but had a much different meaning back then. Or when they talk about all this cool new tech and don’t realize it was actually developed back in the 70’s and 80’s then put on a shelf because no one had a clue what it was good for at the time. Basically you talk and learn things about each other. Heck if you don’t get the references or jokes just ask you’d be surprised how many people don’t have any issue explaining it and probably love to do so. Old people really love the back in MY day!

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I am thirty-five and some twenty year old told me I am still vibing. I don’t know what he means. I have never smoked a day in my life.


Vibing is having a positive relationship with a person or thing I think you mean Vaping. :rofl:

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