I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

It’s not what I meant and you know it. Good Morning posts is something that my father does, my grandparents etc but not something that I or any of my friends ever did. Referring back to the post in question, talking to most of the guilds I’ve been in is like talking to my parents’ friends, I never manage to stick around because I got nothing in common with them.

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Well, technically this game is aimed at kids well to be more precise teenagers (even though they are still kids).

It kinda is.

It sounds like you just are not sociable?

That’s hardly a generational thing. People say good morning to communities or places they feel they belong or if they like the people around them.

AKA a potential conversation starter.


Most WoW players are insufferable people anyway, you’re not missing much :joy:


If you are 18 then you must have just finished high school. Are you going to college? Find some real life friends that are playing video games and play together.

If you have real game playing friends it’s easier to start playing a video game as a group than it is to find people on line to be your friends.


I think that is an unfair assessment. Myself, I can honestly say that all of my friends are older. I don’t hang out with or actively socialize with anyone under the age of 27 (I think the dude across the hall at work is that old and we went to lunch a couple of times). It’s not because I am not social, I have tons of friends but I tend to spend my time with people around my own age.

We just have more in common and have a more common shared life experience. Not that I have anything against younger people, it is just harder to relate to them is all.

Let me put it this way: Posting good morning gifs with shining stars and cute cats blushing with a inspirational message or a sun with a smiley face is something that my generation attributes to older people.

What I meant to say there is that it felt like waking up on my birthday with every older relative sending me one of those gifs that they got from Facebook. It has nothing to do with socialization.



Ya, that’s weird.

I’m “older” and that’s still weird.

I have never been a part of a guild or Discord where they did that so color me impressed that you found it.


I wonder how old people think I am. I’ve been surprised to learn the ages of other forum users!

Your avatar is Rita.

You’re obviously 73.


Oh, what a sweet heart!

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I’m also 18 and while I do agree that there are a lot of older people, you just gotta find people you like and then vibe with them. Don’t let the age thing get too far into your head, if you enjoy playing with those people then stay if not dip.

Speak for yourself, I play with the friends that I have made throught my time playing and I enjoy it. I have friends that are around my age, but I also have friends that are about to turn 30, and one that is like 52. You just need to start interacting with people, and if you enjoy someone then play with them more.


Heh, my friends only play Valorant and League, can’t convince them to play any game from before 2015.

Oh well, at least the Riot MMO caught their attention.

I can’t say I’ve come across any guilds like that, sounds like corporate Teams messages though. Most guild discords I’m in post a bunch of memes and that’s about it. Some discussion about gaming news, sometimes RL news, but like 90% memes. Everyone I talk to online is between 23 and 50.

Ah, but you are playing alliance so that might explain it.

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Honestly this is accurate.

I mean. I’m 33. I’m older.

Never would I ever post a weird sparkleshine cat smile gif with rainbows.

Unless I’m drunk. In which case all bets are off.

Or if I am trying to annoy you. In which case see above.

I feel like they found the mythical unicorn of Discords.

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Same. I’m 20. Half of my students are in their thirties and fourties. The friends I’ve made in-game (and on these forums!) are of all ages. It’s quite humanizing that we can connect with each other even through our cute little toons. I never know who I’m talking to! They could be 70 or 12 or 33 or 47.


My guild raids have at minimum a 25 year age difference from oldest to youngest. Doesn’t really bother anyone. We get along.



I mean when I started playing I was like… I don’t know. 12? I don’t even remember anymore.

But I was in a guild with people in their thirties and it was kind of weird. But I got along, learned, and honestly enjoyed them.

They were pretty cool people.


It’s not that impressive, it was just a mom & pop guild, most of them were dads and moms who sometimes “discussed” NA politics through memes on the meme channel.

I didn’t really fit in, quit in a few weeks.

IMO there isn’t that many problems for young people in this game - I’m 21 and i’ve been playing since WotLK launch back in 2008.

Based off my experience, I think you might be the minority when it comes to, “For young people it’s really hard to socialise in this game, we mainly play solo and it’s sad”. It’s best to just forget about people’s ages and just vibe with them based off personality etc.

Over all the guilds and discords that i’ve been in since being a teenager, you’ll find that no one really cares about your age (most of the time).