I'm 18 i feel i am too young for this game i can't socialize

im 24.
do you know damn daniel?
what are those?
do you know de way?
thats the level of dated dead meme you should use with 30-40 year olds.
talk about rock music, dnd, or pets
if those fail.
call them a boomer and leave spontaneously.

I’m 61 (an actual Boomer, not a 30-year-old Boomer-wannabe) and I have no problem playing with younger players as long as they’re able to communicate in something resembling Standard American or International English.

I’ve no problem with people who speak English as a foreign language as, while their vocabulary may be limited, it’s not the sort of urban/youth shorthand that leaves me scratching my head and saying, “Huh?” as I curse the public education system in this country.

As long as you show up when you say you’ll show up ready to do whatever the group has planned and and learn from your mistakes (everyone makes mistakes, not everyone bothers to learn from them), you would always be welcome in my groups and in my Discord.

BT friend me if you want to join our M+ community and Discord.


How does it feel to be an old coot?

This thought process is exactly what a new person coming into any group should strive for. Come to the party and bring what you have to offer as opposed to front-loading your engagement with all the things you want. Unfortunately it closely resembles the same give and take relationship people have in their workplace.

I’ll let you know when it happens.

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I forgot to mention but, DON’T buy Chrysler vehicles unless you want lots of repair bills and pesky “nuisance” problems popping up out of nowhere

source: drove a Chrysler/Jeep vehicle since 2008, would not recommend this brand of vehicles at all for a newbie/young person due to those aforementioned high repair bills :sweat_smile:

Avoid all Chrysler products and you’re good, your wallet will thank you later

side-note: “Fiat” is basically the same crap, if the background parent company is Chrysler/Fiat avoid avoid avoid

kansas is philosophe. not rock.

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I started playing this game when I was 14 years old. Best advice I can give just be open minded and let loose.

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They absolutely do, it simply depends on the MMO.

It’s all a different mindset. The elder veteran players have been burned by the “Fortnite” era of whiny kids that play the game regardless of their age, so it makes a dim outlook on anyone ‘young’.

But it’s completely possible to socialize, regardless of your age you just need to find the right group or guild to do so. As for the jokes - the game is ancient and many of us have been here from the beginning so it’s kind of 'have to have been there’s sort of thing.

Once you’re over 30, you’re a boomer. That’s how it goes.

I wish I could be 18 again. Life was so much better. Enjoy it and do what you like. Age isn’t just a number, you’re at a lucky and interesting point in your life. Remember to mix in real life stuff with your gaming. Keep a healthy balance.

Yeah you sort of missed the bus, but that’s not your fault. Most younger people are probably off playing CoD or Fortnight. I don’t believe MMOs are a popular genre for your age group.

Maybe in the same sense that the younger generations have redefined “literally” to mean “figuratively” by misuse, but a “Boomer” (Baby Boomer) is someone born between the end of WW-II and 1965 (or so - the end definition varies from source to source).

Most certainly someone born in the 1990s is not a Boomer at all except in the addled minds of Gen Y/Z.


I feel attacked

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There was a loading screen I noticed where it said to smile or something. Then I realized what OP is talking about. And yes it is pretty dumb.

I frequently see the younger crowd sneaking around behind buildings, playing MMOs when they think nobody’s looking. All you have to do is take a look at American High Schools. 90% of the students are all hopped-up on microtransactions.


I’m 22, but I’ve definitely come across younger people playing this game, maybe you just haven’t found them yet?

Hey! I was in your shoes a few years ago! Just gotta swallow your nervousness and talk! I used to be terrified to talk on voice when I was still in school because I feel like i’d be judged. Then, it sort of just happened where I just started talking. Something you grow out of i guess.

Boomer is a mindset, it has nothing to do with being born in the baby boom. Most Gen X’ers are boomers.

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