I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

I haven’t yet so that’s probably why for me :laughing:

This is always nice :slight_smile:

Might be different for you but I quit smoking, drinking, and became largely anti-sugar. Only things with sugar I consume are fruits, milk, and nuts. I sleep much better now :smiley:

closes tab with Law&Order on pause

When I started playing as a teen. I had guildies of all ages. Some older then I thought would play this game. It’s nice to talk to all sorts of folks.

Without a doubt, education around finances is sorely lacking in high school and that needs to be remediated considering how critical those skills are to being a functional adult.

The other issue is simply that no matter what degree you pursue, it’s no longer a guaranteed ticket to a job that pays well enough to pay the loans off on a reasonable timeline. A kid can do everything “right” and still come out the other end struggling. That nugget of information needs to be pushed just as hard as college educations are, as well as that it’s just as valid to pursue e.g. trade school or for more disciplined individuals, self-teaching of some skills (like programming).

Yeah my diet is pretty low sugar now. Will have a beer once or twice a month at most, usually on a Friday evening along with a TV show. Never did smoke.

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I mean i started playing this game when is was 24 , now im 40 … Games old so theres gonna be alot of older players still playing

Will also add that parents should stop kicking kids out as soon as they turn 18. That trend seems to be on a downturn anyway but it still happens and it makes failure to launch much more likely.

I’m not a parent but if I were I would be thrilled if say my kid decided to stay home and work for a few years prior to going to college to save up some funds and reduce or eliminate need for loans. It’s a display of good financial responsibility and planning.

^That. It was the “HI!” instead of “EWWW” feeling because you were disposed to socializing.

I am a parent, my Girl is now 33 years old.

I am on the fence with this one. Just like socialization, not every young person is prepared to leave the nest. That being said, sitting in one’s own room clicking away on the small screen does not prepare someone for the world at large. Being encouraged to isolate is part of the problem; too many young people are being educated by the internet, and are not acquiring the social skills needed to be functional. They receive that huge shock when F2F with new people because they have been allowed to learn along a channel which best suites how they feel rather than experiencing how to fit their personalities into a broader picture.

Throw in over 2 years of forced isolation and the angst/ anger that comes along with it, and voila!

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Start a guild of your own, specifically for young adults.

“Mortgages and Tax returns and stuff”

I would avoid becoming friends with an 18 year old in game. I’d still group up and be in a guild, but I would never try to befriend a young person.

I find people my age that date 20 somethings weird too.

Our problems are different. Dating a younger person is just maturing them too fast. They may act more mature, they may think they are more mature, but putting a 40 year old’s problems into a 20 year old’s life is unfair. Let them be young.

I just don’t see how I’d have much in common with an 18 year old even to be friends. I mean, other than WoW, you want to talk about my corporate career as if I’m not talking down to you? You want to talk about the deck I’m repairing and installing drainage around my house?

When I was 8, I couldn’t wait to be a teen. When I was a young teen, I couldn’t wait to be 16 and have a car. When I was 16, I couldn’t wait to be 18. When I was 18, I couldn’t wait to be 21. After that, you start wanting to go backwards.

Just be 18 man. If you’re not finding other 18 year olds, maybe diversify more and go to school/professional training and make friends there. Do things 18 year olds should be doing.

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Yeah I get what you’re saying. If they elect to stay home I’d want them to be doing something that has them going out and building connections, even if that’s doing something that falls outside of what’s traditionally considered “productive” like playing in a band or some other kind of social hobby. I’m just saying I can’t ever see myself being like some parents who treat 18 as a hard cutoff where the kid is dropped in the ocean to sink or swim without so much as a floaty to cling to or trying to push them into college right away.

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I mean
I’ve been playing this game since I was a literal child
I’m just barely older than you and have mainly friends around my age group

Maybe try guild / server swapping?

Go to Moonguard, full of young men and women.

Look at it this way: You’re 18, time to play with the grownups. The word “pog” is about 12 months away from being as archaic as “groovy” “bad” “rad” and “fly.” When this happens you will feel as old as the rest of us.

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This game has many problems, but this ain’t one of them.

Op,this is the world we live in now,socializing is hard in this game because people are mostly busy doing their own thing ,just like in the rl world .You may at times coming across people that you will know for years ,family members that play but sooner or later due to life they will part from you. I had a buddy since wotlk til last year where we parted due to differences ,age . You would have to face this as best you can because that how it goes.

I’ve started wow since I was errr 13! Now I’m in my mid twenties. I actually played another MMO prior to WoW and going to meet my longest online friend from that game this week! We been friends for 12-13 yearish!

You can make friends easy, idk how to help ya tho. Discord good way to find buddies. I’m a social butterfly I talk to everyone I say stupid fun stuff in BG’s. Like the other day I helped a few alliance do a quest in TBC because horde were camping/ganking. Saw a guy with “Zildjan” and we started talking about drums lol!

Do group content 2’s 3’s rated arenas, rated battlegrounds, mythic+, raiding you’ll meet people. And RP I’ve always found ton of young adults playing wow, more so on classic then retail.

You’re just intimidated by deep voices and people who have been here forever.

The truth is that everyone who plays this game is still just a big kid and we’re exactly the same as we were at age 13. Perhaps a bit better paid with creakier joints, but the spirit and the mind are the same. Had we ever truly changed, we wouldn’t be paying money every month to play a video game with other geeks.

Just say, “Hey, dork. Shut up when I’m talking.” and say your piece.

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If you play any game with the right people, age is irrelevant.

Also, don’t worry so much about not getting every joke. Nobody gets every joke. Jokes are based on shared cultural experience so, since you don’t share the experiences of every group, plenty of jokes will not be for you. There are jokes for people of certain ages, people of certain countries, people who are part of a particular subculture. On Reddit my football team’s division has a load of in-jokes and memes that nobody would get except for NFC North fans. And don’t get me started about state-specific jokes that fly over the heads of most people in 49 other states.

I’ve been playing this game since I was like 16. I’m 24 now.

I do. I get every joke. I even know why a raven is like a writing desk.

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